Again, not an April Fools day prank, but hey this is funny.
Hmm, my one prank that I am proud of...
I once launched a water balloon in to a girls room, while away on my youth gathering trip I go to every summer. You may be wondering, what is so funny about that? Let me explain.
First thing, the placement of the rooms. My dorm was across from the girls dorm. Very important, both the rooms were 3 stories up. The distance between the two windows was about 20ft.
Another thing, in order to make this one in a million shot, my friends and I had to unbolt the screen window. When we had this done, I leaned pretty far out of the widow and they held on to my arm in case I lost my balance.
So anyway, with my free arm, I tossed the balloon, thinking I would never make the shot, but no! A direct hit in the center of their screen window. It made a surprisingly loud noise.
In no time the chaperones were up investigating. (Did I mention all this was going on at 3am?) We had just enough time to get our window screen on before the chaperones checked our room. If they found out who it was, we would have been tossed out of the youth gathering. Because there were over 100 guys on our floor, they could not pin the crime on any one individual. It turns out we soaked the girl’s sound system. That was probably why they were so mad. The event was an instant hit on the guys floor, and I was the talk of the trip. It was a regular riot. I wish I had it on tape.