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Basic Combo Set Ups for Robin, R.O.B. and Killag-- Villager.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2014
Hello, and welcome to my short guide to a few quick and easy combo set ups for R.O.B., Robin and Villager, they are all TRUE combos, as in, inescapable if you know how to set them up properly, tested by me.

So, let's get right down to the Nitty Gritty.


Robin's combo potential is not that high without his Tomes in his possession, as using JUST the Levin Sword / Iron Sword are not enough. If you're playing Robin and you don't run out of Arch Fire tomes at least once in a match, you're doing something wrong, or something incredibly right. Robin's Arch Fire is your bread & butter for easy combo set ups with Robin, as it has a 3 Second Long hit box window for you to have an opportunity of combos.

So, onto the combos:

Combo #1:
I call this one, Electric Fire Slam.
First off, you can do this combo around the beginning of a match, depending on how fast you can get a Thoron charged, what I like to do is start my match with Arch Fire to create space, then go and charge as much of my Lightning tome as possible. After you manage to get a fully charged Lightning tome (Thoron), you're ready for the combo! So, to do it, first you must have a hit confirm on an Arch Fire. Your opponent must not of shielded the Arch Fire, and must be taking all of the hits, ON THE GROUND, (Does not work in the air), and depending on the weight of the character the speed you have to execute this in is crucial. So, first land an Arch Fire onto a non-shielding, grounded opponent. And then, you must QUICKLY dash and immediately go into a FULL hop (Full jump) and as your opponent flies away (usually the opposite direction of which way you're coming from, due to arch Fire), you must do a quick SWEET SPOT of your down air while the Levin Sword (thunder one) is out, to cause your opponent to meteor back to the stage, bouncing off of it slightly and creating extra extended hit stun. This allows you to fast fall and cast a Thoron from a Short Hop if you're quick enough, or if they tech the down air, you can fast fall and then immediately cast Thoron. They can't escape it, or block it due to still in the tech animation. It seems complicated, but when you practice it, it'll work almost every time.

Combo #2:
I like to call this one, Burning Lighting.
To do this one, you must hit confirm on an unshielded and grounded opponent, an Arch Fire. This will then lead to a quick short hop forward air as they fly from the Arch Fire using your Levin Sword, this is around 34 - 35% damage, and not bad at all to start a match off!

Combo #3:
The final combo is simple and has no name for it, because it's simple.
Just get Thoron charged, and then quickly do a forward throw onto the opponent (at a low percent), follow it up with a short hop into a Thoron. It'll do a decent amount of damage, but only works on low percents.

R.O.B. combos :

Now, R.O.B has some insanely good combo potential in Smash 4, and he's one of the few character I like to grab with due to his insane up air.

Combo #1:

This combo is pretty simple, and as I said, BASIC:
To do this combo (which can be looped actually! And I made it myself, if you land it, it's unblockable due to how quick it is, and also it's pretty efficient if you can get the trip to come out a lot!)

So firstly, you have to do a forward air on a grounded opponent or one in mid air, and then quickly go into a down tilt, if you've done it right, you should do R.O.B.'s overhead hand whack with his forward air, and then a quick foot poke with his down tilt, which will force a trip, if you're quick, you can then immediately short hop forward into another forward air, which can be looped into ANOTHER down tilt foot poke, causing another trip, it doesn't trip ALL THE TIME, but when it does, it can be looped almost endlessly, since forward air on the ground has barely any knock back, this combo is too good to not use!

Combo #2:

You can do the first combo up there, forward tilt into down tilt, but then go into a quick grab when it trips, after you grab, quickly do a down or up throw (doesn't matter for R.O.B.) and then quickly FULL HOP (jump) into an up air, which does a lot of damage and knock back in Smash 4, and it's also a kill move! You can then do an up B to float up and do another Up air! (His up air last longer than an air dodge, so they can't avoid it using that.)

Combo #3:

The final R.O.B. combo is pretty easy to do, if you don't mess yourself up. But simply put, do a neutral air on someone who's on the ground, and then quickly do a full jump into an up air. That's it. It works a lot of the time, and works even at higher %'s dependent on the character that is.

KILLAGER combos:

The final set of combos, are set for Animal Crossing's very own Villager / Chillager / Killager.
He has some decent combo potential, but some Nasty damage!
(LUCK BASED) Combo #1:

You can do this combo even off of shields! Firstly, you must connect a Gyroid / Lloid rocket WHILE you're riding it. And then, you can quickly do a double jump into a down air, if you're LUCKY, you'll pull 3 Turnips, causing a Meteor Smash back to the stage, and then you can follow that up with a backwards sling shot UP CLOSE (to cause extra knock back and more damage). Backwards Slingshot is also a kill move if up close. The further you are when you shoot the slingshot, the less damage the rock pellet you shoot does.

Combo #2:

You'll have to plant a tree, and when the tree is planted, you let it live, you don't want the tree, no my friend, as a Kil--..
..Villager, you have no need for pesky wood of burden trees. But rather, the axe used to cut it down. :4villager:

Anyways, the combo is, you'll need to use the dash attack and allow yourself to land it UP CLOSE and personal, so the Villager falls onto the opponent during it.(This combo only works at low %'s sadly.) But, you can quickly jump when you land on them there's a small delay, but it's possible, spam jump if needed. And then, you can down B to (CUT YOUR OPPONENT'S HOPES & DREAMS OF THEIR LITTLE FUTURE THEY NEVER HAD IN THE FIRST PL--...)

...swing your axe, and do quite a bit of damage to your opponent!

Combo #3:

This one is REALLY simple, shoot out a Lloid rocket, and run behind it, by now your opponent will of blocked, that's good, grab them quickly, and forward throw, it has no knock back or damage on it, BUT, that's good, shoot out another Lloid rocket after that, and do it again. And another Rocket, AND DO IT AGAIN. AND ANOTHER ROCKET, AND AGAIN. UNTIL YOUR OPPONENT SUFFOCATES UNDER THE PURE THOUGHT THAT THEY COULD OF RAN AWAY, BUT DECIDED TO STAY AND CHALLENGE THE GOD KNOWN AS THE KILLAGER. :4villager:

until they learn to jump or roll.

That's all for now everyone, I hope these helped you out.
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Smash Champion
Feb 19, 2013
Lol dude, these aren't true combos.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2014
Lol dude, these aren't true combos.
Inescapable combos = True Combos, besides 2 of them here which were for fun.

You can't escape a true combo, like Jab Locks off the ground, or hit stun / frame traps. Which is what I used.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2014
These are more follow-ups than combos, for Robin at least
They're still able to be chained together, and it's inescapable . But yeah, it's a basic combo as I said, for people trying to get a grasp on the characters.


Smash Champion
Feb 19, 2013
Inescapable combos = True Combos
Except most of these can be escaped, and they're hardly combos.

Arc Fire can be jumped/SDI'd out of. It isn't an auto-guarantee followup. There's no way in hell you can full hop and land the sweetspot of dair after an arc fire; even if, fast falling and then casting thoron? You have a ****-load of landing lag and the opponent has more than enough time to recover.

Rob combo 1 requires you to be as low as possible before executing the fair in order to guarantee the d-tilt followup, otherwise it's completely shield-able after the hit. Even when you do get the trip, a second chain of hits is impossible because, as stated, you need to be a low as he can get before the fair can chain into another tilt, which by then they can already escape.

Villager can't "double jump" after a lloid rocket, unless you're insinuating a quick footstool immediately after contact. Regardless, the victim can roll after landing, i.e. can be escaped.
Villager Dash attack into shorthop axe isn't legit. They can act before you're finished the cooldown of his faceplant.

I'm guessing you tested these on cpus, correct?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2014
Except most of these can be escaped, and they're hardly combos.

Arc Fire can be jumped/SDI'd out of. It isn't an auto-guarantee followup. There's no way in hell you can full hop and land the sweetspot of dair after an arc fire; even if, fast falling and then casting thoron? You have a ****-load of landing lag and the opponent has more than enough time to recover.

Rob combo 1 requires you to be as low as possible before executing the fair in order to guarantee the d-tilt followup, otherwise it's completely shield-able after the hit. Even when you do get the trip, a second chain of hits is impossible because, as stated, you need to be a low as he can get before the fair can chain into another tilt, which by then they can already escape.

Villager can't "double jump" after a lloid rocket, unless you're insinuating a quick footstool immediately after contact. Regardless, the victim can roll after landing, i.e. can be escaped.
Villager Dash attack into shorthop axe isn't legit. They can act before you're finished the cooldown of his faceplant.

I'm guessing you tested these on cpus, correct?
The R.O.B. combo is not escapable. As i said, it's only if you can manage multiple trips.

The Villager axe combo is legit, I do it online all the time, what? And the Robin combo IS possible, I do is when I can, but it's risky since as you said, the landing lag if you WHIFF is annoying.

Dark Dr. Pink-Gold Pit Jr

Smash Apprentice
Sep 28, 2014
Crashing parties
Not sure how this helps, an it's not a combo, but nobody online s able to react when I put out a Lloid rocket, dash in front, and drop a pot. Everyone gets hit by one of them.


Smash Champion
Feb 19, 2013
The R.O.B. combo is not escapable. As i said, it's only if you can manage multiple trips.

The Villager axe combo is legit, I do it online all the time, what? And the Robin combo IS possible, I do is when I can, but it's risky since as you said, the landing lag if you WHIFF is annoying.
If all of your combos are based from online experience, then no wonder you believe they're inescapable.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2014
If all of your combos are based from online experience, then no wonder you believe they're inescapable.
They're online, at the times where there was no lag at all. Then yes, they're inescapable. If you think online play isn't a valid way to test something like that, then you're mistaking my friend. Only if there's immense lag is when it's unable to be a valid test.

Not sure how this helps, an it's not a combo, but nobody online s able to react when I put out a Lloid rocket, dash in front, and drop a pot. Everyone gets hit by one of them.
I usually shoot a Lloid rocket and if the character a reflect, I pocket the Lloid, then when they don't expect it, I shoot out a normal Side B Lloid, and when they reflect it, I'd grab them with a forward throw and throw out the pocket Lloid up close so they can't do anything about it.

I'll have to try out that first villager one :3
It's a great combo, mate. But as I said, it's luck based if you'll get the triple turnips! And you can foot stool off of the opponent to jump, not double jump.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2013
Once the legitimacy of these supposed true combos are proved in tournaments by the pro players, then I will believe you.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2014
Once the legitimacy of these supposed true combos are proved in tournaments by the pro players, then I will believe you.
Only 2 of them are not 'true combos', and they are just luck based, or are just there for a quick follow up if your opponent doesn't expect it. The rest are able to be done without the opponent escaping.


Smash Champion
Feb 19, 2013
They're online, at the times where there was no lag at all. Then yes, they're inescapable. If you think online play isn't a valid way to test something like that, then you're mistaking my friend. Only if there's immense lag is when it's unable to be a valid test.
I don't think you understand how online works. Even with a lagless connection, there's always a few frames of delay between inputs. These frames are a huge factor in actually landing these "inescapable combos."

Only 2 of them are not 'true combos', and they are just luck based, or are just there for a quick follow up if your opponent doesn't expect it. The rest are able to be done without the opponent escaping.
This doesn't refute his statement.
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