Smash Apprentice
- Joined
- Apr 27, 2014
- Messages
- 151
- rorycosgrove
Our POPnOFF WiiU Singles bi-weekly series takes place every 1st and 3rd Saturday each month, but what about those few times when there's a 5th Saturday? This is one of those times, and so we've decided to use it for a special Doubles-only tournament! Time constraints at the venue have prevented us from doing 2 brackets in one day, so we've devoted this event specifically to doubles, so find a partner!
*Please note that our regular POPnOFF singles schedule is unchanged. POPnOFF 13 will be on September 5th*
Streamed at
All streamed matches will be uploaded to our YouTube at
You can find all of our brackets at
(Older brackets at
Join Smash @ POPnGAMES for updates and discussion on all of our events!
Registration starts at 1:00pm and closes at 2:50pm, bracket starts at 3:00pm. Please pre-register on this page if you plan on arriving after 2:50, we will hold matches for a while so players can still come after bracket starts. *PLEASE DO NOT COME EARLIER THAN 1*
Venue Fee: $5 per-person (10 per-team) (waived for the FIRST 5 entrants who bring setups. Setups MUST have Dreamland and all Evo Custom Movesets in order to qualify for discount)
Entry Fee: $5 per-person (10 per-team)
Also 5% OFF any non-console purchase if you attend the tournament!!
1st place team will get medals as well as the pool payout
DOUBLE ELIMINATION (you're not out after your first set loss)
Game Settings: 3 Stock, 8 Minute Time Limit, Team Attack ON, Items Off, Equipment Off, 2/3 Games, 3/5 for Winner's, Loser's and Grand Finals
Custom moves are allowed.
Sheik + Game&Watch Team Banned
Starter Stages:
● Battlefield (or Miiverse as an alternative)
● Final Destination
● Smashville
● Lylat Cruise
● Town & City
Counterpick Stages:
● Castle Siege
● Delfino Plaza
● Duck Hunt
● Halberd
● Dreamland
● Any stage in Omega form
Stage Striking: The winner of a RPS match chooses which player will strike first one stage from the Starter Stage list. Then the other player strikes two stages, the first player strikes one more and the remaining stage is used for the first match. (1-2-1)
Stage Bans: During the stage ban phase, the player who won the previous game may ban 2 stages from either the Starter or Counterpick lists. A player cannot have more than one ban phase during a set.
The losing player then chooses from the remaining stages, and the winner chooses a character for the next game before the loser chooses their own
NOTE: Banning Final Destination also bans ALL Omega Stages, and banning any non-Omega Stage also bans its Omega form (i.e. banning Battlefield also bans Omega Battlefield)
Self-Destruct Moves: If a match ends with the successful use of a character’s selfdestruct move, the player that initiated the self destruct move wins the match regardless of what the results screen states. Selfdestruct moves include only Ganondorf’s SideB, King Dedede’s NeutralB, Wario’s NeutralB, and Kirby’s NeutralB.
Custom sets may be changed freely so long as the opponent is made aware of the moves selected; a player may request to quickly observe the moves in gameplay before a match.
*Please note that our regular POPnOFF singles schedule is unchanged. POPnOFF 13 will be on September 5th*
Streamed at
All streamed matches will be uploaded to our YouTube at
You can find all of our brackets at
(Older brackets at
Join Smash @ POPnGAMES for updates and discussion on all of our events!
Registration starts at 1:00pm and closes at 2:50pm, bracket starts at 3:00pm. Please pre-register on this page if you plan on arriving after 2:50, we will hold matches for a while so players can still come after bracket starts. *PLEASE DO NOT COME EARLIER THAN 1*
Venue Fee: $5 per-person (10 per-team) (waived for the FIRST 5 entrants who bring setups. Setups MUST have Dreamland and all Evo Custom Movesets in order to qualify for discount)
Entry Fee: $5 per-person (10 per-team)
Also 5% OFF any non-console purchase if you attend the tournament!!
1st place team will get medals as well as the pool payout
DOUBLE ELIMINATION (you're not out after your first set loss)
Game Settings: 3 Stock, 8 Minute Time Limit, Team Attack ON, Items Off, Equipment Off, 2/3 Games, 3/5 for Winner's, Loser's and Grand Finals
Custom moves are allowed.
Sheik + Game&Watch Team Banned
Starter Stages:
● Battlefield (or Miiverse as an alternative)
● Final Destination
● Smashville
● Lylat Cruise
● Town & City
Counterpick Stages:
● Castle Siege
● Delfino Plaza
● Duck Hunt
● Halberd
● Dreamland
● Any stage in Omega form
Stage Striking: The winner of a RPS match chooses which player will strike first one stage from the Starter Stage list. Then the other player strikes two stages, the first player strikes one more and the remaining stage is used for the first match. (1-2-1)
Stage Bans: During the stage ban phase, the player who won the previous game may ban 2 stages from either the Starter or Counterpick lists. A player cannot have more than one ban phase during a set.
The losing player then chooses from the remaining stages, and the winner chooses a character for the next game before the loser chooses their own
NOTE: Banning Final Destination also bans ALL Omega Stages, and banning any non-Omega Stage also bans its Omega form (i.e. banning Battlefield also bans Omega Battlefield)
Self-Destruct Moves: If a match ends with the successful use of a character’s selfdestruct move, the player that initiated the self destruct move wins the match regardless of what the results screen states. Selfdestruct moves include only Ganondorf’s SideB, King Dedede’s NeutralB, Wario’s NeutralB, and Kirby’s NeutralB.
Custom sets may be changed freely so long as the opponent is made aware of the moves selected; a player may request to quickly observe the moves in gameplay before a match.