Smash Journeyman
'm the kind of pokemon player whom likes to use his favorites, but also wants to win, like everyone, lol. So I took my favorite OU pokemon, and made this team. I know what your going to say right away, all sweeper teams don't work, I would agree, but with this team, I have beaten several teams that have gotten some great rates on this forum. And no, those people I was playing weren't noobs, I'm sure of it.
So here is my team, as far as rating goes I will not be switching any pokes out, nor will I be able to change the EV's because there at lvl 100, which I did legitimetly using 5 lvl 91 phany's i got off of GTS. But movesets, leads, and items are what I'm looking for.
Aerodactyl @ focus sash
EV: 252spd 252att 6hp
-Fire blast
-rock slide
-stealth rock
This poke fairs pretty well as my lead, fire blast and earthquake for obvious reasons, rock slide over stone edge, because with Aero's speed, flinch is well worth it. And stealth rock is used when I predict a switch, or when Aero is walled. It gets good enough coverage with three attacks, stealth rock provides situational benefits.
Gengar @ focus sash
EV:252spd 252spatt 6hp
-shadow ball
-focus blast
-destiny bond
A very necessary part of my team, it's most important job is to revenge kill weavile, because weavile can potentially sweep my team. Also, my team has difficulty with pokes like blissey and bronzong, and thats where destiny bond comes in,( and yes, I have actually done it), starmie thunder waves bliss, I switch to gengar on toss, and focus blast until ready to bond. Yeah, i know it isnt reliable, but remember this is a sweeper team modified to be resonably good. I really only use this method when out predicting my opponent after switching bliss out doesn't work.
Weavile @ life orb
EV:252spd 252att 6hp
-aerial ace
-night slash
-ice punch
-brick break
I went for a weavile with full coverage.
Porygon-Z @ choice scarf
EV:252spd 252spatt 6hp
-tri attack
-ice beam
-dark pulse
-hyper beam
This poke is made to counter the the things that truly threaten my team, and hyperbeam is last resort move. It gets enough coverage with boosted tri attack, which is to the best of my knowledge, more powerful than a X2 beam or pulse. So thunderbolt in place of hyper gives me coverage to gyarados, which could have an electivre behind it anyways. And it more often that not kills Duskilor for me.
Starmie @ leftovers
-Natural cure
EV: 252spd 252spatt 6hp
-thunder wave
-rapid spin
-thunder bolt
Support with sweeping ev's, my mistake. It can handle most any bulky waters, and whenever bliss shows up, it comes out to thunder wave it, and take a thunder wave, then leaves for the counter. I do have this idea of replacing thunderbolt with recover, and using pp ups on everything, then mabey it could out last bliss, causing it to lose it's pp, I've never tired it though, could it work?
Garchomp @ lum
Sand Veil
EV: 252spd 252 att 6hp
-swords dance
-fire blast
Set's up on whatever it can, or dances in front of duskinor, takes the will o wisp, then kills it with outrage.
My strategy lately has been keep Aero in until it faints, unless it totally gets walled, or an appropriate counter is predicted. Once Aero is down, push hard with my special attacking pokes, in an effort to draw out bliss if present, because If Weavile and chomp fall early, killing bliss becomes very impossible.
So, what do you think?
So here is my team, as far as rating goes I will not be switching any pokes out, nor will I be able to change the EV's because there at lvl 100, which I did legitimetly using 5 lvl 91 phany's i got off of GTS. But movesets, leads, and items are what I'm looking for.
Aerodactyl @ focus sash
EV: 252spd 252att 6hp
-Fire blast
-rock slide
-stealth rock
This poke fairs pretty well as my lead, fire blast and earthquake for obvious reasons, rock slide over stone edge, because with Aero's speed, flinch is well worth it. And stealth rock is used when I predict a switch, or when Aero is walled. It gets good enough coverage with three attacks, stealth rock provides situational benefits.
Gengar @ focus sash
EV:252spd 252spatt 6hp
-shadow ball
-focus blast
-destiny bond
A very necessary part of my team, it's most important job is to revenge kill weavile, because weavile can potentially sweep my team. Also, my team has difficulty with pokes like blissey and bronzong, and thats where destiny bond comes in,( and yes, I have actually done it), starmie thunder waves bliss, I switch to gengar on toss, and focus blast until ready to bond. Yeah, i know it isnt reliable, but remember this is a sweeper team modified to be resonably good. I really only use this method when out predicting my opponent after switching bliss out doesn't work.
Weavile @ life orb
EV:252spd 252att 6hp
-aerial ace
-night slash
-ice punch
-brick break
I went for a weavile with full coverage.
Porygon-Z @ choice scarf
EV:252spd 252spatt 6hp
-tri attack
-ice beam
-dark pulse
-hyper beam
This poke is made to counter the the things that truly threaten my team, and hyperbeam is last resort move. It gets enough coverage with boosted tri attack, which is to the best of my knowledge, more powerful than a X2 beam or pulse. So thunderbolt in place of hyper gives me coverage to gyarados, which could have an electivre behind it anyways. And it more often that not kills Duskilor for me.
Starmie @ leftovers
-Natural cure
EV: 252spd 252spatt 6hp
-thunder wave
-rapid spin
-thunder bolt
Support with sweeping ev's, my mistake. It can handle most any bulky waters, and whenever bliss shows up, it comes out to thunder wave it, and take a thunder wave, then leaves for the counter. I do have this idea of replacing thunderbolt with recover, and using pp ups on everything, then mabey it could out last bliss, causing it to lose it's pp, I've never tired it though, could it work?
Garchomp @ lum
Sand Veil
EV: 252spd 252 att 6hp
-swords dance
-fire blast
Set's up on whatever it can, or dances in front of duskinor, takes the will o wisp, then kills it with outrage.
My strategy lately has been keep Aero in until it faints, unless it totally gets walled, or an appropriate counter is predicted. Once Aero is down, push hard with my special attacking pokes, in an effort to draw out bliss if present, because If Weavile and chomp fall early, killing bliss becomes very impossible.
So, what do you think?