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Any tips?


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
I main Diddy Kong and said I would since the game first came out and such. Over time, I took a break off him to work on some other characters for possible secondaries and what have you. I second Wolf, third DK, fourth Wario, and possibly fifth Marth. Anywho, I have some matches of my Diddy Kong (albeit not that great in my eyes) but, I want to know what exactly I'm missing and what I need to do to do ... better. I also need to get better with him for an upcoming tourney this weekend and... I can't practice because my Wii was sent in for repair but, if I get some tips or advice based off the matches I link to, it'll help me loads.

0WN1N (Diddy Kong) VS. Ripple (DK) (WiFi, although the connection wasn't terrible so I was able to do pretty well).
0WN1N (Diddy Kong) VS. SciFiGuy (DDD) 1 (Offline, about a month old)
0WN1N (Diddy Kong) VS. SciFiGuy (DDD) 2 (Offline againz)
0WN1N (Diddy Kong) VS. ANTZ! (Lucas) (WiFi, he's not that great with Lucas and it's pretty evident)
0WN1N (Diddy Kong) VS. ANTZ! (Peach) (Offline, second match, this was WAAAAAAYYYY back in August so my Diddy sucks in comparison and his Peach is MUCH better now)
0WN1N (Wolf/Diddy Kong) VS. Sliq! (Bowser) (This is the tournament I went to a few weeks back, there's gonna be another one PLEASE tell me what one of my main flaws was when I was Diddy)

Well, that's all I got now I guess. Please give me some advice on what to do less of and more of. Pay attention more to the most recent matches rather than the ones from months ago (they're just to show how I was then compared to now). I'm still getting better with the bananas and peanuts. I'm thinkin' a little bit moar now too.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
i saw the first one the ddd ones the last one and must admit ur a good diddy. the only flaws im seeing is that when your opponents get your bananas they use them to highten the tension between u two and u seemed to be more prone to mistakes and that one gimp that ripple did on the last stock was quite well :\..at least u peanut gunned him to death :3. The ddd one was quite a good match, though the glide tossing i noticed became predictible to ddd while he was on the platform. good thing u mindgamed him into that free fsmash kill :3. the sliq one was well...sliq is too good nuff said >_<. good job though man! loving the stuff


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
lol ripple i played him he kinda got me bad with dk
Yeah, his DK is pretty sweet. I did well against it though considering the circumstances and WiFi (I'm sure it'd have been very different offline, in more ways than one). But, yeah...

DFEAR said:
u seemed to be more prone to mistakes
Yeahhh... I do that a little bit some times. Like, I'll mean to Ftilt but Diddy does an Fsmash and... it leaves me wide open. (Where as with any other character, the Ftilt would have worked). But, thanks for teh comments, didn't think my Diddy was actually good. >_>;
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