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Midwest [Aug 2, 2015] Knight's Lounge Presents: "My B" (Berea, Kentucky)


Smash Apprentice
Dec 25, 2014
Knight's Lounge Presents: "My B"

The first installment in the "My B" series! This event will feature both Super Smash Brothers Melee singles and doubles. The event is being held at Knight's Lounge in Berea, about 20 minutes from Richmond. Be sure to come out and support the local scene!

If possible please check out the event's Facebook Page and confirm your attendance there.

Knight's Lounge
412 Chestnut St. Berea, Kentucky 40403

The shop is nice enough to let us use their space as a venue while only having a $2 venue fee, please be sure to be respectful/courteous by picking up after yourself and acting civil.

Event Information
Venue fee: $2
Melee Singles: $5
Melee Doubles: $5(per player, $10 per team)
Controller Rental: $1

12:45 Venue Opens
1:30 Registration Begins
2:00 Registration Ends
2:10 Melee Doubles Begin
3:15 Melee Singles Pools Begin/Doubles Grand Finals
4:30 Melee Bracket Begins
11:00 Venue Closes(After bracket feel free to stick around and play friendlies as there will be several setups remaining)
1st: 50%
2nd: 30%
3rd: 20%

Actual payout will be based on number of entries and percentages are subject to change based on turnout.
There will be no waived venue fee for bringing a setup due to the fact it is already the low amount of $2. However, it would be greatly appreciated if you could still bring a setup. This will allow you to play more friendlies and allow the event to run smoother.
The venue does have Wifi however, it is not strong enough to support a stream.

We will have a dedicated recording setup and all of top 8, or any other requested matches, will be recorded and uploaded to Youtube.

The matches will most likely be found on my personal channel.
  • 4 Stocks
  • 8 Minutes
  • Handicap: Off
  • Damage Ratio: 1.0x
  • Team Attack: On
  • Items set to Off and None
  • Pause set to Off
    • If the game is paused by a player, that player is forced to immediately forfeit a stock. We will be checking to make sure that every setup has pausing turned off. However, in the instance that a console is reset without us realizing, all players are encouraged to double check each setup before they play their set. The opposing player may deem that stock forfeit.
    • If the game is paused by a player in doubles that no longer has any stocks remaining, the opposing team may deem that the player’s partner’s stock forfeit. The player that paused the game, in this case, cannot take a stock, and the player’s teammate must forfeit their current stock.
  • Sets are best of 3
    • Grand Finals, Winners Finals, and Losers Finals are best of 5
  • Wobbling is legal.
    • Wobbling past 250% will be considered stalling is not allowed. Players found to be Wobbling past 250% will be forced to forfeit their current stock immediately. If the opponent is already past 250% and the player playing Ice Climbers is found to be Wobbling for 10 seconds or more, the player will be forced to forfeit their current stock immediately.
  • Any game that goes to Time will ignore the Sudden Death tie breaker. The winner of the game will be decided firstly by who has more stocks, with the player that has more stocks being awarded the win. If stocks are tied, the player with less percentage is declared the winner. If both stocks and percentage are tied, a 1 stock, 3 minute rematch will occur. This rematch will take place on the same stage, with all players playing the original characters they played, and all other rules and settings remaining the same.
  • If a player wins on a stage during the set, they are not allowed to counterpick that stage for the remainder of the set.
  • A player that loses on a stage is still allowed to pick that stage during the set, as long as they have not also won on that stage during the set.
  • Either player may declare a neutral start for any game played during the set. This is to be declared after port priority has been determined, if port priority has been contested. If port priority has not been contested after Neutral Start has been called for, port priority can still be contested before the Neutral Ports have been selected.The ports selected for Neutral Start can be found in the Stage List Section.
Singles Stage List

Starter Stages
Yoshi’s Story
Fountain of Dreams
Final Destination
Dream Land 64

Counterpick Stage
Pokemon Stadium

Doubles Stage List
Starter Stages
Yoshi’s Story
Final Destination
Dream Land 64
Pokemon Stadium

Counterpick Stage
Kongo Jungle 64
First Game of the Set:

  1. If one player wishes to contest for port priority, this is done now. This can be done through rock paper scissors, coin flip, etc.
  2. Players choose their characters. Double Blind may be requested by either player.
  3. Players decide who will strike first. This can be agreed upon or be decided through Rock Paper Scissors, Coin Flip, etc.
  4. Players strike stages in a 1-2-1 fashion, with player A striking one stage, player B striking two stages, and then player A striking one last stage.

Following Games:

  1. If the loser of the previous game wishes to contest port priority, this is done now. The player that lost the previous game reselects his port first. Afterwards, the winner of the previous game chooses his.
  2. The winner of the previous game bans one stage from the starter or counterpick list.
    • Stages banned by a player cannot be selected by either player for the remainder of the set.
    • No stages are banned during any set that consists of five games.
  3. The loser of the previous game selects one stage from the starter or counterpick list for the next game to be played on.
  4. The winner of the previous game selects the character he or she will play during the next game.
  5. The loser of the previous game selects the character he or she will play during the next game

Contact Information:
Knight's Lounge: (859) 228-0101
Email: Jaycob.applegate@gmail.com
Cob: 859-575-0357

Feel free to contact either myself or the store if you have any questions or confusion about the tournament! If you are new to Melee or interested in getting into the scene feel free to ask any questions, the scene is very welcoming.

Thanks and see you there!
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Smash Apprentice
Dec 25, 2014
If anyone has any questions feel free to post them here!
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