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Best Dream Ever!

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Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2006
Before I go into any detail, I had some Checkers Fries last night and you know what they say about junk food late at night. Anyway, here we go:

From what I remember I won some sort of contest thing to meet Bear Grylls (I know, it stars off awesome!). When we are flying back to Florida from one of the Keys (I think) the plane goes down on an island near the Everglades that happened to be on the west coast of Florida (lol, dreams re weird). So I wake up not remembering the plane crash, but we start trudging across the island until we find a cave. Bear goes first and lets out this yell of surprise, the water is freezing. We escape the cold watered cave to find ourselves in a swamp of the Everglades (dreams are cool that way) and the two of us are hungry. Bear sees three alligators and wrestles one and kills it (can you guess what we had for dinner?). Bear makes a fire and cooks the 'gator, I had a leg.

Then my dream cuts to my family wondering where the hell I am after the plane going down. Then cuts back to me trying to get a signal on my cellphone but I stumble on the GPS function (of which my cellphone does not have, lol, dreams are awesome). So we make our way out of the 'Glades into a forest, then get chased by wolves. I trip on a kiddie pool and realize we must be somewhere near civilization. We run perpendicular to the pool and find fences while still being chased. We climb the fence and stand our ground to bark at the wolves. The barking scared them off (But I think they realized it was Bear Grylls).

So we see this guys house and we break in so we can try to make a phone call. We get jumped by some guy and Bear takes him hostage after running through a plate glass sliding door (that is one of the most metal things I have ever "witnessed"). For some reason they have a satellite phone and we cannot get a signal but the guy points us towards the town and we walk until we find said town.

Both of us are hungry and realize we forgot to eat for a couple of days. We see a couple of fast food places like Micky Dee's and Burger Shot (lol, I remember thinking "Hahaha, GTA"). Then in the distance I see a Dairy Queen and say to Bear "Dude, we are going to DQ!" Bear is confused and I forgot he was British, so I explained to him DQ is amazing and told him about the Blizzards that stay in the cup (ironically I have only had one Blizzard and it was not recently...). So we get there and we have to enter through an office building. We end up eating with a couple of my co-workers who are playing my family in the dream (I have no freaking clue as to where the showed up in the course of "time" in my dream, but I guess you guys know what I am talking about). So I had chicken fingers and salad and Bear had grapefruit, toast, and chicken fingers.

That's it, I woke up after I saw what Bear Grylls had ordered from DQ. I didn't want to go back to sleep. I wanted to share my dream with others. Here it is an hour after me waking up, and now I want some chicken fingers...
I did have those chicken fingers, but from Checkers... and I had more fries too. I just wanted to share my experience with the smash community. I hope yous guys can have awesome dreams too.
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