Smash Rookie
Sakurai should be ashamed that this game exhausted him. I've been playing since release and it seems that each time I login I do nothing but yearn for Melee. I'm not even a "pro" or anything at Melee and I tolerated Brawl. But this game.. it spits in the face of everyone. It's terrible because it has exactly what we always wanted. 1 VS 1 final destination matches with no items. But oh my ****ing god it feels like the damage counter doesn't do ****; I remember being nervous when my damage was above 80% but in this piece of **** I look forward to it because it doesn't matter. No lobby, no balance, half the time I float through the ledge and don't even grab it because it doesn't work but who cares, the netcode is garbage I swear I'm VSing people with the Wii U dial up adapter and there's no way I can know that going in. Good luck trying to ****in' tech recover online; each match I enter I press the shield button and count how long it takes for it to pop up. There's a reason the crowd chanted Melee at Apex, and I know that now more than ever. The worst part? The absolute worst part is I bought the 3DS game, the Wii U game, the GC adapter with 4 controllers, and upgraded my net to 100MBps. I have tried so hard to love this game, poured hundreds of hours into it. I'm not mad that I lose online sometimes, nobody wins them all and when I feel legitimately beat I actually friend the person, but most of the time it's the ****ing awful delay, unregistered moves, or even worse the misses because you're too close. I swear Lil' Mac must be the worlds worst boxer if he misses his opponent because they're too close. I love you smash community and I love the experience smash can offer.. I just wish someone made it right.
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