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Any tips when fighting projectile spammers?


Smash Lord
Aug 15, 2007
Palm Beach
Particularly the Pokemon ones.

I was thinking about ensuring some space between myself and my opponent when fighting Pikachu and attempting to get only Yellow Pikmin.

I don't know you to get past Ivysaur's razor leaf or her ranged grab.

templar rage

Smash Cadet
Feb 26, 2008
I would try to jump over and air dodge over them to avoid their up attacks (Ivysaur's Bullet Seed, Pikachu's Thunder.) Other than that, I just try to do whatever it takes to get in there. It helps that Olimar does have a ranged attack to cancel some of the slower ones.


Smash Cadet
Feb 19, 2008
Pikmin can be stopped dead in their tracks and killed thus leaving you vulnerable for more projectiles while you pluck some more up.

You should throw a few pikmin to distract while you move in and proceed with any of your combos, strategies, and etc.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2008
Switch FC
Ivysaur's Razor Leaf attack is a really...really good projectile. I mean, it looks and sounds lame, but it's so useful. It's one of the only projectiles that Pikmin do NOT absorb. If you throw Pikmin at Ivysaur's Razor Leaf, the leaf will cut right through them, and continue coming towards you. I would just shield the Razor Leafs, or jump to avoid them, and throw Pikmin while in the air. Use Olimar's long-ranged attacks to your advantage, and distance yourself from Ivysaur. Don't let Ivysaur come close enough to grab you.


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
latch a yellow on pikachu... it gets on his face and he can't use his thundershock (also hardly any of his moves knock it off since they have electrical properties). For Ivysaur's razor leaf... just dodge it. Jumping or rolling through them is no big deal, though the former is better as Ivy will prolly try to grab you or use another attack like vinewhip. Like Olimar players, most Ivysaur players don't incorporate their B^ move into their arsenal, so attacking at that magic angle with a fair (for bonus points use a red pikmin, since fire deals extra damage) is ideal. If they figure that one out just jump over them (do an air dodge in case of bullet seed) and then grab when landed.



Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
I dont know if forward smashing his leaf attack stops it in its tracks. You should try it out, cause you can do a slow advance and fsmash whenever a razor leaf comes by.

The |Egg| Sniper

Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2006
As stated before, Pikmin cannot absorb Razor Leaves. They go through targets. Dodging this attack is your best bet against Ivysaur. To be honest, you outrange Ivysaur in the grab department by a small bit. Also remember, Olimar's grab starts the second the Pikmn starts walking away from him. If you're point blank with Ivyaur and attempt a grab, I would believe that the Pikmin would just snatch Ivysaur back up. Olimar has one of the most deceptive grabs in the game, so use that to your advantage. Also, dsmash works just as instantly (if not moreso) than the grab. When in doubt, try the dsmash.

Other projectiles, such as Nikitas and Flamethrowers, use Red Pikmin Fsmashes or Pikmin Throws. Purples work when you're short on Reds in most cases.

Against chargeshots and Thunder Jolts, yellows obviously do the job. Fsmash is more pinpoint against these attacks. Pikmin throw usually lobs the pikmin over the attacks. Not sure the element of Aura spheres, but I assume they're electric. If not, hurl a Purple at those.

That's just to stop the bigger projectiles. For smaller projectiles, such as arrows, ROB lasers, and fireballs, I'd probably just learn to navigate around them to be honest. Remember that Olimar's grab range is more than you'd expect. Don't be afraid to use that when you're up close.
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