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Anyone Around Palm Coast ? Interested In Creating A Scene ?

Cloud Knight

Smash Rookie
Nov 10, 2014
As you know the new smash comes out for wii u next week !! I'm pumped and already paid off my pre order so I'll be at midnight launch guaranteed. But the point of this thread is too see if there are anyone around this area or in the area down to create a scene.

I'm thinking tournaments, streams, youtube vids. Forming a nice team to as well hit some road trips to major events or Orlando tourneys!
And overall meet some new friends and as well rival's ...

So are you down ?


Smash Rookie
Nov 26, 2014
Palm Coast, Florida
Hey Cloud Knight!

I'm new to the Smash community as well, and I'm definitely down for going to some tourneys and trying to get a scene going here. I mostly play Melee and PM, and I don't even have a Wii U, but I'd definitely be down playing Smash 4 as well.

I go to college out of state so I'm just here for Thanksgiving week and then Christmas break later on, but message me back sometime this week so we can get together and play sometime this weekend.


Smash Rookie
Feb 3, 2015
Palm Coast, FL
Bump from beyond the grave. I'm in Palm Coast, looking to hopefully get some offline time in.
If you gentlemen ever get back to this thread, hit me up. The easiest way to contact me would be through my Twitter, @ dakidukno dakidukno .
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