I live in Maine and have been to a few tourney's. I went to the opening brawl tourney in Boston and did well. And I have been itching to get into the tourney scene more with brawl. So I was wondering if there are any tourney's being held on a regular basis between Maine and Mass. Mass is probably the farthest me and my friends will drive to a tourney.
My second question was:
Would anyone be interested in coming up to Maine for a tourney if I got everything put together and gave you a date and time? I am having a tourney this weekend with about 16-20 of my friends to start the summer off and was hoping that the next tourney could be even bigger and be more competitive. So if anyone is interested, let me know.
My second question was:
Would anyone be interested in coming up to Maine for a tourney if I got everything put together and gave you a date and time? I am having a tourney this weekend with about 16-20 of my friends to start the summer off and was hoping that the next tourney could be even bigger and be more competitive. So if anyone is interested, let me know.