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AXS3 - a super non-technical personally loaded breakdown fuzzy experience


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2009
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So for whatever reason I was entered into every event, which kicked my ***. Not just the people but the sheer fact that i entered everything. Teamed with Zandaaaaaaa[aaaaaaa?] for Melee. Didn't do toooo well but definitely did better than I anticipated (not last!). that's always my goal. I don't know any technical **** about Peach. I'd love to get better at Melee but that learning curve is just so far gone that i would suck at it lol. Melee singles didn't go too well for me either. I don't think I won a single match lol. I ended up playing Goggles at one point and I definitely got four stocked lol. Nothing less than i should expect though. he's been playing for a while and his Gannondorf is relatively good.

Played 64 matches in between and was hoping to not get last. Sorry Alt! I kinnnnd of got things going as time progressed but i seriously haven't played 64 in a long time. i mean a LONNNG time even when we had it at the apartment. Managed to get some bairs going. i tired pikachu and didn't do too well lol that quick attack is really tough to do in that game. The last time i even remember seeing 64 really played was that smash fest at Jesiah's apartment where we played PS2 mini games afterwards lol that was when things were sooo chill.

Brawl was up next. teamed with Calm. ****ed some **** up. not really. lol he was wario and i was mk. won our first one and we definitely shouldn't have had as much trouble as we did but it wasn't bad. next match was against Cura and san. Wasn't expecting to win but definitely had lots of fun our second game on Lylat. I got so excited lol i took two stocks off and i heard people cheering for me and **** which is something i never hear so **** yeah i was stoked lol. it put that pressure on. mannn i play totally different when the pace requires it. cheering calm on during our match v james g and sharky that was nuts lol he almost had it second game. he definittttely carried.

i have a really hard time playing as quickly when i play against other people. maybe it's just something you pick up anyway no technical stuff remembered. i'm writing this pretty late. i also don't play smash.

Did pretty lame in brawl singles esp since i got dqd (i was happy to dq myself while i was eating). played a match against a lucas and he didnnnn't seem too happy about losing to me. i mostly just waited to him to do stuff. very easy to read. lucas' up smash scares the **** outta me. lots of pk fires and pk thunders. i think i shuttle loop foot stooled him at one point on accident. Whoops :x i don't remember us shaking hands following the match :x!

i played sauce next match. seriously didn't expect to win but i was happy to verse a canadian. i got two stocked pretty soundly both games, but i feel like i definitely could've done much better than i did. I probably should've practiced the night before. sauce's spacing is really good. much of the time he faired my tornados. i didn't really know how to get back on stage most of the time. he does a great job at charging things too. i think i should've at least been able to take him down to one stock if i played things right but there was only one time, during the second match, when i was actually ahead. i lost the lead. Fast. i should learn to glide back but i get so scared that i'll mess things up that i choose not to. i don't want to lose cause i can't control a glide that's embarassing lol.

Personal ****:
So many new people met and a great time had. Lots of people came over the night before for some practice. Played some new people. Forced people to eat munchkins, which included glazed... which apparently is a biiiig deal to some people! I was always under the impression that glazed was over represented and I became tired of it.

Played as tyrant on teams versus MetalPat and Alt. Games were really fun. Even though Calm and I were teaming, we definitely all just joked around while we were playing. I chose Marth and played him for maybe the fourth time and I managed to get a spike on Alt I think. I seriously can't get the sword dance down!

Played some more friendlies and finally passed out around three in the morning. Was up at about 8 to shower and get everyone else organized and ready to go to the tournament. Lots of stuff to bring. There were bodies EVERY WHERE. It's definitely a good thing that there's an extra bedroom in the apartment cause Beta and Alt slept in there.

So we finally rally everyone up. Even the waiting time was hilarious. Dudu appears very protective of his tooth brush. Sharky left pretty early (lame!). Dan and David also stayed the night, which I'm pretty sure was a different experience for them since we pretty much provide nothing for you to sleep on when you're a smasher. i also watched dudu sadly receive his $5 back when he attempted to get a drink at the vending machines.

Get to the venue. set up everything. eventually i have to go to the bank of pick up singles for change. I got $120 in ones lol it was ridiculous and i could hardly fit everything in there. canadians were mad fun to chill with. sauce looks like fry, esp with the red sweater! i should've gotten a picture my cousin wouldn't have believed me if i said i met someone who is the irl version lol.

met cool people from potsdam and watched a guy from Utica get d tilt spiked by san as diddy. i cringed.

erk talked about how he can't get a hold of beta cause he doesn't have an FB account so he talks to him through his mom's and is like "Yo i ****ed your **** up last night" lol

drama surfaced afterwards which was lame but whatev i'm pretty much over it. past is the past and people are who they are. not my place to change that lol so not really interested. overall had an awesome time. wish i remembered more ****. maybe for best 5, which i'll probably be going to and hopefully updating it with more meaningful descriptions of matches etc. missing out lots of details but i have hw and i'm procrastinating!

also i love playing smash cause of [most of] the people. i like traveling to new places and meeting new people but i think i should be moving on. i don't really like playing 'cause i don't practice and i think i could be doing much better if i actually put in the time. but i have to keep my grades up! and i'm involved in lots of stuff at school! i want to go to apex but i want to go for MK9, not really smash. i encountered an uneasy air during the tournament in spite of it's entertainment and that's something that's sad and shouldn't have happened! anyway who cares i had fun and people enjoyed it so i'm good :]

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