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Being kind toward frustrated players online


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2015
As I was online this morning around 3, something slapped me in the face (figuratively, not literally or else I'd probably be toothless), as I was conversing with another fighter online. Why can't people be kind , understanding online, especially when someone is displaying frustration through their handle? Too many times do I see the following: "USuck, UMad?, GG, Salty?, Noob, LOL," and I'm sure there are other immature responses can't think of at the moment. My question for you to ponder is, "Why not be understanding when someone is struggling, and just wanting a chance?" What is the harm in doing so?"

Is there some type of maturity required to go online?


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
I'm going to quote my own post in another Thread that seems to be a good response here:
Pretty much what was said here. In fact there is a whole Thread about this which can be conveniently found here.

This sort of behavior is honestly not only common in For Glory, but pretty common in any Online game in general. If any Online game has a way to communicate to the other side (whether it be chat, tags, or voice) someone is without a doubt going to use it to throw out insults or mock their opponent. Why? Because they can. Nothing is really stopping them due to the fact they are hidden behind a screen.

Whats the worse that can happen to them? Someone reports them and they possibly get banned for it? With no real threat or actual punishment people obviously won't care about their actions. It's the anonymity of it all that makes them feel like they can behave as such.

In short, this is going to happen no matter what game you play Online and people don't really need any other reason for it other than "Just because I could" or "For the Lulz". You can always ignore it and leave immediately because no one is forcing you to stay and keep playing with them. You could also attempt to put them in their place if you honestly feel confident enough, but this isn't always advised.
People do it Online simply because they can and get away with it without any real threat or punishment.

They aren't going to care if someone is frustrated or if they hurt someones feelings. If they did then they wouldn't be doing it in the first place. Sure they can choose to be nicer and respect their fellow Smashers, but why would they? They have no obligation to do so.

It's the sad truth. People are going to act how they want Online as long as they can remain hidden.
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Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2015
I'm going to quote my own post in another Thread that seems to be a good response here:

People do it Online simply because they can and get away with it without any real threat or punishment.

They aren't going to care if someone is frustrated or if they hurt someones feelings. If they did then they wouldn't be doing it in the first place. Sure they can choose to be nicer and respect their fellow Smashers, but why would they? They have no obligation to do so.

It's the sad truth. People are going to act how they want Online as long as they can remain hidden.
So point blank, they're self admitting that they can be a douche toward frustrated people? When someone expresses their frustration online, if I react at all, I'll put "It's OK," or "Good-Game" (since people will think just GG will mean the less educated saying).


Smash Rookie
Dec 17, 2015
Are you being sarcastic? You know those kinda responses are gonna be taken up as being condescending right? I know when I do it it's always in an effort to be further annoying with snide and condescending "words of encouragement".


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
So point blank, they're self admitting that they can be a douche toward frustrated people? When someone expresses their frustration online, if I react at all, I'll put "It's OK," or "Good-Game" (since people will think just GG will mean the less educated saying).
Again, most people aren't going to care.

They don't have to act like a douche. No one has to; however what's stopping them from doing it? You're familiar with what "Trolling" is, right? There's no reason to do it and yet people do it anyways. They aren't going to care what happens to the other side and some people will refuse to stop no matter how much said side is getting frustrated. In fact, the frustration fuels them and makes them want to do it more. Again, what's stopping them from doing it...? It's the anonymity of the internet that they're taking advantage of.

What are you going to do to them exactly? What can you do? Report or block. No skin off their teeth though, they'll just find someone else to do it to. Rinse, repeat. I'm not trying to say this behavior is okay, but there's really no way to stop it either to be honest.

People will act like however they want online, even if it's not how they would normally act.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
You're expecting way too much of humanity, OP


Smash Rookie
Sep 5, 2015
What everyone else is saying on this thread Is right Foxus. I would also like to add that many people who frequently engage in online gaming have a lot of mental and emotional issues in real life and in the case of playing an online game, it can give them some measure of stability as they know they can control the outcome of a match depending on badly they want to win. Pretty much nearly everyone online is a connection manipulator of some kind and you won't really hear about this because sadly like I said nearly everyone is doing it. They know its wrong, they know they are cheating but doesn't matter being able to win and having control over what is happening gives them a high they know they couldn't otherwise easily experience in real life. They attempt to inject their hatred and misery on to you, Seeing you potentially frustrated fuels their ego, it makes them feel that they are better than everyone else. It helps to temporarily mask their insecurities and lack of confidence in themselves. Many of these people would probably similarly do bad things to others in real life If they can identify a situation where they understand they can get away with doing them. It's just that in online gaming its far easier because of the anonymity and the ease of escaping any severe or lasting punishment as KirbCider said. It's all sick and perverted.

I noticed Foxus that you have made another topic asking for help on how to improve. I strongly don't recommend even playing this game online if you really want to get better competitively as practically no will want you to play the game the way they know that everyone else could offline. They don't know how to deal with people who look like they even have some idea of knowing what the hell they are actually doing. Playing against the scores of lunatics online will only lead you to constantly second guess everything you do, never knowing if an action you take will work or not against their constant network manipulation. You gradually become indoctrinated to taking an extremely conservative approach to combat as well as building other bad habits that can take time to eliminate from your play style when you do across the extremely rare people online who you can determine aren't manipulating the connection or when you play against someone offline. If you have to play online, you preferably should only play with people who you know in real life and have a good relationship with . People who you feel you can trust and in turn they feel the same about you. People who also have a shared interest in getting legitimately better at the game with aspirations of going to actual tournaments and trying to do well at them. Good luck with that one though.


Smash Cadet
Nov 10, 2015
The Hague, The Netherlands (Holland)
As I was online this morning around 3, something slapped me in the face (figuratively, not literally or else I'd probably be toothless), as I was conversing with another fighter online. Why can't people be kind , understanding online, especially when someone is displaying frustration through their handle? Too many times do I see the following: "USuck, UMad?, GG, Salty?, Noob, LOL," and I'm sure there are other immature responses can't think of at the moment. My question for you to ponder is, "Why not be understanding when someone is struggling, and just wanting a chance?" What is the harm in doing so?"

Is there some type of maturity required to go online?
Ihate on people that use king dedede(for example) and start by going toweards the edge, spam the spike and wait for you to do anything, roll away and do the exact same from the other side.

These kind of people seem to ONLY want to win, not actually smash(smash bros...) if you know what I mean.

If I happen to beat this guy//girl you can see me putting "LOL, scared?, gtfo, running?" or whatever in my name. Because I hate their way of playing and as said above, I CAN without any problem!

hope this helps :)

I also dont like the insults sometimes when Im playing my best and another guy clearly is on another lvl and mocks me, that I dont like myself.


This strength serves more than me alone.
Nov 15, 2015
South America
Sadly, that's real life. Not everyone is polite. Especially into something as accessible and widespread as For Glory. Heck, I see people over at Smashladder aren't necessarily always polite, and they're supposed to know what they're doing, why would a random on For Glory be any better?
They're still a minority, but it's always sad to even experinece impoliteness like that, yes. As for you, all of you, even if you feel like it won't make a difference, do you part and try to be a nice person. There's no use in trying to spite someone you don't even know. If you don't feel like being polite, then don't say anything at all.


Smash Cadet
Nov 11, 2015
Something to keep in mind is that some people will do this even when they lose a string of games to you in a row. Since that's the case, I wouldn't let it get to you.

If you want to have fun, then just don't give them the time of day. Leave and find someone better to play against. As much as beating a cocky asshole can be satisfying, a string of close matches against a respectful player of equal (or slightly higher) skill is way more satisfying, and a less stressful way of spending your time.

Of course, you can look at it as a way of trying to learn to stay calm against asshole opponents, however that depends on your goals.


Smash Cadet
Nov 10, 2015
The Hague, The Netherlands (Holland)
Something to keep in mind is that some people will do this even when they lose a string of games to you in a row. Since that's the case, I wouldn't let it get to you.

If you want to have fun, then just don't give them the time of day. Leave and find someone better to play against. As much as beating a cocky ******* can be satisfying, a string of close matches against a respectful player of equal (or slightly higher) skill is way more satisfying, and a less stressful way of spending your time.

Of course, you can look at it as a way of trying to learn to stay calm against ******* opponents, however that depends on your goals.
I love playing against people who actually are good! Even in defeat its good


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
There have a lot of good responses here, especially Nah Nah 's response.

This is life we're talking about here. Yes it's not fair and **** but we gonna have to deal with it. There's always gonna be one of those folks who would do whatever it takes to feel good about themselves and there ain't **** we can do about it. It's a sad reality check and I know it hurts but...again...what can we do?
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2014
Seattle, Washington
I always take it upon myself to send out positive vibes to my opponents. Even if they're insulting me and throwing obscene tags I'll throw a "good game!" in an attempt to stop it, but I'm pretty quick to leave if they keep it up. 7 time out of 10 I'll get a "GG" back if I send one first. Even if I'm repeatedly two-stocking my opponent, just saying a simple GG tells your opponent that you still respect them. If I'm getting wrecked, I at least want to know the other guy enjoys fighting me.


Smash Cadet
Nov 11, 2015
I always take it upon myself to send out positive vibes to my opponents. Even if they're insulting me and throwing obscene tags I'll throw a "good game!" in an attempt to stop it, but I'm pretty quick to leave if they keep it up. 7 time out of 10 I'll get a "GG" back if I send one first. Even if I'm repeatedly two-stocking my opponent, just saying a simple GG tells your opponent that you still respect them. If I'm getting wrecked, I at least want to know the other guy enjoys fighting me.
It's funny, because there are a lot of weird emotions in competitive games sometimes.

To me, one of the most frustrating things in Smash is when you're up against someone you feel like you "should" be beating. You make the reads, you know what they're doing at every turn, and yet you fail to capitalize on what you think are their mistakes. You become frustrated with yourself, and suddenly the only way to validate your doubts is to win. But that doesn't always happen.

For example, I was playing against this one guy, and he beat me in 3 matches with 3 of my best characters. I was frustrated with myself for losing, but I still felt I could win and I had that vivid "just one more!" mentality. I was about to choose one of my other better characters when he said "GG", and "UR-Good!", and left. I'm not one to insult people in Smash, yet in the spur of the moment I smiled bitterly and said "Gaa....Fuccck youuuu.." out-loud. Not salt, but overwhelming disappointment, with doubts unresolved, and I couldn't even be mad because the guy was cool as hell to play against. He just out-played me. There was no excuse.

I consider myself a very unemotional person in general, and yet Smash even gets me riled up sometimes. I can only imagine how it makes some of the more.."volitile" people feel, and I suspect that a lot of "UR-LAME" comments are the result of many frustrating matches with no release. Sometimes Smash just makes you annoyed at every little thing, and you start interpreting mundane behavior as more than it is. Everyone suddenly comes off as a douchbag.

Point being, I was more frustrating because the guy was nice, and I find that hilarious.
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