Smash Rookie
Alright, I've been doing some common3.pac modding, but it's gone a little bit over the filesize limit. If possible, I want to reduce the filesize of items I don't use - is there any particular way to go about doing this? Maybe swapping over the model/texture of a smaller item, or putting the texture(s) in monochrome?
Come to think of it, which item has the smallest filesize, anyway? I'm assuming it's something like the Deku Nut or Diddy's seeds...
*UPDATE* I found a way to reduce the filesize of items without affecting them too much. Just take every texture that's in AC18 format, and toggle it to AC14. It cuts the filesize for each item in half, and doesn't affect the in-game appearance too much (if you zoom in a lot while paused, you'll see that the item looks somewhat cel-shaded, but there's no real difference in gameplay).
Come to think of it, which item has the smallest filesize, anyway? I'm assuming it's something like the Deku Nut or Diddy's seeds...
*UPDATE* I found a way to reduce the filesize of items without affecting them too much. Just take every texture that's in AC18 format, and toggle it to AC14. It cuts the filesize for each item in half, and doesn't affect the in-game appearance too much (if you zoom in a lot while paused, you'll see that the item looks somewhat cel-shaded, but there's no real difference in gameplay).