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BASHDay Charity Tournament (11/12/10) - Toledo, OH


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2008
BASHDay Results
University of Toledo

Brawl Singles - 16 Entrants
$5 entry fee​

1. DarkLouis :snake: :wolf: ($48)
2. jkbabione :metaknight: :diddy: ($24)
3. Raider88 :wolf: ($8)
4. ZachIsAsian :yoshi2:
5. VVK :metaknight:
5. Coca :marth:
7. GigaBowserXyZ :bowser2:
7. DanS1 :olimar: :pikachu2:
9. SharkAttack :yoshi2:
9. Jasmine :sheik: :toonlink:
9. Mike M :random:
9. Smoke :fox: :falco:
13. John L :random:
13. Anik P :ike:
13. J Thunda :marth:
13. Biddy :lucario:


Shoutouts will come later as well!


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2008
1. DarkLouis ($48) - Herpaderp Good job.

2. jkbabione ($24) - Omg, I used the wrong controls for Wolf in that first game. But rules are rules. I couldn't quit out. lol Good stuff 3-stocking my Wolf on Brinstar! I think it's been pounded into my brain now never to go Wolf on Brinstar against MK again. lol I forgot to save that replay for you. :( And very nice placing for your very first tournament! You did outstanding.

3. Raider88 ($8) - Wolf pack in the top 3. You've gotten so much better. Hopefully those techs I showed you will help you even more.

4. ZachIsAsian - I don't think we played at the tourney this time. D: MK's a tough matchup and Raider most likely has extensive Yoshi experience by now.

5. VVK - Good stuff today! And thanks for the friendlies against my Wario earlier on.

5. Coca - Coca, you don't even play Brawl. Jerk. lol

7. GigaBowserXyZ - Fun sets man. Hopefully you work out the rust for next time. lol

7. DanS1 - You'll get 'em next time. I wanna friendly you at the next School of Smash. lol

9. SharkAttack - Good to see you again man. I haven't had friendlies that fun in awhile. I felt my Wario improve because of it. Hopefully your Kirby and Yoshi improved from them too. lol

9. Jasmine - Ugh. Sucks to play someone you play all the time in the first round. :( You had a tough bracket. Keep your head up. Maybe I can give you some tips if we play 1 on 1 in the bash office or wherever.

9. Mike M - Don't think I played you. D:

9. Smoke - Nice to meet you man and fun set in the bracket. I pretty much left you a shoutout on your AiB blog. xD

13. John L - Don't think I played you. D:

13. Anik P - Don't think I played you. D:

13. J Thunda - Nice to see you again man and fun times at Waffle House afterward. :p

13. Biddy - I expect to see you wreck the bracket at BashCon if you stay in practice. You got pretty far last time. :D


Smash Lord
Dec 4, 2005
NW Ohio
1. DarkLouis ($48) - Awsome tournament win Louis. Awsome friendlies afterward as well. I learned a lot from those.

2. jkbabione ($24) - Nice work for your first tournament

3. Raider88 ($8) - Way to get a prize in this tournament. Your definately earned it
4. ZachIsAsian - Awsome ditto match earlier. Also good job getting up to 4th

5. VVK - Didn't get to compete against you, but glad to see you again.

5. Coca - Good to see you again as well.

7. GigaBowserXyZ - Finally got to vs. you even though it wasn't a tournament match. Awsome Bowserside in the 2 vs. 2.

7. DanS1 - Thanks for vs. us in friendlies, maybe we'll get a 1 vs. 1 in sometime soon.

9. SharkAttack - When will you ever win your second set in a tournament? You always barely slide past the first set just to get knocked out in the 2nd lol. Don't even think about using Kirby to get you out of this one. You must be desperate.

9. Jasmine - One of these days I'll have to vs. you.

9. Mike M - Awsome first set. Your Game and Watch had me on the edge. That's one matchup I worry about.

9. Smoke - I'll have to vs. you sometime.

13. John L - I didn't vs. you I think.

13. Anik P - I didn't vs. you.

13. J Thunda - Thanks for joining us for friendlies later on in the evening. You pulled off some beastly Captain Falcon tricks.

13. Biddy - I don't know who you are. Perhaps I'll vs. you sometime in the future.

Once again great tournament. Looking forward to Bashcon XXVI in February.


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2008
School of Smash might be holding a Saturday tournament in January before BASHCon. At this one we'll have Brawl Doubles + Singles and Melee Doubles + Singles.

This will hopefully get more people from outside our area to come.
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