Smash Rookie
hiya, i'm ViviLion, slightly irritable, sleeps in irregular periods of time at irregular times of day, NA, old enough to have seen and gotten SSB64 the day it came out, scrub that wants to gitgud and be able to carry someone across the stage for a suicide kill as roy, likes to pointlessly vent for no reason when people don't care, it's how i introduce myself, why tell you what i'm like, when i can give examples of what i'm like
i wanted to take this game seriously so i started practicing in for glory, and while i've faced a couple of players around my skill level and actually had fun with as well as somewhat improved, it's still a bad environment for practicing and trying to get better with all the jerks who notice you're not some form of pro and just do stuff to mock you over and over again, as though when they started playing this game they were immediately really good, not to mention the fact that they'll beat me 10 times in a row, and on a few fluke reads without screwing up the input i manage to beat them just once, they immediately ragequit, or they begin picking high tier characters, or the lowest tier characters or just plain out ditto the character you're playing in order to "school you with" because "you're not good" when i haven't even taunted once in any of my games while they do nothing but taunt and disrespect recoveries that have no chance, it's just too toxic for a practice environment
some of the best ones were the ones who were good with 2 or 3 specific characters and then they ditto me to teach me a lesson and i 0-death them in around 10 seconds because they would rather mock me than take me seriously, i occasionally don't screw up my input and when someone tries to ditto me after playing lthe same character 7 games in a row, switching to my char immediately after the game after i win, it sort of puts me into tryhard mode, just, stay, on, your, main, you, egotistical, jerk,
the most disgusting one was someone who played marth 8 games in a row tried to disrespect my recovery when i wouldn't have made it anyways, on his last stock, but my up-B went through and smashed him under the stage knocking him out, passing me the win and then he immediately comes in with jigglypuff and tries to spam rest on me because i'm just that "terrible" and i knew every single one was coming so i punished all of them, until he lost a stock and decided to take me seriously and he would repeatedly knock me off stage and then float out and knock me back on stage when my recovery attempt was a guaranteed fail, and he did it until i managed to kill him, then he went immediately on captain fab just to 0-death me because i'm just not that good, obviously, i only got lucky
i never quit against anyone, taunted or disrespected in any match, and the most fun i had was against a little mac that i kept trading wins with and if one of us screwed up and accidentally self destructed at the match start, the other would self destruct to keep things fair and we'd just teabag opposite sides of the stage for a minute before one of us started throwing out jabs saying it's time to fight
so this is my attempt in a fit of frustration, to reach out to a community that is friendly and likable, filled with people who aren't jerks and may want to help people actually improve at the game, and just find people like that little mac i played against, looking for 1v1's with people equal to my skill level or better, for several matches in a row at a time, bonus points if you can identify when i screw up an input and self destruct like a moron, and let me just teabag my frustration out in the corner of the stage before resuming playing
i main lucina and roy, because pretty and sexy, and also easy to translate what i learn on one to the other, and i only play the 3ds version, cause i can't afford a wii u and i don't care to go back half a decade to a decade+ to play older installments, even though i have them
also like anime, manga, silence, food
plays league of legends (though not recently the past few weeks, too busy gittngud at smash)
plays several instruments
has attitude
has chained attitude to a tree, attitude gets to attitude at bad attitudes
mastery of grammar: prefers pressing comma key
watches acestar3rd's undefeatable series on youtube, which made me want to play more seriously, and pretty much eventually brought me here
also at the time of this post, has not slept for 40 hours, excuse inconsistency of meaningful chatter, it's all meaningless
i wanted to take this game seriously so i started practicing in for glory, and while i've faced a couple of players around my skill level and actually had fun with as well as somewhat improved, it's still a bad environment for practicing and trying to get better with all the jerks who notice you're not some form of pro and just do stuff to mock you over and over again, as though when they started playing this game they were immediately really good, not to mention the fact that they'll beat me 10 times in a row, and on a few fluke reads without screwing up the input i manage to beat them just once, they immediately ragequit, or they begin picking high tier characters, or the lowest tier characters or just plain out ditto the character you're playing in order to "school you with" because "you're not good" when i haven't even taunted once in any of my games while they do nothing but taunt and disrespect recoveries that have no chance, it's just too toxic for a practice environment
some of the best ones were the ones who were good with 2 or 3 specific characters and then they ditto me to teach me a lesson and i 0-death them in around 10 seconds because they would rather mock me than take me seriously, i occasionally don't screw up my input and when someone tries to ditto me after playing lthe same character 7 games in a row, switching to my char immediately after the game after i win, it sort of puts me into tryhard mode, just, stay, on, your, main, you, egotistical, jerk,
the most disgusting one was someone who played marth 8 games in a row tried to disrespect my recovery when i wouldn't have made it anyways, on his last stock, but my up-B went through and smashed him under the stage knocking him out, passing me the win and then he immediately comes in with jigglypuff and tries to spam rest on me because i'm just that "terrible" and i knew every single one was coming so i punished all of them, until he lost a stock and decided to take me seriously and he would repeatedly knock me off stage and then float out and knock me back on stage when my recovery attempt was a guaranteed fail, and he did it until i managed to kill him, then he went immediately on captain fab just to 0-death me because i'm just not that good, obviously, i only got lucky
i never quit against anyone, taunted or disrespected in any match, and the most fun i had was against a little mac that i kept trading wins with and if one of us screwed up and accidentally self destructed at the match start, the other would self destruct to keep things fair and we'd just teabag opposite sides of the stage for a minute before one of us started throwing out jabs saying it's time to fight
so this is my attempt in a fit of frustration, to reach out to a community that is friendly and likable, filled with people who aren't jerks and may want to help people actually improve at the game, and just find people like that little mac i played against, looking for 1v1's with people equal to my skill level or better, for several matches in a row at a time, bonus points if you can identify when i screw up an input and self destruct like a moron, and let me just teabag my frustration out in the corner of the stage before resuming playing
i main lucina and roy, because pretty and sexy, and also easy to translate what i learn on one to the other, and i only play the 3ds version, cause i can't afford a wii u and i don't care to go back half a decade to a decade+ to play older installments, even though i have them
also like anime, manga, silence, food
plays league of legends (though not recently the past few weeks, too busy gittngud at smash)
plays several instruments
has attitude
has chained attitude to a tree, attitude gets to attitude at bad attitudes
mastery of grammar: prefers pressing comma key
watches acestar3rd's undefeatable series on youtube, which made me want to play more seriously, and pretty much eventually brought me here
also at the time of this post, has not slept for 40 hours, excuse inconsistency of meaningful chatter, it's all meaningless