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Becoming a good Pikachu


Smash Rookie
Sep 27, 2013
so i'm a pretty new player, been at it seriously for probably less than a year
in short, i'm planning to main pikachu. i know pika's one of the best characters in 64
but i'm not really familiar with how to play him. to get to the point, my question for people here would be:

What do I do in the neutral game as pikachu?
i want to know when i should perform neutral airs, fairs, and bairs.
what moves are better to lead with, what kind of approach is best depending on the situation?
at what moment should i fsmash? should i only up+b after i jump,
is down+b a good finishing move, is pika's uptilt useful or not, and things like that.
i also feel like i'm stuck at the same skill level (which is scrub) where i'm not progressing at all, because the learning curve of being a good technical player is too high. i'm still casual tier and i don't know if playing everyday would remedy this.

i know i can potentially get a lot of good tips here,
looking forward to reading all responses.

- SpaceC4se


Banned via Warnings
Aug 15, 2010
Reno, Nevada
My advice is to

1. Stop playing pikachu and play Fox (optional but highly prefered. Fox is much cuter and does not have an incredible recovery to rely on, so you have to play 'smarter' in a way.[I am also very very biased that Fox is the neatest character in the game] )

2. Look up a lot of videos and tournament matches. Skilled Pika players include Gerson, Dexter, Isai(of course), Kefit, Kerokeroppi, Mariguas, Banze, and Jam. There are others too, of course, but that should get you in the right direction. Watch what they do, and HOW+WHY THEY DO IT <- finding out how and why they do something is 100x times better than just ogling at combos and impressive gameplay.

3. Read the character specific thread in the Pikachu character discussion. There is a lot of info in there, even if it is somewhat scattered, and you'll probably learn a lot if you give it a good reading.

You should be able to find out what Pika's moves are useful for, once you watch some videos of Pikachu players. PIka isn't too hard of a character to learn, he has a very good skill set in terms of killing quickly and keeping a safe distance from the opponent. Hope I helped! =D
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Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2011
New York
Sup. I'm Kero. Welcome to the boards.

Fox and Pika are my favorite characters in this game. One of the best things about Fox is that he doesn't have a bad move. As a result, he has an incredible amount of options in nearly every situation and people play him a ton of different ways. Pretty much every Fox player has their own style.

Pika is the same way. Every single one of Pika's attacks has a purpose and there are so many different ways to play him. You'll quickly find out that a lot of people think that Pika is merely "grab and gimp". Some n00bs actually believe that a good dash dance and edge guarding game is really all you need to play Pika successfully. This is incredibly false on so many levels.

Pika has a LOT of different ways to defend, offend, combo, edge guard, recover and space. Answering each of your specific questions would be completely meaningless. There are so many different scenarios and you have to treat each one as its own. You have to play Pika and figure out things yourself. Experience is the best way to learn. Reading posts on Smashboards and watching vids on Youtube will only get you so far.

If you're looking for ways to improve, I would focus less on situational scenarios and focus more on MOVEMENT.

Make sure you can move FAST. You have to get good at SMASH before you can get good at Pikachu. First off, learn all of the basic advanced techniques if you don't already know them. Secondly, learn all of the other weird ****. i.e. shield drops, running/pivoting platdrops, other pivot stuff, shield jumps, crouching stuff, etc.)

Once you've mastered all that ****, work on Pika specific stuff. My advice is to start out by getting nasty at sweet spotting. Be able to Up B to the ledge at anytime anywhere. Pika has like 100 different ways to sweet spot the ledge. Learn that ****. Also, learn running short hop double aerials. Short hop double Up Air, short hop Up Air > Neutral Air, Short hop Up air> Forward Air, short hop Neutral Air > Up Air. These all are incredibly important.

Also, it's important to keep an open mind. It seems like you haven't given a ton of time to training Pika. If you play Pika for a while and realize you hate playing him, DON'T BE STUBBORN. Pride is the fatal flaw of all smashers. Don't be afraid to try new characters if Pika doesn't float your boat. Every character in this game is a ton of fun. Play whoever makes you happy.

The most important thing to know is that there is no right or wrong way to play a character. I've put hundreds of hours into Pika and I literally learn something new about him every single day. You've just gotta be open minded and do what works for you.

If you read this entire post and think that it's complete bull****, that's okay lol. Do what makes you comfortable. Be your own player and do things your own way. That's how you'll improve.

My Pika has a loooooooong way to go, but if you ever need advice i'm always down to help.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2013
Orlando, FL
so i'm a pretty new player, been at it seriously for probably less than a year
in short, i'm planning to main pikachu. i know pika's one of the best characters in 64
but i'm not really familiar with how to play him. to get to the point, my question for people here would be:

What do I do in the neutral game as pikachu?
i want to know when i should perform neutral airs, fairs, and bairs.
what moves are better to lead with, what kind of approach is best depending on the situation?
at what moment should i fsmash? should i only up+b after i jump,
is down+b a good finishing move, is pika's uptilt useful or not, and things like that.
i also feel like i'm stuck at the same skill level (which is scrub) where i'm not progressing at all, because the learning curve of being a good technical player is too high. i'm still casual tier and i don't know if playing everyday would remedy this.

i know i can potentially get a lot of good tips here,
looking forward to reading all responses.

- SpaceC4se

i'm not the best player or anything but i am a pika main so i can answer a few of your questions. first i'll give u a few general tips then ill answer your questions specifically. First, if you haven't gotten fluid with z canceling yet this is very important. Also short hopping is very very important for the neutral game. once you can do these two things you can begin playing the neutral game in a way that a more experienced player would. there are other advanced tech that you will still need to learn, but knowing just these two techniques will get you very far. the video that combo blaze linked is good but you might not be able to gain much from it until you get more experience first.

I recommend watching videos in order to learn the neutral game. isai videos are always good. pay close attention to how the players space around each other and how they react to each others' movements.

most new players will almost never use pika's uair. It's important to realize just how good this move is. It is without a doubt pika's best aerial. Practice using this move more in battles to get a feel for the knockback of this move. You will notice that at low % the move will have almost no knockback and will be dangerous to use, but at mid-range damage it will give a knockback that is perfect to continue combos if you position yourself correctly. The best thing about uair is it's huge hitbox and the area it covers. you can use this move no matter where your opponent is (except directly underneath you), and it will almost always hit your opponent before your opponent can hit you back.

as for other aerials, bair is a very good move to use for the neutral game when you are facing away from your opponent. it has strong knockback and a big hitbox. It is a bit slow to come out though so beware of trying to use this move if you need a move to come out very quickly

fair is a good move for the neutral game if your opponent doesn't know how to DI. It doesn't have a large or disjointed hitbox but it stays out for a long time so your timing doesn't have to be perfect when attacking your enemy. It also is good for comboing once you are good with z-canceling

nair is good for combos but i wouldn't recommend using it in the neutral game due to its small hitbox

dair is ok in some situations, namely when your opponent is directly underneath you. for instance if your opponent is running up to grab you try using short hop -> dair to fend them off.

so basically uair and bair are pika's best moves for the neutral game (and fair if your opponent doesn't DI)

also pika's grab is super fast and has good range so it's also very good for the neutral game.

Pika's utilt is super useful. It is great for combos. For starters, it can combo into itself. So basically that means you can use uptilt -> uptilt-> uptilt at midrange damages to "juggle" your enemy in the air and deal a lot of damage. Once you get good at that you can do some uptilts followed by an upsmash and then a down-b. so it would be uptilt ->uptilt ->upsmash - >downB. once you have mastered this you can use utilts to start an uair chain (using multiple uairs in a row to carry your opponent across the map) .

Down-b is a good finishing move to use on your opponent after you have landed an upsmash at high damage. so once your opponent is way up in the air you can use down-b on them to send them over the ceiling for a kill. this is called a "thunder spike"

F-smash a a great move for edgegaurding. When your opponent is trying to get beck on stage you can use f-smash near the ledge. It can also be used in the neutral game (pivot fsmash is best) but it is very risky due to the ending lag.

Let me finish by saying you can absolutely ascend past the level of scrub. The learning curve may seem high but after spending some time practicing you will definitely progress in no time. practicing everyday is good but i would say practice at whatever pace you have time for. Even once a week is enough to progress your skills in a reasonable time.

this kinda makes me want to make a tutorial video actually. it's so much easier to show something rather than try to explain it
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