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Best Opening Cinematics


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
This thread is about the opening cinematic in video games. Not the into cinematic right after the game starts, but the thing that shows its (hopefully) beautiful face every time the game boots up (right before the menus). As many times as we just take them for granted and spam Start until we get to the main menu, I'd like to take a moment to appreciate the effort some random person in the credits (that no one ever reads) put into making the intro look polished and convey the general mood of the world before starting on a new adventure.


We all love this (hopefully), it integrates components of all universes, and it was the first GC game I owned. This cutscene showed me the power the GC had.

Sonic Riders:

I personally love the stylization of the racers, how they each represented their different colors, and how the art style made the racers light up the intentionally dull environments and raced through tunnels, exemplifying the speed at chich they were going. This cutscene knew what it wanted to convey and executed it well (wish I could say that about the gameplay).


NWN was a CRPG in the early 2000s that had a deep lore, a player-created character, and a cool, semi-new feature was the extensive battle animations (clanking weapons if they blocked, a number of hitting/slicing animations it cycled through, etc.), which was not standard at the time. This cutscene showed an intense battle between a Minotaur and Lord Nasher (using the Sword of Never), while the forging of the Sword of Never comes in for a couple seconds every once in a while (although you need to get pretty deep into the lore to understand specifics Nasher's adventures). It was intense combat and got you hyped for the game that was to come.


When I got this game, I was about 6 years old. Like any other 6 year old, I wanted my toy cars to come to life. This cutscene was the closest I ever got to having my cop chase with exquisite cars running and winning with Hot Action Cop playing in the background. I guess it wasn't all that great of a cutscene, but I loved it nonetheless.


This perfectly sends you into the world where DQ IX takes place. It puts you in battle with a Dragon (which you won't encounter for a while, but still cool), walking around a town, going in the tavern, and most importantly, exploring the vast world around you. This cinematic is wonderful to start an RPG and I can think of few openings that better set the stage for the game you are about to experience.

NOTE: I excluded FFX because that game has the same opening cinematic as the intro cinematic.

EDIT: Added descriptions as to why I loved the cinematics.
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Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
The NA/EU Tales of Symphonia opening:

Let me tell you, I watched this every time I booted up the game as a kid. Every. Singe. Time. This opening and high adventure were one in my mind. You have no idea how disappointed I was to boot up ToS HD only to find that it was no longer this glorious thundering orchestra but some cutesy little JPop song. I know purists probably love it, but its not "YOU ARE ENTERING A LAND OF ADVENTURE, WHEN DANGER LURKS BEHIND EVERY CORNER. ARE YOU BRAVE ENOUGH TO EMBARK ON THIS JOURNEY OF RESTORATION!?"
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Smash Apprentice
May 5, 2014
I really like Demons Souls opening cinematic.

It gets me so hype to play that game.


Sep 8, 2007
Corona, CA
Chrono Trigger. When you see and hear that pendulum ticking and what follows, it's pretty hype.

The PS1 version is also really great. When you played the game as a kid on the SNES, and then you see the OP depicting some of the events in anime style in such detail, it's a pretty nice feeling.

I had a pretty hard time at first choosing one since most of the ones in my head were about games after you start a new game.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
The PS1 version is also really great. When you played the game as a kid on the SNES, and then you see the OP depicting some of the events in anime style in such detail, it's a pretty nice feeling.

I had a pretty hard time at first choosing one since most of the ones in my head were about games after you start a new game.
The PS1 version of CT is all I knew as a kid. In hindsight the loading times were awful and the emulation wasn't very good but this opening hooked me every time.


Smash Cadet
Aug 29, 2014
Definitely Melee.

But Spider-man: The Game (2002) for the Gamecube. Now those were some nice cutscenes.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets has a good one too.

Super Mario Sunshine too.


Smash Lord
Feb 3, 2014
SSB and SSBM's openings, for sure. I also liked Soul Calibur 2's opening because it never failed to get me pumped up. There also the vanilla MvC3's openings, now they did a damn good job.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014

Anyone who remembers seeing this opening for GRID in 2007 probably thought how innovative the graphics were. I had never seen a game that looked so good on anything to that point, and only a few games have looked and felt better since. The physics of this game (while unrealistic to a degree) were amazing and the intro didn't just show a nice, animated cutscene that exemplifies what the game would look like if you used your imagination; everything in the intro can be recreated in the actual game. I've actually had some instances where there were some more spectacular neck-to-neck races than they showed in the opening.

This game's opening's beauty is that this is exactly what you're going to be playing when you finally stop drooling at how pretty it is (and the great Queens of the Stone Age remix playing in the background).

EDIT: Changed the video. The other one didn't have a good enough resolution to truly show how beautiful the game is.
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Deleted member

Metal Gear Solid 2's opening cinematic (most notably the musical score that accompanies it) is one that gets me excited to play the game.

I also enjoyed MGS3's '60s-style intro.
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