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Midwest [Aug 29, 2015] Kahoka Me Your Moves 4: Super Smash Bros. Wii U (Kahoka, MO)


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
Kahoka Me Your Moves 4 (KMYM4) is an opportunity for Smashers to return to their favorite tournament venue, rustic Kahoka, MO!

As all the veterans out there know, Kahoka events are a weekend-long Smash-slumber party. If anyone has ever told you anything negative about Kahoka, that person is a filthy liar!

There is plenty of space in the venue for folks to sleep, so bring a blanket.

Events are negotiable, so if there is an event you would like to have, make yourself heard!

PLEASE NOTE: The address listed is for the C.A.R.E Roller Rena. The venue is actually the C.A.R.E. Building, not the Roller Rena. The two buildings share a parking lot - the C.A.R.E. Building is the FIRST building you come to, the Roller Rena is at the end of the parking lot.

ALSO IMPORTANT: Bring setups!

If you need help or directions, call or text me at (217) 440-3112.

Venue fee - None; I got you, pal!


Smash Wii U Singles ($10 entry)
Smash Wii U Doubles ($20 entry per team)

Tentative Schedule:


7PM - Show up and have fun, the venue is ours for the weekend!


10AM - Doubles
12PM - Singles pools
3PM - Singles bracket


??PM - Leave at some point, but feel free to have fun for a while; the venue is ours all day!

-all times are subject to change-

Please, we're all pals here. Just show up and enter! That said, the cool kids will RSVP via this page, and the COOLEST kids will show up if they RSVPed.

Payout for top 8 goes as follows:
In addition, any pot bonuses that are added by sponsors whether it be money or prizes, will be distributed to all top players.

Smash Wii U Singles:
-NO Customs
-Game version: US Nintendo WiiU
-Game Settings: 3 Stock, 8 Minute Time Limit, Items Off, Equipment Off, 2/3 Games (3/5 Finals Only)
-Amiibo’s are banned.

-Starter stages: Battlefield, Final Destination, Smashville, Town & City, Lylat Cruise
-Stages for counterpicking: Castle Siege, Delfino Plaza, Duck Hunt, Halberd, Omegas (If Final Destination is banned, all Omegas are banned as well)
-Striking order is 1-2-1
-Winning player is not locked into the same character for the next match, but has to pick before loser selects character.
-The Good Dave’s Stupid Rule: You cannot counterpick any stage you have won on in a set unless agreed upon by the opponent. This rule does NOT apply to 3/5 sets IF the stage picked is a starter.

-There will be no loading anything onto the consoles from a Nintendo portable gaming system
-Allowed controllers: Pro, 3DS, Wii+Chuck, GameCube
**NOTE (Wireless Controllers): You are responsible for desyncing/turning off your controller after each match. If for any reason your controller is not properly desynced/turned off and it disrupts another match in any way, it will result in an IMMEDIATE Disqualification. YOU are responsible for making sure your controller does not negatively impact other matches.

Smash Wii U Doubles:
-Game Settings: 3 Stock, 8 Minute Time Limit, Items Off, Equipment Off, 2/3 Games (3/5 Finals Only)
-Team Attack ON.


-Stalling: The act of stalling is banned: Stalling is intentionally making the game unplayable: Such as becoming invisible, continuing infinite’s, chain grabs, or uninterruptible moves past 300%, and reaching a position that your opponent can never reach you.Any action that can prevent the game from continuing (i.e., freezing, disappearing characters, game reset, etc.) will result in a forfeit of that match for the player that initiated the action. You are responsible for knowing your own character, and must be wary about accidentally triggering one of these effects.

-Coaching: Coaching between matches is allowed. Coaching mid-match is prohibited. Coaching may not last for an excessive period of time. Up to 60 seconds will be allowed maximum between matches.

-Suicide Clause: If the match is brought to a Sudden Death, the initiator of the suicide move wins. If the game displays a winner, that person is the winner.


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
For anyone contemplating whether to go, let me share some quotes about our first event back in 2009. If these don't hype you up, nothing will!

"This was an awesome tourney. The shenanigans at the venue and the energy was just sensual XD."

"the tourney itself was well run and the after party was a blast smile emoticon."

"Seriously, I had fun at Kahoka"
-Mr. Doom

"Congratz on running this tournament smoothly and successfully. I had an awesome time, as did everyone from Kansas. Props man."

"Thanks for introducing me to Steve's Family Diner too, I won half my matches because of that tenderloin."

"Amazing tournament."

"Awesome tourney Cook even if it was in the middle of nowhere upset emoticon"

"For a tournament being held out in the middle of nowhere, it was pretty epic."

"Awesome tourney Asc even though it was in a middle of no where. The town reminded me some old western film."

"This tournament was by far the best MW tourney I've been too so far, even if it's out in the middle of nowhere causing half of Kansas to pull into ****ing Nebraska....... BULL****"

"i dont recall aot of anything but laying around [...] miserable the entire time."


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
I went to #2 and #3 and it was fun. Me and Reflex beat Streets of Rage 2 on Mania mode.

I recommend this if you want a smash party mixed in with the best chance to level up since you are sleeping and hanging out at the venue the entire weekend. You will get a chance to play just about everyone for a long time, and I promise you, randoms from Wichita are going to bop you hard if they show up.

Bring your friends who desperately need to get out of their shell, but won't call the cops.

For those of you who are homeless, reading this at the public library and interested in getting better at smash to earn enough money to move to chicago or denver and live off smash winnings, this is the tournament for you, no venue fee, you get to sleep at the venue for 3 days potentially and no one will notice you smell horrible.
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