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Asage94's (B)-Moveset


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place

I've been working on (B) Movesets for awhile now. So, in order to keep track of them, I made this. You're free to comment/rate if you want. You can even suggest movesets if you want. But please note I might have to research the character if I don't know them that well.


(B): Drill Run: Hold the (B) button, and his horn will start rotating. When you let go, he'll charge forward, about 1 1/2 character spaces forward. If it charges all the way, you can hold the charge, but only if it's charged all the way. The reason is because as you're charging, you can move around, dodge, shield, and even jump. You'll charge so long as you're holding the (B) button. Let go, and it'll interupt any move Rhydon is doing, and smash Forward. This move has huge damage-deal, but low knockback. You cannot use (B) moves while charging.

(B)v: Substitute: He transforms into a doll that looks like him for a second. If it's hit, Rhydon comes from behind, grabs the opponent, and throws the opponent with his horn. Press (B) again as you're in the Substitute and you'll come back, and sweep your tail forward.

(B)>: Take Down: He roars, then charges forward. As he running, his horn is rotating very quickly. Anyone hit by him will get huge knockback even at low damage. However, as Rhydon hits someone, he takes a little bit of damage. When you stop (Press the shield buttons), he'll stall for a second to grab his balance again. If you run off a stage, you'll grab the edge instead. This move cannot be used in mid air.

(B)^: Earthquake: Almost a perfect replica of King Dedede, except if you land on someone, they get pit'd. He stalls a little more than DDD on landing as well. Countering earthquakes at the sides to... counter.

Original Differences:

(B): Echoed Voice: She lets out a cry, shooting a sonic boom in front of herself. When it hits someone, they get paralyzed for a short time. Hit them three times with this move, and they'll be launched off. After the third time using this move, she'll stand and breath real quick, then get back to fighting.

(B)>: Round: She grabs forward. If she does, she'll circle the opponent, singing. The song causes more damage depending on the opponent's %. She'll then use her psychic powers and push them forward. You can also press (B) and push early.

(B)v: Relic Song: She sings the Relic Song. Anyone nearby will fall asleep. She becomes invincible for a short time, and transforms into her Pirouette Forme.

(B)^: Acrobatics: She performs a triple jump, spinning in mid air. If she's not holding an item, she can grab opponents and jump off of them. Afterwards, she'll have action.

Pirouette Forme Differences:

(B): Wake-Up Slap: She slaps the opponent. If they're asleep, they take a huge amount of damage and knockback. This move already has a high Knockback as is. This move can be spammed three times, but after slapping the third time, she'll step backwards. If there's a pit, she'll dodge roll forward.

(B)>: U-Turn: She darts forward, and will try to grab someone. Press (B) after using the move to perform a karate kick. If not, she'll just try to grab. If she does grab someone, she'll sesmic toss the opponent to her previous spot with a back throw. In mid air, she'll lose action if she doesn't kick.

(B)v: Relic Song: She sings the Relic Song. Anyone nearby will fall asleep. She becomes invincible for a short time, and transforms into her original forme.

(B)^: Acrobatics: She performs a triple jump, spinning in mid air. If she's not holding an item, she can grab opponents and jump off of them. Afterwards, she'll have action.

[COLLAPSE="Explorer Riolu"]
(B): Vaccum Wave
He punches foward, unleashing a Vaccum Wave to hit the opponent. The wave goes 3 character spaces ahead, and if then opponent is hit by Riolu's fist as well, they get more knockback.

(B)>: Wide Slash
He slashes foward, going 2 character spaces foward. This move does electric damage. In the sky, he goes straight down, like Kirby, and leaves countering stars instead of a vaccum slash, like Kirby.

(B)v: Counter
When attacked, he auto grabs the opponent, then throws them behind him, bouncing them off the floor. The stronger the move, the more further they're thrown.

(B)^: Iron Tail
He spins straight upwards, like Wario's (B)^, but can go horizontal more if wanted (press and hold the anolog stick into such position). It also goes as high as Lucario's (B)^.

(B): Thunderpunch:
He brings his fist back, and an eletric aura-like fog covers his paw (Like Lucario). After charging, you can throw this punch, shooting an electric spark, like Pikachu's (B). This move is a mix of DK and Pikachu's (B), except one thing. The spark will only be shot at full charge. This move hits much like Samus's (B) full charge shot

(B)>: Tail Whip:
He does a 360 and whips his tail out. Being such a long tail, this attack hits 2 character spaces forward, and has a sweet spot near the tip of the tail. At close range, it pushes opponents away more than usual, but does more damage and knockback at the sweet spot hit. Can only be whipped forward.

(B)v: Shock Wave:
Raichu jumps up, then stomps the ground, sending a Shock wave that defends the front and back of Raichu, going 1 Character space forward, lasting 1 second. Anyone hit will recieve paralysis, like ZSamus's (B) effect.

(B)^: Body Slam:
Works like King DDD, except when you halt it, Raichu'll float on Balloons afterwards. If you fall in the Body Slam mode, anyone that hits you will be brought straight downwards. Landing will send countering lightning bolts from both sides of Raichu going straight up, 2 character spaces. In Balloon mode, you can only float for 5 seconds, unlike Peach.

(B): Searing Shot: He brings both hands up, and charges a huge fire ball above himself. It takes 1 second longer to charge then Lucario's Aura Sphere. When released, and fire ball with fiery rings surrounding it will be shot straight forward. It's one click slower than Lucario's Aura Sphere, and goes 3 character spaces forward. When it hits someone, it explodes 1 1/2 character spaces around it, and does higher damage than a Bob-omb, but less knockback than a Bob-Omb. If it goes 3 character spaces, and hits no one, it'll do the effect stated above, except it'll do half of what it usually does.

(B)>: Zen Headbutt: Victini dashes forward in quick succession. If opponent is near, he'll grab them, then headbutt them forward. If you use this in the air, it'll be like Jigglypuff’s (B)>. If he grabs someone in the air, he'll put them under him, and he'll fly straight down, with his head to the victim. It’s a mix of Lucario, Jigglypuff, and Ganondorf's (B)>, to be precise.

(B)v: Work Up
He holds the ground with both hands, and then starts to glow orange and blue. Anyone who attacks him does damage, but no knockback. They might wanna step off, because when attacked, he'll grab the opponent, and throws them upwards, then he headbutts them with a mini-V-Create. It deals double the damage they did to him. So, if Ike does around 30% DMG, Victini does 60% DMG. The opponent will also be shot upwards, but always 2 character spaces upwards. Sheilds will not protect, for it’s a grapple attack. It takes 2 seconds for Victini to recover from it.

(B)^: Flame Charge:
He shoots himself upwards, then press the analog stick in any direction, and he'll be shot that direction as well. Much like Pikachu's, but does Fire damage, and has a sweet spot on the 2nd dash, which is at the tip end of his dash (Like Wolf's (B)>)[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Lucario"](B): Aura Sphere:
Basically like the move he used in Brawl, except you must hold the (B) button in order to charge. Like normal, either let go or press L or R to hold the charge. If you click the (B) button without charge, he’ll bring his paw out in front of him, and fire a fast but small Aura Sphere. This can be spammed 5 times, leaving a string of Aura Spheres (Which I’ll call the Aura-String). You can click-fire directly upwards as well.

(B)>: Force Palm:
Once again, very familiar with the normal (B)> Lucario now possesses, except he can now grab enemies from the sky and meteor-smash them downwards. Project Melee shows a great example.

(B)v: Circle Throw:
Lucario makes a battle stance. When someone attacks him, he side-steps, grabs the opponent, then with your option of direction, circle-throws them. If upwards, Lucario will throw them upwards, then get above them and hammer them into the ground. If towards eyesight, he’ll circle throw them much like Mario except faster and is thrown without much altitude. If thrown behind him, he’ll make them bounce off the ground behind himself after one complete 360 around himself. If downwards, he’ll do the same throw he did with a back-throw, except he’ll bounce them off the ground in front of himself.

(B)^: ExtremeSpeed:
As we know, ExtremeSpeed sucked in Brawl, but now here’s a more unique answer towards fixing it. Just as in Brawl, he’ll stop, then dash with you controlling where he dashes. Here’s the catch: Lucario can avoid all projectiles in this phase and hurts anyone he hits. When he stops, he’ll unleash some aura from his body. This is his sweet spot, like Wolf’s (B)>. Afterwards, he loses action.[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Meowth"](B):pay Day:
Hold the (B) button to charge, and let go of the (B) button to throw. The longer you hold the (B)button, the longer the throw time. Unlike the Ball Meowth, he can fire sideways, upwards, and downwards (Which trips easier on both sides of Meowth). The maximum charge time is a 3 second firing spree. Hold ^ when you're about to let go to fire upwards, and v to fire downwards. In the sky, the coins will be shot all around him, like in the N64.

(B)>: Payback:
He stands straighter, and his claws come out. When hit, he'll slash foward, doing 2x the number of dmg that was to be done. Meowth takes 1% dmg off this attack.

(B)v: Swaggar:
He stomps first, then smirks. As you hold it, the ground under him will vibrate, and he'll be breathing deeply. In this mode, he can deflect projectiles and make them shoot straight upwards. If an opponent is nearby when this move activates, the opponent's left and right movements become confused, and switch every now and then. So, you could be holding left, but you may go right, or maybe left.

(B)^: Aerial Ace
Like Meta Knight, except he doesn't glide. A Glideless shuttle loop, to be exact. But he also has action afterwards (He can still attack and such).[/COLLAPSE]

(B): Shadow Ball:
It’s exactly the same in Melee. It also keeps all effects from Melee, including the bouncing around as it goes forward. However, one addition is that he’ll be able to fire multiple Shadow Balls in front of him, making a line of Shadow balls (Like my Lucario (B) remix). It also doesn’t blast him backwards when he fires it in midair, like he did in Melee.

(B)>: Electro Ball:
He brings out his hand and an electric ball forms. When fired, this stuns opponents, much like ZSamus’s (B) attack. After this attack is done, he becomes a tiny bit quicker for 10 seconds.

(B)v: Barrier
He forms a pink and purple bubble around him after charging, which is a little bit longer than charging his (B) attack. In this bubble, he gets three chances to avoid flinch and knockback. But once this shield breaks, Mewtwo takes some damage, while also taking damage from attacks even within the bubble. If you charge right after it breaks, you’ll hurt yourself, and flinch on the spot.

(B)^: Teleport:
He teleports, like he did in Melee, nothing special except he can hurt others when reappearing as a countering effect.


[COLLAPSE="Legend of Zelda"]
[COLLAPSE="Young Link"](B): Slingshot: He brings out his Slingshot, and pulls the band back. It quickly charges, and can be fired quickly. You can move while charging, as well. When you fire, it’s as fast as Pit’s (B) arrows, but does less damage. But if a charged shot hits a shielding opponent, this move breaks the shield easier, possibly destroying it. You can fire upwards, forward, behind yourself (Turning around) as well.

(B)>: Roll-Smash:
He rolls, going 2 ½ character spaces forward. Anyone hit will be smashed directly upwards. If this move is spammed three times, Young Link becomes dizzy. The move will consider Spam by time. So, after one roll, wait 3 seconds so that you can avoid dizziness. This move does not work in the sky, but if you press it as soon as you hit the floor, you’ll roll, canceling the stall time from any attack you might of used.

(B)v: Bomb-chus:
He lets a Bomb-chu run off in front of himself. The Bomb-chu will go straight, and will blow up when someone touches it. This move deals a little bit more damage than Link’s normal Bombs. In the sky, it’ll drop straight down, and then continue walking. Only two Bomb-Chus can be out at one time from one person. Also, if it hits a wall, it blows up.

(B)^: Bunny Hood:
He spawns a temporary Bunny Hood, and jumps. If Young Link is already wearing a Bunny Hood, he’ll jump like normal. If he does this near someone, he’ll jump off them first, while either putting on the bunny hood, or straightening It, depending if he’s already wearing it.[/COLLAPSE]



(B): Life Draw
She whips out a canvas, and starts painting. She’ll paint a minion that attacks in different ways:
Waddle Dee: He’ll tackle every now and then once sent out.
Brunto Bert: He’ll fly around, and nose dive directly down at random times.
Ice Dragon: He’ll fight much like he did in the Kirby 64 game, except he’ll be faster, and have a stamina of 80, unlike the other characters she’ll draw.
Waddle Dee and Brunto Bert are the normal, but Ice Dragon is VERY rare, much like a legendary in a Poke Ball. She can only make a drawing if she’s charged up with paint.

(B)v: Paint Charge
I stated above that paint needs to be charged. That’s what this button is for. Hold the button down, and she’ll mix her paintbrush in her Color Palette. Press the shield buttons or the analog stick left or right to stop charging, and dodge. It takes 2 1/2 seconds to charge all the way. Once charged, she can perform her (B) and (B)> moves. Her (B)^ move is also effected.

(B)>: Drawmobile
She whips out a canvas, and starts painting. She’ll paint three different and well known automobiles along with a certain Rhino.
Excite Bike
Shy Guy Kart
Now, the first two do nothing special, except go off, but Rambi will stick around, and ram opponents. However, he also has a pivoting problem, and can fall off cliffs. He can try to jump back on the stage, but the jump isn’t much. But him tackling you IS the biggest worry. It’s very powerful, and he’ll target anyone closest and easier to get to (Like near the middle of the stage).

(B)^: Brunto Flight
She’ll draw a Brunto Bert on a drawing pad, and then it’ll fly upwards. Adeleine will grab it’s feet, and then you can control the Brunto Bert. It exactly like Snake’s (B)^, but has a better horizontal movement. She’ll freeze in place when drawing Brunto Bert in the air.[/COLLAPSE][/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="3rd Party"]

[COLLAPSE="Master Chief"](B): Spartan Laser
He charges his Spartan Laser as you hold the (B) Button. Unlike the others, you must hold the button in order to charge. However, it won't fire off until it's fully charged. But, unlike the Halo games, you can hold the charge. You can also move around with it, including one jumps and such. DMG: 23%, takes 4 seconds to charge (Look at that dmg!).

(B)v: Armor Lock
He ground pounds the floor, and gets into armor lock. His body becomes blue, and after every 1/2 second, his body turns bluer and more electrifying. He cannot be hurt in this phase. After 3 seconds, he'll let loose, doing 2% DMG to self, but anyone 1 character Space near him will take huge knockback, with electrical push, like Samus's (B) move. DMG: After Hit: 9%.

(B)>: Needler
He brings out the Covenant Weapon, The Needler, and uses it as a normal weapon. At the lower corner of the screen (Depending on your player #) it'll say "24, 96". 24 is the # of bullets you have for use at that moment. 94 is what's in the Magazine. Just like in Reach, if the opponent takes too many needles, they blow up. The needles don't break until after 2 seconds with no fire onto them. That means that if MC isn't firing the Needler at them, their timer of breaking off starts, but does reset once MC attacks again at the opponent with the needler. After the gun is empty, throw it away or hit an opponent with it, much like the Ray Gun or Super Scope. DMG: Needles: 1% each. Blow up impact (After taking 15 needles): 23%. Thrown Weapon: 7%.

(B)^: Aerial Assult
He uses his Jet Pack and flies upwards. It's about 75% as long as ROB's (B)^ move. The cool thing is this. You can drop Frag Grenades by pressing (B). Once the Jet Pack's Timer is up, you still have action. You can even use the grenades, but only until you've landed. DMG: Grenades: 7%. Fire under Jet Pack: 3% (Don't be under him).[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Bomberman"](B): Bomb Gain:
He grabs a Bomb. This bomb is can be charged, but it takes 5 seconds to charge it all the way. He cannot use this move if he is holding an item or if he already has a bomb. Cannot charge more once you let go of the (B) button. Press (A) or (B) to throw it. He gets slower and incaple of action once he has it.

(B)>: Bomb Kick:
If he has a bomb, he kicks it foward. If it hits someone, it blows up automatically, if not, it will idle after 3 character spaces. If you hold the items Barrel or Bob-Omb, this kick will still work. But it won't make the items idle, but keep going.

(B)v: Fire Up:
He gains Fire Up skill by pressing this button. After use, which takes 4 seconds, the Bomb you throw will do more damage than a Bob-Omb. Which is why it takes a long time to charge.

(B)^: Bomb Bounce:
He puts a Bomb under him and bounces off of it. You don't need to charge a bomb for this. It's a Level 1 bomb, meaning the lowest charge, and falls directly down. When it touches the ground, it'll blow up. As for Bomberman, it lets him jump straight up, and still have action, like Sonic.[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Sonic The Hedgehog"]
(B): Homing Attack:
The same as in Brawl. Nothing different at all.

(B)>: Spin Dash:
Once again, nothing different. Moving on…

(B)v: Light Speed Dash:
He crouches in a racing position, and shouts, “Ready…”, then a light blue orb comes out. It moves forward by itself, but like Zelda’s (B)> move, you can control it to go up and down. After it reaches a certain length, Sonic will turn into a Spin Ball, and follow the line it makes, leaving a light blue dash-wave behind him. Hits just like my Lucario’s ExtremeSpeed.

(B)^: Spring Jump
The same as in Brawl, except you can now, when above someone, meteor smash them when you use (B)^ above them.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
~This spot is reserved for News relating movesets~

Asage94 Moveset News:

Working on three movesets at present time. They are Keldeo, Genesect, and Pacman movesets.

Request News:


Deleted member

Personally, I don't like how you've given both Rhydon and Raichu similar Up-Specials to King Dedede.
Especially considering the prospect of Earthquake as a recovery seems Farfetch'd to me. :/ And the Substitue reminds me of an edited version of Lucario's Double Team.

I am not trying to be mean, so if it comes out like I am, I apologize.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Personally, I don't like how you've given both Rhydon and Raichu similar Up-Specials to King Dedede.
Especially considering the prospect of Earthquake as a recovery seems Farfetch'd to me. :/ And the Substitue reminds me of an edited version of Lucario's Double Team.

I am not trying to be mean, so if it comes out like I am, I apologize.
Well, Raichu is a little more of Peach than King Dedede, but I'll remix his.

As for Rhydon, my first thought of a recovery tactic was to have him use Rock Blast below him, boosting him upwards. That's worse, because it makes no sense. As for Substitute, it's actually not at all like Lucario's (B)v. It's a grappel that never misses, like Marth and Ike's (B)v.

It's fine, these critics are what I need to make my movesets better. Thanks for that.

How's progress on Impa and Rhydon?
Made Rhydon, denied Impa cause you told me you were joking T_T
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