there certainly are a lot of tutorials, but nothing specific to your need, you'll have to read/ watch them and see what you need to change accordingly.
I'll run through you with it while I open it myself, I'm not going to change things and test it though, you'll have to do that.
Bear in mind that I'm new to this too.
Obviously make a backup.
Until you get confident with what you're changing, Id advise changing one thing at a time, testing it thoroughly, making a backup of each step as you go to change the next. and keep a backup of each step, in case you find you have to revert back to one. ( i usually have fit version 1.1, 1.2 etc.)
I assume you've gotten as far as opening your pac file with Falco?
There is a specials tab with a couple of numbers already named specials for you, however, this wont be where you need to change things.
If i look at 114 (upB) i can see that it calls sub action 1DA and 1DB. so well write that down to look at.
So, flick over to the Sub actions tab, and scroll through the sub actions (there are a lot)
Get to 1DA, this was our first hint at something used by Upb.
Changing graphics we are looking at two things: External gfx (the effect that is displayed) and offensive collisions (ie, the hitbox and the effect that can go with it)
So, on 1DA we can see that the animation name is 'SpecialHiHold'. this is good. we want to change all the specialHi things.
Take a look at event list, you have main, GFX and SFX.
External GFX can be in either 'main' if it's part of an offensive collision, or GFX.
So, looking at 'main' i dont see anything with Offensive collisions or External gfx. So we will move to 'GFX'
and here we are, External Graphic effect line.
Double click on it and open the graphic parameter. there is a value we can change.
look here for what external graphic numbers are what:
In that list, we can see that '30' is blue flame stuff. So stick that value in.
Then look at size parameter. This is going to need fiddling with, because not all External gfx are the same size at '1'. so when you test, you'll have to come back and adjust this.
That's it for the first step. Go and test it.
as a side, in 1DA GFX there are also loops with 'flash overlay' and colour values.
these are the colours you flash when charging the upb. you may want to change these to be more blue.
Same thing, double click to modify it, and change the parameter values to a hex colour.
you'll have to look at each 'SpecialHi' and change each. to get it how you want. (1DA-1DF)
As far as offensive collisions go, i suggest watching this video first: