Just your average kind of Luigi.
Alrighty, we had two seperate discussions going on in Rhubarbo's thread, so I figured it was common courteousy for me to move my idea to a separate thread. Our ideas are fairly different, so here's a basic layout of my game.
There are 6 different kinds of cards. Cards deemed "rare" are allowed only one copy in a deck.
Allies (broken down into pokeballs and ATs)
Actions (broken down into character-specific and general)
Techniques (broken down into character-specific and general)
Before the game, each player chooses a stage, then flips a coin. Winner may choose which stage to use.
Each player starts the game with one character on the field. This is their only character for the game.
The game starts with each player drawing 6 cards. The turn structure is as follows:
Simple, no? Here's how it works:
Each character has a set "HP." Players keep track of this using paper. Life is generally lost in increments of 5s. So long as a player has above 20 HP remaining, they have little to worry about. However, whenever a player's life reaches 20 or less, they must perform "recovery attempts". This is done by flipping a coin once for every 5 damage, or until they get heads. If they do not get heads, they die and lose the game.
For example: Mario and Bowser are fighting. Bowser performs his Over A (a General Action card dealing 10 damage). This lowers Mario's life to 15. Mario must now recover. He flips three coins. One is heads. Mario has not lost the game.
Understand? Now, here's how you do damage.
Each turn, you begin by discarding everything in your action zone. This will become clearer in a moment. Then you draw a card. Now, during your action phase, you are able to do the following:
Use one item.
Make one attack using an action card.
Use a technique (as many as you like).
You may do those in any order. However, you may only play one item and one action card a turn. When you use an item, attack or technique card, they remain in the action zone until your next turn. This is for a few reasons:
1. It ensures that you do not try to use more than one item or attack in a turn.
2. It makes clear which techniques are in use.
3. Some cards only work when you've played something on your last turn. This makes it easier to understand.
A few examples:
Marth is fighting Bowser. Marth's owner has played the following cards:
Short Hop Slash! (Marth Specific Action)
Aerial. Marth Deals 5 damage to the opponent. He may perform another aerial.
Short Hop Slash! (Marth Specific Action)
Aerial. Marth Deals 5 damage to the opponent. He may perform another aerial.
SHFFL (General Technique)
Rare. If you've performed an aerial this turn, you are no longer exhausted. You may also perform another attack.
Sword Spike! (Marth Specific Action)
Rare. Spike. Aerial. Deals 10 damage to the opponent.
I Am Ken (Marth Specific Technique)
If the following cards have been played: Short Hop Slash! x2, SHFFL, Sword Spike, I Am Ken, then your opponent must attempt to recover. They have only once chance.
Now, in this instance, you can see how having all of the cards out at once helps. You can also see how some of the cards tell you something different from the rules. In those situations, the card is right. Now, in this case, Beez just got totally sword-****ed. He has only one chance to recover. Now, let's suppose he does. On his next turn, he does the following.
Exhausts. If your opponent performed an aerial last turn, this move deals 20 damage to them.
A whopping 20 damage. Considering it took Marth 5 cards to do the same amount, you can see the difference in the decks.
What does exhaust mean? Well, think of it as being "tapped" in magic. It means the card can't perform an action. There are a few actions that can be performed on your opponent's turn--like shielding. There are also ways to exhaust a character before your action phase, leaving them useless through the whole turn. Being exhausted can be dangerous. Also, all aerials automatically exhaust you, unless they say otherwise. For example, marth's allowed him to perform an extra aerial.
That should be a sufficient explanation for now. I can type more if you like.
You should be able to see how much simpler mine is. I'm not touting it as better, simply as an alternative. It's much less complex, but, in my opinion, allows for more strategy. Do I play as marth or bowser? You can see the significant difference between the two. If I play as marth, do I try for combo setups? Or do I simply try for high damage?
There are 6 different kinds of cards. Cards deemed "rare" are allowed only one copy in a deck.
Allies (broken down into pokeballs and ATs)
Actions (broken down into character-specific and general)
Techniques (broken down into character-specific and general)
Before the game, each player chooses a stage, then flips a coin. Winner may choose which stage to use.
Each player starts the game with one character on the field. This is their only character for the game.
The game starts with each player drawing 6 cards. The turn structure is as follows:
Simple, no? Here's how it works:
Each character has a set "HP." Players keep track of this using paper. Life is generally lost in increments of 5s. So long as a player has above 20 HP remaining, they have little to worry about. However, whenever a player's life reaches 20 or less, they must perform "recovery attempts". This is done by flipping a coin once for every 5 damage, or until they get heads. If they do not get heads, they die and lose the game.
For example: Mario and Bowser are fighting. Bowser performs his Over A (a General Action card dealing 10 damage). This lowers Mario's life to 15. Mario must now recover. He flips three coins. One is heads. Mario has not lost the game.
Understand? Now, here's how you do damage.
Each turn, you begin by discarding everything in your action zone. This will become clearer in a moment. Then you draw a card. Now, during your action phase, you are able to do the following:
Use one item.
Make one attack using an action card.
Use a technique (as many as you like).
You may do those in any order. However, you may only play one item and one action card a turn. When you use an item, attack or technique card, they remain in the action zone until your next turn. This is for a few reasons:
1. It ensures that you do not try to use more than one item or attack in a turn.
2. It makes clear which techniques are in use.
3. Some cards only work when you've played something on your last turn. This makes it easier to understand.
A few examples:
Marth is fighting Bowser. Marth's owner has played the following cards:
Short Hop Slash! (Marth Specific Action)
Aerial. Marth Deals 5 damage to the opponent. He may perform another aerial.
Short Hop Slash! (Marth Specific Action)
Aerial. Marth Deals 5 damage to the opponent. He may perform another aerial.
SHFFL (General Technique)
Rare. If you've performed an aerial this turn, you are no longer exhausted. You may also perform another attack.
Sword Spike! (Marth Specific Action)
Rare. Spike. Aerial. Deals 10 damage to the opponent.
I Am Ken (Marth Specific Technique)
If the following cards have been played: Short Hop Slash! x2, SHFFL, Sword Spike, I Am Ken, then your opponent must attempt to recover. They have only once chance.
Now, in this instance, you can see how having all of the cards out at once helps. You can also see how some of the cards tell you something different from the rules. In those situations, the card is right. Now, in this case, Beez just got totally sword-****ed. He has only one chance to recover. Now, let's suppose he does. On his next turn, he does the following.
Exhausts. If your opponent performed an aerial last turn, this move deals 20 damage to them.
A whopping 20 damage. Considering it took Marth 5 cards to do the same amount, you can see the difference in the decks.
What does exhaust mean? Well, think of it as being "tapped" in magic. It means the card can't perform an action. There are a few actions that can be performed on your opponent's turn--like shielding. There are also ways to exhaust a character before your action phase, leaving them useless through the whole turn. Being exhausted can be dangerous. Also, all aerials automatically exhaust you, unless they say otherwise. For example, marth's allowed him to perform an extra aerial.
That should be a sufficient explanation for now. I can type more if you like.
You should be able to see how much simpler mine is. I'm not touting it as better, simply as an alternative. It's much less complex, but, in my opinion, allows for more strategy. Do I play as marth or bowser? You can see the significant difference between the two. If I play as marth, do I try for combo setups? Or do I simply try for high damage?