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Aerial game or ground game?


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
Calgary, AB, CA
What playstyle do you people enjoy playing with? her aerial game? or her ground game?...or a combination of both?

I like her aerial game (bombarding opponents with bairs and fairs), as it prevents you from using to many dash attacks and getting shield grabbed. So I constantly confuse my opponent by DI'ing and sometimes putting a down b here or there and it really works! But I like her ground game just for d smash and the gun. So I would say I'm leaning more towards her aerial game...

how about you guys? I'd like to hear more opinions...



Smash Cadet
May 3, 2008
The Netherlands
I like to mix it up, but her aerial style probably suits me better. I just love uair'ing people till they have enough damage, then I bair them off the ground and up-b spike them. <33

But her ground game is also awesome. It always feels to good when I kill people with D-smash + Side-B, probably my favorite finisher. (except for up-b + bair stagespike)


Mar 16, 2007
I like both, and use both, although I think that in most cases, her ground game is most effective, because it's harder to turn the tables on. Her air game is still a huge threat, though, so it makes a lot of approaches harder for many characters.


Smash Rookie
Mar 29, 2008
I prefer ground game, its more reliable then air. Whenever you fight a great defensive player the chances of you getting any type of air juggle is slim to none. I do prefer the air for the finish though.


Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2008
Zamus's ground game is interesting. She has the 4th fastest dash speed, and a quick neutral-a with normal-quick tilts. Her smashes are relatively slow though, but have great range. On the ground I tend to use her up smash more than usual, and rarely ever use her f-smash. Her side-b is better than her f-smash in almost every aspect. I don't love her down smash b/c of the speed. So I use her neutral-b to stun them for a moment, then her down smash to stun even more and well....you can take it from there. When I'm not using those combos I tend to dash attack to her neutral-a, and finish it off with an f-tilt or 2. However, with that said! I perfer her air game. All her aireals and semi-quick with very good range and decent %. And if you get a clean aireal hit, it has good knockback too, and her up-a-air kills at relatively low percents (I got mario at 70% and bowser at 98%). Also, since none of her attacks leave her helpless, her specials are good in the air including 2 spikes (up/down-b). She has also very good horizontal air movement and a third jump, plus her up-b can be used more than once to recover, so it's more than safe.
But still that's just my personal opinion that her air game is better. Since a lot of ppl use meta knight, and Zamus has good air movement, you can jump away from him, and use one of her longer ranged aireals to hit him (I seem to think she has a slight advantage against meta knight, but I think I'm in the minority)

White Assassin

Smash Cadet
Oct 23, 2007
Germany NRW
i mix, but use aerials mostly for finishing or when my opponent is in the air.
because she has a high short hop and a bad aerial for, maybe countering a dash attack i use ground play most time.
but ZSS looks like a aerial charater.
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