Smash Lord
For those of you who don't know. Marth can grab Lucas or ness and hit them a few times, and after letting go grab them again without moving and repeat for as long as desired. I am a marth main-er, but feel the need to tell the way out of this.
First if you havent seen this, go to training, be marth and fight a lucas/ness. Just so you can see what it looks like.
First let's start by saying how the infinite grab works.
The easiest way to get this done, is to be shielding and grab them, your finger is already on "R" or "L" depending on what you use, ( i use L, no difference at all from R). Once i got them in, i just keep tapping "a" and ness/lucas is stuck.
If you do this in training mode in slow motion, you will notice that ness/lucas does a weird little landing that delays their recovery, giving marth the extra time to get them back in the grab.
The way out of it is this. I got a friend to do this to me as i was lucas/ness and if you count the amount of knee's marth gives, you can eventually know when he stops and lets go. When the last knee is done, you jump out.
this is how you get out of the infinite grab. it is that easy. especially at lower %'s since the number of knee's is lower
First if you havent seen this, go to training, be marth and fight a lucas/ness. Just so you can see what it looks like.
First let's start by saying how the infinite grab works.
The easiest way to get this done, is to be shielding and grab them, your finger is already on "R" or "L" depending on what you use, ( i use L, no difference at all from R). Once i got them in, i just keep tapping "a" and ness/lucas is stuck.
If you do this in training mode in slow motion, you will notice that ness/lucas does a weird little landing that delays their recovery, giving marth the extra time to get them back in the grab.
The way out of it is this. I got a friend to do this to me as i was lucas/ness and if you count the amount of knee's marth gives, you can eventually know when he stops and lets go. When the last knee is done, you jump out.
this is how you get out of the infinite grab. it is that easy. especially at lower %'s since the number of knee's is lower