Winnnn _AKA_Walt Piffney
Smash Apprentice
I've always had an eye on it because you know I use common sense... and considering the comforts of technology and the way people treat their phones, electronic devices like their third hip. I'm sure they'll be the only jobs left in the future after we automate all mundane task with machines lol. Anyway I recently got back into it because a friend who knows I've been trying my hand at it on my own since forever (actually pretty good at html and base level concepts). Sent me a link to a program / bootcamp that basically puts you around experts in the industry for 8 -9 hours a day. 5 days a week (for about 1200 -1800 hours total over the course of 3 months). Basically the Marines for nerds lol. That's about 12 - 18 % mastery (10,000) in only 3 months its no wonder job placement rate after is 98%... but they also have an acceptance rate of 5 % and a drop out rate of about half lol. Its free if you get in but they take 16- 18 % of your salary for the first 6 months after you leave. The main language is Ruby. People already working in software development. Give me your power and well wishes and also share your experiences.
Also help me with this coding problem that made me quit for the time being and hop on for glory lol -
Also help me with this coding problem that made me quit for the time being and hop on for glory lol -
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