Smash Apprentice
First off, Mario's balls are much better.
This time you can actually short hop a fireball while DI:ing quite a distance forward or backward . This opens up a variety of strategies using FBs. Also they don't nearly lag as much as in melee. With the exception of their relatively low trajectory, I'd say they are a much better approach move than the pills were.
For instance you can short hop DI forward fireballs. If your opponent jumps/shields/rolls et.c. you can act accordingly. Like move into a jab, grab, ftilt and so on. Pretty much like Falco's old SHL, except with not as much stun time.
Or you can move in and out of his range, racking up damage (given he doesnt have a good projectile himself or anti-projectile). If you fireball him and he reflects, it will usually reflect below your position (since you are in the air), which is nice. Or you can just cape it back should you be grounded.
Speaking of the cape. It seems to be a bit harder to hit the opponent with but it has some really strange attributes. Like for instance if you cape their jumps they go at a much higher distance, just like they did in melee. Since jumps are slower this time around it means they get set uped for continous Uairs.
I've also used the cape on recovering opponents with various results. Sometimes they just fly off (Marth in particular) and die. Somewhat useful if you suspect he will counter your jump edge guard.
Oh and the cape still stalls in the air so it's apperently still a good recovery move.
Alright then we have the fluff which I guess most of you already knew was useless. I'd say currently, it's very situational AT BEST. But since Mario's recovery game is improved a lot, the old tornado isn't needed for this purpose so it shouldn't be such a big concern (especially when pretty much most moves are buffed including Dair).
I think Mario has the potential to be higher than mid this time =)
What do you guys think?
This time you can actually short hop a fireball while DI:ing quite a distance forward or backward . This opens up a variety of strategies using FBs. Also they don't nearly lag as much as in melee. With the exception of their relatively low trajectory, I'd say they are a much better approach move than the pills were.
For instance you can short hop DI forward fireballs. If your opponent jumps/shields/rolls et.c. you can act accordingly. Like move into a jab, grab, ftilt and so on. Pretty much like Falco's old SHL, except with not as much stun time.
Or you can move in and out of his range, racking up damage (given he doesnt have a good projectile himself or anti-projectile). If you fireball him and he reflects, it will usually reflect below your position (since you are in the air), which is nice. Or you can just cape it back should you be grounded.
Speaking of the cape. It seems to be a bit harder to hit the opponent with but it has some really strange attributes. Like for instance if you cape their jumps they go at a much higher distance, just like they did in melee. Since jumps are slower this time around it means they get set uped for continous Uairs.
I've also used the cape on recovering opponents with various results. Sometimes they just fly off (Marth in particular) and die. Somewhat useful if you suspect he will counter your jump edge guard.
Oh and the cape still stalls in the air so it's apperently still a good recovery move.
Alright then we have the fluff which I guess most of you already knew was useless. I'd say currently, it's very situational AT BEST. But since Mario's recovery game is improved a lot, the old tornado isn't needed for this purpose so it shouldn't be such a big concern (especially when pretty much most moves are buffed including Dair).
I think Mario has the potential to be higher than mid this time =)
What do you guys think?