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All-Purpose Smash Run Discussion and Information


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014

I know that there are already various Smash Run related topics and there is an old general one from after the Smash Direct, but I want to make this one so I can edit the OP and put as much information into it as possible. It is my hope that I can get this stickied eventually, since I would like to use this thread when Smash 3DS releases, and I know a lot of people who want the 3DS version are excited for Smash Run, and probably want a place to be able to talk about it and maybe find partners for it when the game is out.

I'll be building this post up overtime with more and more information about Smash Run. Consider this the General Information post.

What is Smash Run?
From Sakurai himself...
Smash Run is a battle game featured exclusively in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS. It is not present in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. It is very similar in concept to the "City Trial" mode in Kirby Air Ride.

Players will spend five minutes exploring an expansive world, where famous Nintendo enemies and bosses are scattered all over, and randomly generated each session. Power-Up Tokens, Treasure Chests, Challenge Rooms, and Enemy Ambushes are also scattered across the map. Events will periodically occur over the course of your time in the Smash Run map (e.g. Bullet Bill ambushes, a strong wind to throw you off course, etc).

The objective in Smash Run is to power up your character as you see fit over the duration of the five minutes. Characters can be powered up in six different attributes:

Collecting Speed Tokens will increase the character's horizontal movement parameters, such as walking, dashing, and left to right aerial movement.

Collecting Jump Tokens will increase the character's jump height, as well as increase their fall speed, making platform traversal much swifter.

Collecting Attack Tokens will boost the damage dealt with all normal attacks (A button attacks with default controls). It also increases the launch power of these attacks.

Collecting Special Tokens boosts the damage dealt with all Special attacks (B button attacks with default controls). It also increases the launch power of these attacks.

Collecting Arms Tokens will boost the power of your projectiles, items, and throws.

Collecting Defense Tokens will make your character harder to launch.

Get Prepped!
Along with your activities within the Smash Run map, and the final battle at the end of your five minutes, Smash Run has a heavy emphasis on pre-battle preparations, and these preparations come in multiple forms.

The first thing, is Custom Equipment:

(Screenshot from Wii U version, will be updated with a 3DS one when one becomes available)

Custom equipment is useful in Smash Run because it can greatly alter your character's base stats.

Gloves will increase your Attack stat, but will decrease your defense stat. Overalls will increase your defense stat, but will decrease your speed stat. Shoes will increase your speed stat, but will decrease your attack stat. As well as this, individual equipment pieces can have special perks (such as "Easy Perfect Shield"). The Attack, Defense, and Speed stats can all be powered up to 200 points beyond the character base (0 points). Also, while Equipment items may share names, their stats may not be the same:

Equipment is not exclusively used in Smash Run and is even in useable in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, but it will be of special importance in Smash Run, since you can, for example, give your character a huge Speed buff, and nerf their Attack and Defense, but with skill and cunning, you can make up for the loss of Attack and Defense through collecting those respective tokens on the Smash Run Map over others, and ignoring Speed Tokens for a little bit won't be so bad, since you already have a huge head start in Speed!

Another important aspect of customisation, that is also not exclusive to Smash Run and is usable in the Wii U game, is Custom Special Moves:

Custom Special Moves alter your character's special moves to make them work differently. As seen in the example above, Mario's Fireball Special, normally is a balanced move, moving at a moderate pace, bouncing a few times, and dealing a fair amount of damage, as well as making the opponent flinch.

However, Fast Fireball makes the fireball travel in a straight line really quickly, and is usable in quick succession. However, this comes at the cost of it not making enemies flinch.

Fire Orb makes the fireball much bigger and makes it do a lot more damage, but it moves much more slowly and has poor range, being more of a trap than an actual projectile.

All four special moves for every character will have similar variations (with the exception of Mii Fighters and Palutena, who have completely different moves for each Custom Special Move). In Smash Run, your Custom Special Moveset is important, because using certain ones may relieve you of having to collect certain Tokens as much. For example, a Custom Special Move that is highly powerful might make beefier enemies take less time to destroy, so collectiong Special Tokens will be less of a priority. Or, for a more specific example, Rosalina's default Up Special combined with her high horizontal air speed, looks really good for quickly getting about the map, so Speed Tokens may not be as important for her, since she can use her Launch Star to get around quickly anyway. Sonic's Spin Dash special is also a similar case (and he's very fast without speed buffs anyway!).

So thinking carefully about how Custom Special Moves can compensate for a character's attribute weaknesses, is very important for maximising your Smash Run performance.

Moving away from customisable elements that are universal to the two new Smash Bros games, we'll now dabble into
Powers & Items.

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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
(Reserved for Smash Run players and events list, when the game comes out)
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Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Durham, NC
A useful tidbit that hasn't been really elaborated on, your stats build passively as you play the mode, in addition to the powerups collected. Jumping boosts jump, running boosts speed, and so on.

Comet FireClaw

Smash Cadet
Jun 2, 2014
Norfolk, Virginia
I would definitely mirror alot of the event , mechanics, overall gameplay looking off Kirby's Air ride.so from what we know there will be stat boosting icon to collect (I recommend snagging pictures to post) this take place in a huge open map( there a pic of the day over viewing the whole thing. There are many enemies when defeated drop stat boosboost.iteams can picked up and there a way to save the iteam for quick equip for the match after. There also special abilities you can use free once a game that give you a distinct advantage(like a vertical screen wide Lazor beam).......


Smash Journeyman
Jul 27, 2014
The United States of America
This really should be stickied eventually.

I would suggest adding in the confirmed enemies that will be in the mode, and, when it comes out, how strong they are.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Don't worry guys, I will be putting in every single bit of information available, and then some. It's just gonna take time. Frankly, I don't want to spend hours just researching and typing non-stop, so I'm updating it bit by bit whenever I feel like. By the time the game comes out, there will be a lot of information here.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 13, 2007
In front of a computer.
Nicely rounded up so far. I loved Kirby Air Ride's City Trial, I'm sure I'll enjoy this very much too. It looks like a faster more exciting version of the slowed-down-for-no-reason Subspace Emissary.


Smash Lord
Mar 7, 2014
Lying about my country.
Slightly dissapointed in how it sounds like you won't be able to change the rules around a little bit, City Trial in Kirby Air Ride was by far my favorite mode, and I felt like with a bit more customization it would have made for a ****ing fantastic game of it's own, this thing seems to have even less rules to change.

Oh well, it's gonna be fun anyway.


Smash Ace
Jan 21, 2008
Geno's Woods
Even though the Smash Run area is vast, it would be nice if there were other huge levels, maybe 1 or 2 more, that would randomly be selected for us.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 21, 2014
Perhaps I'll write a little bit about strategy, even if it crosses over a bit from the other thread. I had a chance to play it a few times so hopefully this helps out. I loved City Trial so Smash Run is definitely something I'll put a lot of effort in researching in the future.

edit: 09/08/2014 - Just touched up some details I mixed up a bit.
  • Challenge Floors -> Enemy Squads based on what they're called on the News Smash Highlights
  • Added some links now that I can post them, mostly videos set up to show something off
  • Edited the Equippable Items Section to quickly talk about Item Classification, but didn't go in-depth, just listed out the colour-coded categories.
  • Not doing it now, but the Wanted Events are pretty much the only method that encourages people to come closer to a central enemy, which would impact strategy.


A Warning to those who have not played Kid Icarus Uprising:

This is an Orne.
This is its music.
If you hear it or see it, run away or use a warp. Touching it is instant death. Not 300% damage and lots of knock back, but instant death.

Map it Out - Challenge Doors and Enemy Squads

The map. You can get to it on the bottom screen if you flip away from your power-ups. It's not particularly important to look at once you're familiar with it, unless you're hunting down other players (I don't think this was available in the demo with the CPUs, so I can't really talk about risks going after people).

Challenge Doors are particularly useful in Smash Run to grab trophies and boosts. There's normally containing a challenge, but sometimes it's just free chests or boosts which make them really efficient to go after. As expected, these doors tend to be at dead ends are in between areas on the map, and when the games comes out, figuring out the closest possible Challenge Door location might be a very effective strategy. Chests are similarly scattered around and can contain boosts (normally big ones or an All attribute), trophies, Support Items to use in other Smash Runs, and custom moves.

Examples: Target Smash Easy // No Challenge: Powerups // Crystal Smash Hard

Another possible even, for lack of a better name, are Enemy Squads. Consider some of the floating islands scattered around the map. While sometimes they might have a chest, you can possibly will trigger a sequence on enemies and the camera will lock onto the platform until a quota of enemies are eliminated. In return, you'll get a chest and boosts, so these area's may be useful to characters with good jumping abilities.

Example: Success // Failure

Also, for those locations that seem impossible to come back from, there are barrels or something that can normally help you get back to land, but be careful you don't launch yourself to death.

It's Dangerous to go Alone. Take These Items!

It's very very easy to forget you even have items on the bottom screen you can use, especially on the demo version where your items are chosen for you. However, all these items are useful for getting an edge on beating enemies and moving around the map.

From what we know so far, we can assume the items come from within Smash Run and possibly an in-game shop similar to Kid Icarus. One thing mentioned during E3 is that each character has a carrying capacity for the items, so more helpful items will generally have less uses or limit your options for other things you take with you in Smash Run.

(EDITED) There seem to be 6 or 7 classes of Equippable Items, based on colour. Currently, I think the classifications are as follows:

RED : Immediate Attack Items (Power Bomb, Meteor Shower, Horizon Beam...)
ORANGE : Attack Buffs (Strengthen Kick, Strengthen Throw (names from Famitsu Scan italicized)
YELLOW : Saboteurs? (Very little information, but the two ones I could find are Payback and Dark Magic Contract, so I think they're to mess with opponents. I was playing FF13 recently, so...)
GREEN : Movement (Warp is the only thing I've found, although the Famitsu scan has a green icon possibly for improved jumping?)
LIGHT BLUE : Healing (Health Recovery, Auto-Recovery, Guard Recovery)
BLUE : Defensive Buffs (Super Armor, Brief Invincibility, Reflector)
GREY: Equippable (Beam Sword, Hammer, Rocket Belt)

Just to classify things in three vague categories, some items are mobility focused, such as a Warp to move you around the map or temporarily modifying your character's stats, which should help you get around the map more efficiently. Warp is probably the most useful, as a really quick way to move (randomly) around the map when the area you'r in is devoid of enemies or at the end of a one-way path.

Items like Bombs, Lasers and Cyclones can be used early to attack larger enemies to quickly increase your boosts, or be saved for tricky Challenge Rooms with strict time limits. Some attack items like the Beam Sword can be used just like in regular matches, but some of the bomb items might just activate themselves (mainly, which items are red and which are grey)

Lastly, there are recovery items, which are exactly as they sound like. Dying in Smash Run is possible, and you lose around half your stats on death so keeping yourself healed is a necessity if you're having trouble.

Without a lot of information, buffing/annoying items won't be talked about yet.

I think the ideal layout while starting out would be balanced between the three. Something like Warp makes it easy is you've just finished following a one way path somewhere to save time backtracking. Attack items are especially useful for clearing out large groups of enemies, or just particularly strong enemies such as the Stalfos to quickly beat them and grab lots of boosts.

Later on, a small focus on mobility to get to challenge doors quickly and mostly attack items to grab power-ups faster will be ideal to speed through. In one of my runs, a little luck with the doors can get you to the cap of 1000 in one of your stats, or really close for the others.

Check the Tattle Log - Enemies in Smash Run

Enemies in Smash Run drop boosts. Smaller enemies drop less, bigger ones drop more. So the plan is to go after everything? Maybe. Enemies can occasionally drop Support Items, Special Moves and Trophies so keep your eyes out.

There are standard smaller enemies like Goombas or Kremlins that don't take as many hits to kill and aren't that strong. They can be steamrolled relatively quickly, and even if there are a lot of them it's easy to get through and take a bit of damage. You can also throw (and swallow for Kirby and DDD) enemies to deal damage.

The bigger issue is the big enemies, such as the Stalfos or Bulborbs. They are the reason you can't just go attack everything in your path without thinking. They pretty much can't be stunned or knocked back most of the time, deal lots of damage and knockback, and are a pain to deal alone, and even worse if anything else shows up. You'll generally need to focus more of you attention on fitting in attacks while checking when it's about to strike, but you'll end up feeling like you're wasting a lot of time, even if they drop bigger boosts.

In the demo, items were my favourite way to deal with them in order to deal lots of damage and grab those boosts quickly. It makes them a lot more worth going after for the time saved, and it can get you out of tricks situations if the screen gets filled up with enemies. You might want to get used to their attack patterns before trying to fight them, but keep time in mind. Challenge doors or weaker enemies may be more effective if you can find them, or if you're low on items.

Light & Fast or Heavy & Powerful - Character Choice in Smash Run

In a mode like Smash Run where you're running around and fighting enemies, would would normally assume that lighter faster characters might have an advantage. However, larger characters have a few things on their side that actually make them pretty useful and potentially better then their lighter counterparts.

One thing that I've mentioned is the Item Carrying Capacity. It was mentioned on one of the treehouse streams that heavier characters will be able to bring in more Support Items, which helps balance them out with the faster characters who would have and advantage at the beginning of the match. Heavier characters may get a big advantage with carrying capacity. Carrying more items makes them free to waste some of their attack items right at the beginning of the match to take down large enemies, quickly bringing all their stats up. A quick boost in Speed and Jump right at the beginning can make them as mobile as their lighter and faster competitors.

Lighter, faster characters may have the advantage of bolting to Challenge Doors and chests first, eliminating weaker enemies along the way. Characters like Villager, who has amazing range on her Up-B with no enemies around, or Sonic with his high running speed can take advantage of their initial advantage. They may need to conserve items for particularly difficult Challenge Doors like Break the Crystals on Hard.


I didn't actually mean to write this much. Does anyone have something useful to add or if I said anything wrong, feel free to bring it up! This might be a bit too wordy, so feel free to take it apart and use it. Thank you for organising this, sonicbrawler182.

I was also confused on what to call the attributes/boosts/power-ups and the items/equipment. Were there any official terms thrown out?
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I've updated the OP. I've made a start on discussing the sort of preparations one can make for their character before even starting a Smash Run game.

I was also confused on what to call the attributes/boosts/power-ups and the items/equipment. Were there any official terms thrown out?
I think they might simply be referred to as "Power-Ups", but I like to refer to the collectible objects that boost your stats as "Tokens", since it just makes a little bit more sense to me.


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2014
This should definitely keep a good focus. I'll be coming back once the game comes out for more information myself, and I'd be willing to help flesh it out however I can.


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
I think Smash Run is a great game mode to replace Subspace Emissary, so the is the mode that I'm going to play first when I got the Smash Bros for 3DS.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 21, 2014
Hey, I started collecting some info on the Equippable Items and the in-game Events. Are you already working on the post? I could keep going and send it over or just post it here for you to look through later.

Also, since someone was asking about enemies, a small tidbit that you should probably expect is that enemies sometimes reflect how they are in the games they're from.

Buzzy Beetles and Chandelure, for example, take reduced or no damage from fire attacks. Mettaurs when hiding take very very little damage, unless an attack comes from below. Gastly is invulnerable (or at least almost invulnerable) to physical attacks, or at least not physical attacks not mapped to a B move.

That being said, I'm pretty sure you can kill Shotzo (the cannon from Kirby), despite them being invulnerable in the games. I may be remembering wrong on that one, haven't come across it in a video.


Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
Don't worry guys, I haven't forgotten about this topic. I just can't update the OP that much right now, but I will get back ASAP.

I appreciate the help and I will reference what's been said, but to save your own time, don't make any big write ups here at the minute since I will be writing everything myself anyway. I've analysed the crap out of this mode, so I will probably have everything people could possibly bring up, and then some.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 21, 2014
Thanks again, I'll hold off and just comment if I can add anything to what you posted then. :)

To be honest, I had the Japanese TV Commerical for Smash pop up on my Youtube and it made me really feel like the release is coming soon (1 Month!), and I ended up looking up videos again... I guess I'm pretty impatient.

edit: Just touched up some details I mixed up a bit in my previous post.
  • Challenge Floors -> Enemy Squads based on what they're called on the News Smash Highlights
  • Added some links now that I can post them, mostly videos set up to show something off
  • Edited the Equippable Items Section to quickly talk about Item Classification, but didn't go in-depth, just listed out the colour-coded categories. I'm assuming as info comes out, sonicbrawler will be able to provide info :) - I couldn't really find anything on the yellow items either.
  • Not doing it now, but the Wanted Events are pretty much the only method that encourages people to come closer to a central enemy, which would impact strategy.
  • Can't figure out where to talk about ... Timed Tokens/Power-ups? Although it probably doesn't fit in strategy anyways.
edit2: Can't double post - sigh. But here's some interesting info that'll make enemy data collecting annoying.

The elusive Shyguy cannon. (It shoots Bullet Bills too). It seems really cool for enemies to act differently when other enemies are in the same pool, but trying to find all this stuff will be tricky.
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 21, 2014
So this thread hasn't got any attention for a while and we're getting pretty close to the Japanese release. If you haven't read this yet, threads pertaining to the Japanese release information aren't supposed to be made, I suppose to help people who don't want to be spoiled and to keep things organised. I don't have a Japanese 3DS or anything, but I'll be posting any information I find there.

Currently, we still need to cover enemies (which can be found listed here), Events, Challenges, and possible Battles.

For now, I'm just going to quickly go over Events that have been confirmed, and might add more later if I have time.

Events - Let's keep things interesting!

Events in Smash Run, similar to Kirby's Air Ride, are randomly occurring effects that happen during battle. Some of these events can boost your attributes, move you around the map, change how the enemies appear and various other effects. All the currently know events are as follows (with video links where available)

There's a way to tell when and how many events will occur in a given run of Smash Run, and it's hiding on the time. Each yellow line corresponds to when an event will occur, even if you don't know exactly what it is. That being said, some events last considerably longer then others, so you would know the first event in this picture wouldn't be one of those.

Come here! - Location Based Events
Location based events, at least in Kirby's Air Ride, are a good way to get people crowded around one point, which probably would happen naturally on this map. Player's are directed to a single enemy or treasure, but while the prize itself can be useful, the chance to attack opponents might be the greater opportunity.

The game will direct you and the other players to where the event is taking place, until the event times out or the objective is completed.

Note: CPUs in the current Smash Run demo are only visible on the mini-map, and cannot be interacted with. I would assume this will not the case in the full version.

-- Wanted -- : Defeat {Enemy} (Videos: 1,2 None of the videos take the bait though.) - The Wanted event, assuming it's similar to Kirby's Air Ride, will spawn a stronger version of an enemy and place it on the map, with the game directing you to it, with a reward to follow.
Treasure Trove (Videos: The announcement, finding the room): A room filled with chests appears on the map! Drop what you're doing if you're close by, but hopefully someone doesn't beat you there!

Some Divine Intervention: Buff and Debuff Events
There's a fine, fine line between a Buff and Debuff and how much it'll help you. One of the most infamous events in Kirby's Air Ride is the Super-charged Engine, which maxes out your stats and subsequently makes it impossible to control you movement. While not all these events are like this, pay attention to what's happening and put it to your advantage if you can.

Amped Up! Max Speed and Jump! (Video) Speaking of infamous events, we're leading off with the Smash Run equivalent. For a short time, have fun running and jumping at sonic speed. Just don't throw yourself off the edge.

Heavenly Light: Protection from Above (Video) - This might surprise you, but Heavenly Light appears 3 different ways in Smash Bros : Palutena's attack, one of the equippable Powers, and as an Event in Smash Run. The light here has a smaller range, and while it can't stun enemies, it will kill them once they reach 0 HP.

Shrunk! (Video) - The poison mushroom/lightning effect. This is a good time to look at the bottom screen and check your health and damage, cause you can be launched a lot easier like this.

I'm powering up! - Attributes and other enemy events
These are pretty straight-forward. These events will change the enemies around you, or change what they drop.

Bonus Time : 100% More power ups will appear! (Video) - With more powerups being dropped, this would be a good time to step away from Challenge Doors and bust our some of those powers you were saving up to attack enemies.

{Enemy} Fest: Incoming {Enemy}! (Videos: Bronto Burt, Bullet Bill) - These will spawn a lot of one type on enemy, and normally an easier to defeat enemy, in high numbers. Depending on the enemy and how easy it is to beat, this can help get power ups faster, or just frustrate you.

Fast Learner: It’s easier to increase your {Attribute}: (Video: Arms) - This event will make every attribute dropped by an enemy a specific type. How useful this is for you depends on what the attribute is, so hopefully it's a useful one for you!

I can't think of another category! - Movement? Events
These are the two events I couldn't stick anywhere. They're both movement related though.

Gale: The winds are raging! Watch out! (Videos: 1, 2 ) - Whispy Woods is probably responsible for these winds. While it's not too bad, be careful when you're around strong enemies. You won't be moving the way you expect so you might take a strong hit.

Warp: You’re Being Teleported! (Video) - This is also an equippable power, and it works the same way - you'll be randomly moved around the map (Although I don't think this would warp you out of a challenge door)

Your future looks grim. Or Cloudy? idk - The Final Battle Forecast Video
Here's something interesting also taken from Kirby's Air Ride, part way through a match, a prediction can appear, telling you what the final match will be, and you can try to prepare yourself accordingly. And it's mostly right! Only mostly though. It was correct in the video, so hopefully you're all as lucky.
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Smash Ace
Feb 29, 2012
New Donk City
Switch FC
SW 7540 0069 7907
Very nice writeup. I'm glad the "mostly-accurate" end match prediction seems to be returning; that was one of the best parts of City Trial.

Plus, with passive boosts based on your actions, you could technically spam a certain action to increase your chances of winning.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 21, 2014
Let's keep the ball rolling: here's a short section on Challenge Doors and Enemy Squads

Challenge Doors!* (Not always challenging)

Challenge Doors are scattered across the map somewhat randomly, and finding them and completing the challenge inside will lead to great rewards. However, it's not always a challenge inside, and it can be extremely rewarding to just quickly hop in, take your spoils and run out. Success in challenges will reward you with lots of powerups and a chest, so do your best to complete each one!

Here are some possible events hiding behind the door:

No Challenge – Food http://youtu.be/bvux2dfsNEk?t=22m47s
No Challenge – Powerups: http://youtu.be/M-GSIU39WSU?t=35s
No Challenge – Just Chests: http://youtu.be/UBk5A8MEZ7s?t=2m7s

Crystal Smash – Normal: http://youtu.be/LwzkBBQEHGQ?t=4m38s (Failure Example) / http://youtu.be/rFrerMZH0_c?t=5m55s (No time left to actually complete)
Crystal Smash – Hard: http://youtu.be/bvux2dfsNEk?t=12m35s
Target Smash – Easy: http://youtu.be/aDglQ6-AQxo?t=4m26s

Take'em down! - Enemy Squads

Enemy Squads are slightly different then Challenge Doors, in the sense you don't actually have to go in a door to find them. These are found on special locations on the map, and running into one locks you in to trying to complete the challenge until time runs out - no running away from these! From what I've seen, flying enemies on these can be tricky in terms of how they spawn and where they appear, so using some equippable items will help people out. Having all the enemies come to you can make grabbing power-ups easy, even if you don't succeed the challenge. Winning is better though.

Examples : Success, Success, Failure (although this does help show how much space you have to work with)


Just curious, is there anything in particular people want to know about Smash Run? I'll avoid writing about Powerups and Equippable Items for now, but is there anything else in particular you would want to know about?


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2014
Really looking to Smash Run so much stuff in such a big island but we don't think we know all the enemies at the moment.

As for an enemy some may not know this guy

Flage from Kid Icarus Uprising

is an enemy I saw in one of GameXplains recent Smash Run.

"Do they strike you fancy?" -Arlon


Smash Apprentice
Jun 21, 2014
Forgot to mention this, so I'm editing it in the events post I made:

Not COMPLETELY random, but hard to see in a lot of the videos - the yellow lines on the time actually correspond to when an event is going to occur. You still have no idea what will occur, but sidestepping events in a challenge door or even knowing how many random events will occur can slightly help strategically, especially for those trying to arrange Smash Run Tournaments despite the random nature.



Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
So guys, we got some unfortunate news today:

Smash Run is local play/VS CPU only. There is no online Smash Run, at least not for the release. Sakurai does not mention it in his Miiverse post today regarding online content, and nobody has found a menu option for playing Smash Run online.

I realise I have greatly neglected this topic for a while and I apologise about that, I was just really busy and all the Smash news of late did not help.

However, after hearing that Smash Run is offline only - it's lost a large amount of appeal for me. Don't get me wrong, the mode still looks like a lot of fun, and it will definitely be my go to mode for collecting custom equipment and such, but the problem is that a large amount of this mode's appeal relies on the fact that it's a fun game to play with friends - and I don't have people to play with locally, at least not a whole lot. My brother is getting the game, but he will probably just wanna do regular matches if he wants to play with me. Maybe some of my new classmates in college will be getting Smash Bros and will play Smash Run with me, but otherwise, my Smash Run time will mostly be against subpar CPU players who don't even use equipment or custom moves or anything, and that's gonna get old.

Not only that, but it's been confirmed that only one of the Challenges of Smash 3DS involves Smash Run. I was hoping it would have it's own section in the Challenges, but no, it just has the one, and therefore, can't be a very beefy singleplayer mode.

It's just really disappointing since this mode's purpose in the end, for a lot of people, is amounting to be nothing more than a grind fest, even if it's a fun one. :\

So yeah, a lot of plans I had for this topic, such as organising online tournaments and what not, has been completely crapped on. And I won't really be able to discuss strategies for it because I don't have the game yet, and even then, MY accounting of strategies means nothing to any of you guys who still have people to play with.

Of course, I'll leave this topic open so I can discuss the mode when I get my hands on the game, but it's not the awesome project and community hub I wanted to build it up to be.

However, I hope Smash Run does at least become a strong side event for local tournaments in the US, even if I cannot participate.

EDIT: Just found out there are more challenge pages than the initial 35, so there may be more to do with Smash Run. Hopefully there are! :D
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Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
I just hope that the time for it extends.

Five minute run for a two minute fight doesn't balance out.


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2014
So guys, we got some unfortunate news today:

Smash Run is local play/VS CPU only. There is no online Smash Run, at least not for the release. Sakurai does not mention it in his Miiverse post today regarding online content, and nobody has found a menu option for playing Smash Run online.

I realise I have greatly neglected this topic for a while and I apologise about that, I was just really busy and all the Smash news of late did not help.

However, after hearing that Smash Run is offline only - it's lost a large amount of appeal for me. Don't get me wrong, the mode still looks like a lot of fun, and it will definitely be my go to mode for collecting custom equipment and such, but the problem is that a large amount of this mode's appeal relies on the fact that it's a fun game to play with friends - and I don't have people to play with locally, at least not a whole lot. My brother is getting the game, but he will probably just wanna do regular matches if he wants to play with me. Maybe some of my new classmates in college will be getting Smash Bros and will play Smash Run with me, but otherwise, my Smash Run time will mostly be against subpar CPU players who don't even use equipment or custom moves or anything, and that's gonna get old.

Not only that, but it's been confirmed that only one of the Challenges of Smash 3DS involves Smash Run. I was hoping it would have it's own section in the Challenges, but no, it just has the one, and therefore, can't be a very beefy singleplayer mode.

It's just really disappointing since this mode's purpose in the end, for a lot of people, is amounting to be nothing more than a grind fest, even if it's a fun one. :\

So yeah, a lot of plans I had for this topic, such as organising online tournaments and what not, has been completely crapped on. And I won't really be able to discuss strategies for it because I don't have the game yet, and even then, MY accounting of strategies means nothing to any of you guys who still have people to play with.

Of course, I'll leave this topic open so I can discuss the mode when I get my hands on the game, but it's not the awesome project and community hub I wanted to build it up to be.

However, I hope Smash Run does at least become a strong side event for local tournaments in the US, even if I cannot participate.

EDIT: Just found out there are more challenge pages than the initial 35, so there may be more to do with Smash Run. Hopefully there are! :D
It's a pretty head scratching decision to make it local only. It's like saying "Here's this new mode I want to become a staple of the franchise, let me spend a lot of time showing it off to you guys. Oh by the way, it's pointless outside Japan where people can meet locally much easier than in other countries, but we decided to make it local co-op only because... because uh... no comment?"
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