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Alone or group?


Smash Rookie
Mar 5, 2016
New Jersey
Hey, it's me again, doing more research for my college class's project. Do you guys play Smash with friends or in a group mostly, or do you prefer to play alone? Do you play solely with friends, or do you only play alone? Do you only play tournaments, but otherwise play alone? Let me know in the thread. Thanks!

Deleted member

Hey, it's me again, doing more research for my college class's project. Do you guys play Smash with friends or in a group mostly, or do you prefer to play alone? Do you play solely with friends, or do you only play alone? Do you only play tournaments, but otherwise play alone? Let me know in the thread. Thanks!
i play alone and online, basically because no one else plays smash anywhere close to me. but tbh, i prefer it, as i would probably destroy them all. xD nah, tourneys are lame, meaningless, and not fun. in my opinion, it's just a bunch of insecure people that need self validation. from a 'video game' mind you. i will always play for fun, and that's it. :3
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 6, 2016
i play alone and online, basically because no one else plays smash anywhere close to me. but tbh, i prefer it, as i would probably destroy them all. xD nah, tourneys are lame, meaningless, and not fun. in my opinion, it's just a bunch of insecure people that need self validation. from a 'video game' mind you. i will always play for fun, and that's it. :3
Not trying to start an argument or anything, but most people go to tourneys to get better at the game. Not so they can just feel better about themselves. Then again, what do I know, I rarely go to tourneys anyways. Also "i would probably destroy them all" and "i will always play for fun, and that's it" sounds a bit contrasting, don't you think?

Back on topic, about 50% of my matches I play with my friends locally or online, and the other 50% on Anthers Ladder.

Cool Trainer Ace

Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2015
Scootin' Through Mafia Town
Not trying to start an argument or anything, but most people go to tourneys to get better at the game. Not so they can just feel better about themselves. Then again, what do I know, I rarely go to tourneys anyways. Also "i would probably destroy them all" and "i will always play for fun, and that's it" sounds a bit contrasting, don't you think?

Back on topic, about 50% of my matches I play with my friends locally or online, and the other 50% on Anthers Ladder.
I believe they were joking about the 'I would destroy them all' thing, and that's why it contradicts.

But anyway, I mostly play online and have been meaning to play on Anther's Ladder, but haven't really gotten around to it. I need the practice if I actually want to get better.

Deleted member

I believe they were joking about the 'I would destroy them all' thing, and that's why it contradicts.

But anyway, I mostly play online and have been meaning to play on Anther's Ladder, but haven't really gotten around to it. I need the practice if I actually want to get better.
not joking... yes, i always play for fun! but if i were to play with my friends or randoms who live close to me, i WOULD destroy them. that's not bragging or saying i play for that reason. i'm just saying because of my skill level, that would likely be the result.
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