You can run it through the HBC; that's how I run it myself. Just use gecko or Riivolution (be sure you have the right version of BBrawl 2) to load BBrawl's .gct and replaced files. It should require minimum work to get configured.
Likewise, if you want to use custom stages with BBrawl, you will want to delete smash stack (which is included in the BBrawl download) and use the code manager on the .txt version of our code set to turn off the "no custom stages" code (leave all the other codes on or off as they are to start). BBrawl has no problems with custom stages.
I appreciate the help.
I'm having two problems following along.
1) If I understand the installation process correctly, I need two gct files. One is a loader and goes in a folder called codes on the root of the sd card; the other gct is the "main" gct file which contains the codeset for BBv2(or any other mod). The BBv2 download only contains one gct file, so I think I may have something confused.
Do I have all the files that I need(DATA, private, boot.elf, gameconfig.txt)? If so, I would really appreciate it if you could tell me the exact directory that each file should go in.
2) I do not know what "smash stack" is. I don't know what "gameconfig.txt" is, either, so, for now, I am assuming that "gameconfig.txt" is stack smash. Am I correct?