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Anyone else have trouble choosing a main?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2011
Seattle, WA
I got PM about two weeks ago, and I still don't feel like I'm anywhere close to figuring out a main for this game. I think it really speaks to how awesome of a job the PMDT has done making every character feel interesting, appealing, and strong. Anyone else have similar problems when you first started out in PM? How'd you figure it out?

Binary Clone

Easy Money since 1994
Jul 11, 2014
Evanston, IL
I got PM about two weeks ago, and I still don't feel like I'm anywhere close to figuring out a main for this game. I think it really speaks to how awesome of a job the PMDT has done making every character feel interesting, appealing, and strong. Anyone else have similar problems when you first started out in PM? How'd you figure it out?
Yep, had the same problem.

Just keep playing. Play different characters, find one that you wanna learn, or a few you wanna learn, start learning them a little, just keep playing playing playing. Eventually you'll hopefully decide that you like one above all the rest. I started maining Marth from when I came from Melee, then switched to Roy. I still consider Roy my main, but mostly these days I've been playing Captain Falcon and Wolf.

It really comes down to what you want to do and enjoy most. I'm not sure what other people will tell you, but I find that the best way to do it is to just play.

I suppose if you wanted to be more organized, what I would do is write down all the members of the cast, all of them, and then cross off all of the ones you know you don't enjoy as much as the others, and just have it in writing to narrow it down. Watch pros and see if anyone in particular inspires you. Stuff like that.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2011
Seattle, WA
Yep, had the same problem.

Just keep playing. Play different characters, find one that you wanna learn, or a few you wanna learn, start learning them a little, just keep playing playing playing. Eventually you'll hopefully decide that you like one above all the rest. I started maining Marth from when I came from Melee, then switched to Roy. I still consider Roy my main, but mostly these days I've been playing Captain Falcon and Wolf.

It really comes down to what you want to do and enjoy most. I'm not sure what other people will tell you, but I find that the best way to do it is to just play.

I suppose if you wanted to be more organized, what I would do is write down all the members of the cast, all of them, and then cross off all of the ones you know you don't enjoy as much as the others, and just have it in writing to narrow it down. Watch pros and see if anyone in particular inspires you. Stuff like that.
Excellent advice, thank you. I feel like it's pretty much down to Mewtwo and Lucario for me at the moment; Mewtwo fits my usual more spacing/stage control oriented playstyle best but Lucario's combo system is really fun. I'll keep playing both until one of them really pulls ahead.

Just play ganon. Problem solved! : D
I wish I was manly enough to main Manondorf.


Smash Lord
Apr 14, 2014
I never had any trouble deciding on a main lmao. I played smash unbelievably casually (like, you have no idea how bad I was. Like, could not beat a level 9 computer every time bad. Never even heard of tech or even the concept of comboing before levels of bad. Only use dash attack and fsmash levels of bad. DIDN'T EVEN KNOW SHORT HOPPING EXISTED LEVELS OF you get my point.) for a long time (once every now and again against cpu's on a team when a friend came over) and I played sheik because idk she was fast I guess. Then, in brawl, I hated sheik and just switched to zss because they were kinda similar, right? So I played exclusively because that's generally what I do in games, and continued sucking.

Anyway, around 2 years after I stopped playing smash, I started going to this school. At this school a real life friend played smash with a bunch of different people so I joined in and they were playing PM. I picked zss because brawl. First two people out had to lose their place, so I wanted to not have to get up every time. About 10 months ago, I decided to not suck at smash and actually figure out how to be good and learned everything I could about zss. Though I really disliked the changes from brawl to PM and thought brawl was superior for a long time, I quickly realized how dumb I was for thinking that. Now that I've figured out all the tricks up ZSS' sleeve and all of the movement options in PM, I love it and her. There's some things I don't like about 3.5 for her, and we've gone through some trial separations, but we always come back together strong. As of now, I am the only ZSS player of note in the atlantic south that I know of.

TL;DR ZSS and me are like Forest and Jennay, but she doesn't have aids. (at least I'm pretty sure)


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2013
Puerto Rico
If you have history with a character (for example, say you loved dk games) then you may enjoy yourself more with using characters from franchises you love. Or you may opt to use a character depending on how they "feel" in terms of gameplay. I play Sonic because as I kid I always loved his games (prior 06) and in this game he feels nice to play as he seems to stay true to his games in terms of speed and mobility. If you have both of those things, you will feel motivated to keep learning about your character and continue to improve in the game.

Sur Fartsalot

Smash Apprentice
Feb 15, 2015
The Round Table
I never had any trouble deciding on a main lmao. I played smash unbelievably casually (like, you have no idea how bad I was. Like, could not beat a level 9 computer every time bad. Never even heard of tech or even the concept of comboing before levels of bad. Only use dash attack and fsmash levels of bad. DIDN'T EVEN KNOW SHORT HOPPING EXISTED LEVELS OF you get my point.) for a long time (once every now and again against cpu's on a team when a friend came over) and I played sheik because idk she was fast I guess. Then, in brawl, I hated sheik and just switched to zss because they were kinda similar, right? So I played exclusively because that's generally what I do in games, and continued sucking.

Anyway, around 2 years after I stopped playing smash, I started going to this school. At this school a real life friend played smash with a bunch of different people so I joined in and they were playing PM. I picked zss because brawl. First two people out had to lose their place, so I wanted to not have to get up every time. About 10 months ago, I decided to not suck at smash and actually figure out how to be good and learned everything I could about zss. Though I really disliked the changes from brawl to PM and thought brawl was superior for a long time, I quickly realized how dumb I was for thinking that. Now that I've figured out all the tricks up ZSS' sleeve and all of the movement options in PM, I love it and her. There's some things I don't like about 3.5 for her, and we've gone through some trial separations, but we always come back together strong. As of now, I am the only ZSS player of note in the atlantic south that I know of.

TL;DR ZSS and me are like Forest and Jennay, but she doesn't have aids. (at least I'm pretty sure)
Lol same here. When my friend showed me PM, I liked it right away, but I still though brawl was better, being the ultimate noob I was. Then, my friend started doing stuff like dash-dancing, wavedashing, spiking/meteor smashing, and I was like "How are you doing that?" I tried doing some stuff in brawl like dash dancing, but that's crazy hard. Originally I was a bit reluctant to delete some of my custom stages, but when I did, boy was I glad. From that point on I stuck to PM. Back to the real question. I originally played as marth and falco in PM, so the transisiton wasn't too bad for. What I did to choose some characters was I watched a bunch of smash videos, and played characters I thought viable. I first played as marth and falco, but as my PM knowledge expanded and I started watching some pros, I now like to play as wolf (From chillin and timemuffin), and lucas (neon). Hope you this helps and good luck choosing a character!


Smash Apprentice
Sep 16, 2014
Great Bay, Termina
I just wanted to play my favorite characters.
when I started becoming serious, i picked up Falco and learned some basic strategies.
Somehow that helped me learn how to play Ness better. i don't know.


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2009
Planet Tallon IV
I pretty much play a mix between my favorite characters and characters with a playstyle I like. Samus is probably my favorite Ninty character so I still play her, but Lucas stood out because of his agressive playstyle.

When I saw badge's shield pressure compilation for 2.5 Lucas, I fell in love.

Basically though, there is no right answer. And two weeks you'll find is such little time to get comfortable with the game. Give it a while.
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Smash Lord
Sep 30, 2014
I needed a 'main' so that my friend (who wanted to be competitive) always had the best opponent to play against. I love variety and hated the idea of having to pick one character, so Sheilda it was! I still play other things occasionally for fun, though.

If you don't want to take the time to learn every character just so you can decide what you find fun, think about what elements of the game you enjoy the most. For me, it was the pretty/graceful movement and hard reads (therefore characters with strong hits). For you it might be quick action, speedy movement, creative combos, zoning, or style. Look at what characters exhibit your preferred method of play, and give them a try!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2011
Seattle, WA
I've actually narrowed it down a bit at this point; I'm probably just going to bounce between Mewtwo and Wario until one sticks for me.
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