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[Anime] Chibi Head (PS7 Tutorial)

Crooked Crow

drank from lakes of sorrow
Jun 11, 2007
I haven't really been in the GFX section of SWF, so I guess I'd introduce myself here with a tutorial I made a few months ago, before summer. I haven't done too much Photoshopping in the past few months, but I think I'll be getting back to it.

Here's a few results based on the tutorial..

For more examples..

These were pretty fun to make, and I may make some more in the future.
A lot of the ones I made were requests too, and I may take a few from SWF
and even make some SSBM characters (Captain Falcon and Boozer Chibi ftw?)
You could make a few (resize them if necessary) and make a nice looking sig with them.

Anyways, here's what you've all been waiting for; the tutorial.
Made with Photoshop 7.0. Should be possible to do with any updated version,
though buttons and shortcuts may be slightly different.

2.5mb Warning

I haven't really tried, but I'm sure that you can even make
Anime-style chibi's of real people, so this isn't limited to Anime only people..
I'd actually like to see the results of it.

A part of the tutorial I missed:
For people with long hair/hair on the back of their heads,
it's easier to make a new layer and move it behind the base layer, and work from there,
rather than working around the base. (I used this method for my Aizen, Kisuke, Ishida's cape and Gin.)
As for extra stuff, (like Ichigo's mask, Ishida's glasses and hand, Tenten's headband, etc.)
Make new layers for them and put them in the right place.
If anyone needs help about extra stuff, feel free to ask, and I'll try my best to help you out.

I look forward to seeing other people's outcomes.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2007
also andy goods jobless!!!!
cant believe u thunk that up...
me > your link+wigi's jiggs

my doc ftw.

roger delta 411 alpha team bravo GO ! HIIIIKKKEEE.

Crooked Crow

drank from lakes of sorrow
Jun 11, 2007
uhh... Thanks? LOL
Now go put my tutorial to use and show me your results :p
Make, like, Doctor Mario or something
I'd tell you to make Kirby but he'd look the same, chibi head or not hahah

I think I'll make Chibi Falcon later.. mmMMmm..
Who else from SSBM would look great as a chibi head thingy?
I gotta think of a different name..

Crooked Crow

drank from lakes of sorrow
Jun 11, 2007
Oops, I guess I should've made this post in the SWF Members Tutorial..
If it's possible, could a moderator move my main post to that thread?
And delete everything else.. I'm really sorry.
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