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Any way to fall faster?

Buster High Man

Smash Rookie
Mar 25, 2008
Man, I'm having a major weakness towards people hanging around under me. If I get popped up with Olimar, it seems like it takes me FOREVER to get back down. Is there any way to safely reach the ground/fall faster/defend myself against such things?

I guess the easiest reply would be 'Don't get popped up.'

And no, I don't need a thread full of people saying that you have no problem reaching the ground. I don't care. That dosen't help me. The guy I play against is good. He found all of my/Olimars weakness pretty quick. I mean, I could just destroy him with my Kirby, but I'd much rather practice Olimar.


On a semi-related side note, can anybody link me to a video of somebody playing Olimar straight crazy good? Preferable against Lucas or Ike or some of the more obviously powerful characters.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2008
Switch FC
I recommend moving left and right while you're falling. Your Pikmin will trail behind you and create a neat zig-zag pattern, which may confuse your opponent. It's a mind game that makes it harder for your opponent to guess where you will land.

You can do something unexpected and fall straight into your opponent, and air dodge.

You can also use Olimar's whistle armor in the air. You'll take a hit, but at least you can land on the stage afterwards.

Here are some videos of Olimar vs. Ike:

http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ow_LCDVyVqY (The Ike in this one is not very good)
http://youtube.com/watch?v=c6O0bN64hM4 (This one is a more even match)

EDIT: http://youtube.com/watch?v=HmM1pCYCv6A (This is a video of Echo's Olimar vs Snake)
EDIT: http://youtube.com/watch?v=PmMCy3MtDq8 (Olimar vs. Game & Watch)
EDIT: http://youtube.com/watch?v=HQK7MvCoU3c (I really, really like how this Olimar used Up+B )

I hope that helps.

Buster High Man

Smash Rookie
Mar 25, 2008
I watched that second one against Ike and I really don't see anything I don't already do save for the whistle. Let me get this straight though, he dosen't get knocked back at the beginning frame, right? What happens if it's a particularlly nasty attack, same thing as Kirby's rock?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2008
Switch FC
Also, if you watch the Olimar vs. Snake video, http://youtube.com/watch?v=HmM1pCYCv6A , you can see Olimar using the zig-zag tactic I was talking about at 3:40.

Olimar's whistle has super armor frames at the beginning of the animation, yes. This means that Olimar will receive no knock-back from any attack. ANY attack, by ANY character. :) It must be timed precisely, though.


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
If you're really stuck on recovery, and I mean you REALLY cannot get grounded again, DI towards the edge of the stage, and use your b^ to grab the ledge. This is not a wide tactic used, for obvious reasons, so it'll really change things up / surprise your opponent. From there go on the offense to take control of the stage again. There's so many things you can do from the ledge, so you're options are wide open. A particular favorite of mine is jump, throw pikmin, fair, and then grab, or if they're closer to you, roll up, and then throw them off the stage.
This is of course last resort if you cannot get back on stage, since you might miss your b^, but again... I won't count on someone trying to edge hog you when you do this.



Smash Cadet
Jun 7, 2007
Mty, Mexico
I have had the same issue, but I think I got it solved. Variation is IMO the key to return safely to the ground. You have various options when trying to return to the ground and using them all at different times can really save you some % and sometimes even a stock.

You can use the zig-zag pattern to try and confuse your enemy, whistle while taking a hit (which is usually followed by an attack to land safely without him right besides you), fall into your opponent and air dodge (can also be followed by an air attack) , or (this is what I use against characters that have bad recovery and usually dont chase if you are too far away form the stage) DI out of the stage and near the edge, thought out of reach of attacks, and use up+B to recover (beware thought, Olimar's recovery can be easily gimped).

Try to use them all (Try not to do them in any order, be spontanous ;) ) Somtimes DI directly into him and attacking is something that will take him by surprise and can work, dont do it too much because they can usually find around it.

Hope this helped :(.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2008
Delray Beach, Florida
Yeah, vary your options between the ones Kaoz used and you should be all right. Don't forget, though, that it depends on your opponent. Against some characters without great Uairs and Usmashes, you might be able to pull off a simple Dair.

But anyway, are you saying you can't fastfall by pressing Down? That's probably because you're in the tumble animation after being knocked around. Airdodge or attack to end that animation; then fastfalling should work fine.


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
I somewhat disagree with ultimatum on this one. On one hand, dairing characters with poor usmashes is a good idea, but only a high percentages. If you dair into the ground you're immobilized for what seems like forever. It's roughly the same time (if not more) as link pulling his sword out of the ground after his dair. It's a good idea at first glance, seeing as some characters can roll right out of a dair, or attack out of it, but olimar is defiantly not one of them.



Smash Cadet
Mar 31, 2008
Polk County, FL
This is very useful, i think kaoz is right (seeings as he named EVERY way to get back on the ground cept Dair)

The two that seems to work best for me is falling towards them (no, not chasing them, if they run away DI the opposite way) aerial dodging and zigzagging.

Sometimes i can fall towards them, when they attack aerial dodge to left left/right of em and then hit em which can sometimes turn it to where your trying to keep THEM in the air.
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