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another day vs undrdog


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2003
northest MD (21001)
Link to original post: [drupal=1139]another day vs undrdog[/drupal]

i think he still beats me more than i him. the first 3 matches we played today were amazing, so undr is pulling them off the tape. the 3rd one kind of sucks because i got two stocked, but the shield break at the end was cool
undr thinks we should start commentating them again. should be fun

my new goal is not to let undr beat me anymore. the problem is less about samus vs pit and more about me vs him. i'm too lazy minded and my focus often shifts from winning to learning about samus. there is still alot i don't understand about samus. i need to remind myself, just before a match, of what to avoid doing
ways i suck
-stop following up the jab. it doesn't work and if it does, its because undr sucked at that moment. i often get grabbed after a jab, even if it hits, but only if i try to follow it up. undr also often rolls behind me after a shielded jab and i could do something about it if i wasn't stubbornly committed to following up the jab
-get a charge blast. almost every time i knock undr away, i should get a charge blast (if lacking) rather than trying to follow up with lame missile/zair attempts. the charge blast is just as awesome as the zair. plus, the charge blast doesn't need to be full to be awesome
-counter the air dodge. too often, as he is falling back to the stage, i put all of my hopes into one hit that usually gets mis-timed and fails. he air dodges through it, cancels on the stage and proceeds to pwn me as i lag. i need to count on an air dodge, provoke it or be able to attack him before and after the it with a quick move or multi-hit. jab swipe, fair, dsmash, usmash, uair, nair... anything but her stupid fsmash
-at high %, don't follow up DA/dtilt/dthrow with an aerial. will never work regardless of how much i want it to
-stop trying to do the same combo regardless of the %. there is a combo for every %, except death %, learn their range and apply them. don't zair to dash grab at mid-high %. don't DA-jab at low %. failing a combo gets me pwned.
-at high %, focus on killing. i screw around too much. samus can gimp anytime and kills as early as 50%. why am i still trying to rack up damage at 150+%? don't knock them back and forth across the stage, push them to one side and keep them there. don't try to kill with a stale move and keep the kill moves fresh. hitting someone with a move that won't kill just sets them up to turn the stock around. it takes all the pressure off them, gives them plenty of time to think and lets them reset their position. i'm so lame
-learn the damage of all of my moves and combos. why risk it on a 10% combo when a dashing usmash or dtilt would be safer and do just as much damage? some of my combos are retardedly risky
-uncharged blast is just as good as a zair at starting combos. jumping around to zair is often way too obvious

there is more. much, much more. but i'm outta time today


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2003
northest MD (21001)
dair spike kills most chars at 50+%. though i think its actually closer to 30. once they get enough damage, the knockback is tremendous
she sweetspot zair kills at 80, once you get them off stage and practically off screen
at the edge of the stage, fsmash and utilt can kill at 100. unless they DI well, but if you hit the person out of the right attack, they're already DI'ing wrong
generally, most of her kills will come at 120+
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