Now i know what some of you are thinking no he shouldn't be in or i don't even know who he is but watch this video and you will soon see why he should be in brawl
His move set is not only perfect but hes been an giant amount of n.e.s games by Rare which when you look at the end of the credits of the Original smash bros Rare is one of the main creators now most of you probably haven't played Battletoads. But you must know its one of those games that you just know is one of the best just by playing it for a half an hour
His move set is not only perfect but hes been an giant amount of n.e.s games by Rare which when you look at the end of the credits of the Original smash bros Rare is one of the main creators now most of you probably haven't played Battletoads. But you must know its one of those games that you just know is one of the best just by playing it for a half an hour