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Argh, MK Troubles


Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2005
Vancouver, BC
I'm having problems against some guy who uses Metaknight, he learned to play as MK specifically so he can beat my Ice Climbers. He's read every trick in the book against them.


Smash Lord
May 4, 2008
You can punish moves where MK attacks the wrong Ice Climber. Also, stay grounded. As a MK main, I know that a good MK will beat you in the air. Use blizzard and occasional ice shot.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 23, 2008
When playing MK, just forget about getting grabs the normal way. Go for desynched blizzards and ice blocks instead. When he tries to fly above the ice spam, hit him with a Nair or Uair. If for some reason he assaults your blizzard head on and gets hit, you can dash forwards with Nana (if she is free) and get a free up smash. Or, if Popo is free, you can dash forwards and get a grab.

You can also make use of the standing Nana desynch to have Nana charge up a forwards smash while Popo is free to approach / attack. You can cancel this with a surprise squall hammer. Out of the standing Nana desynch, squall hammer has a very deceptive range which will catch MK off guard.

MK is pretty light so go for vertical kills. Your up air out prioritizes his dair and also can kill at decent percents. Just be sure to stay below him and not get in front or behind him or you will be in for some major punishment.

Mk's shuttle loop is one of his major kill moves. If you play him a lot, be sure to learn its range and how to punish it. It puts him into a glide, and the only thing he can do out of his glide is glide attack. He will glide attack out of shuttle loop with monotonous regularity. Be prepared to punish it with a blizzard / Fsmash / etc.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2005
Vancouver, BC
I blizzard him often as it stops his specials in his tracks, but then he spams his dash attack...a lot. I can't stay on the floor and I'm forced to fight in the air, so I use sh'd blizzards and squalls.

The problem is, I only desynch my grabs and ice blocks. Any tips on other desynchs? I don't know how to desynch my blizzards, any tips on that? Sometimes it happens by accident though.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2006
Niagara Canada
Just when your Desyncing an Ice block, Use blizzard with a solo IC, right before it ends, press Down B, and the other one will blizzard and the First Ic who blizzard will be free, then repeat that.

Against MK, what your going to want to do is use SH Blizzard and DeSync SH Blizzard alot, especially when he uses his Tornado and Glide attacks. Also, Play really campy, Use desynced Ice Blocks alot, and when he approaches you, just use blizzard again. If you hit that Blizzard with just 1 IC, the other IC can go and run in for the grab. Thats when you completely **** him with CGs, and even do the Block Lock against him if you have the chance. Another thing you can do is when hes gliding towards you is that you can Powershield it and Grab him right after (It sounds hard but it really isnt).

Whenever your not CGing, try and keep the MK far away. Hes most likely going to try and use the Tornado to get closer. When that happens, Blizzard. Blizzard is your best friend here, and your second best friend is CGs
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