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Advice against MK and falco


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
OK, these two are the people i lose to most. Everyone else seems to be either an even match or an advantage to me. But any/all advice would be much appreciated. I think i need to work on my techchasing skills more. think more. and air dodge more against mk at least. Another important thing i think is making sure i'm killing them when they are in KO percentages, not letting them live past say 120, cuz i can probably kill them w/ at least five or six moves by then if they aren't decayed too much, which my bair probably would be. Utilt probably kills them both under 100, but nothing really combos into utilt, but falco's approach w/ dair, so if i time it right, i should be able to get at least one kill w/ it. Imma go watch some videos of these matchups and see how to handle them.


Smash Ace
Dec 16, 2006
Belgium, Antwerp
OK, these two are the people i lose to most. Everyone else seems to be either an even match or an advantage to me. But any/all advice would be much appreciated. I think i need to work on my techchasing skills more. think more. and air dodge more against mk at least. Another important thing i think is making sure i'm killing them when they are in KO percentages, not letting them live past say 120, cuz i can probably kill them w/ at least five or six moves by then if they aren't decayed too much, which my bair probably would be. Utilt probably kills them both under 100, but nothing really combos into utilt, but falco's approach w/ dair, so if i time it right, i should be able to get at least one kill w/ it. Imma go watch some videos of these matchups and see how to handle them.
Since when are birds and kirby's marked as people o.O

Anyways, you should Dthrow to ftilt then most of the time, and somtimes throw in a Dthrow to dash attack or Fsmash. It'll surprise them lol.

you should follow falco off stage and gimp him with a bair. When he has his double jump left i like doing a weak bair and then jump and strong bair as he double jumps.
And FFnair combos into Ftilt, but i never got it to work against MK =/
And you should be sure to always have a waddle between you. It'll force him to stop laser approaching or just SHL instead of SHDL, which i think is easier to avoid.

I hope this helped


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
Thanks that's some good info, i just played an MK and almost won, it was close, then he destroyed me on the last stock, stupid platforms, anyways, what i got out of it was:

When MK nados, waddles stop it, or at least it did when i did it. So that's one of his approaches down, and he also likes to approach w/ fairs which are shieldable, but i couldn't grab him out of it, cuz he kept jumping higher and then doing dairs, so utilt if you time it right kills him really early like 90s. And dthrow to dash attack i got em once by mindgaming it, but dthrow to dash grab works, and dthrow stand still and charge a dsmash also works if you think he's gonna roll forward. They really like to go off the stage and try to nair you or upB, so just when you're recovering, use fair, it should hit them unless they time it well. Dthrow to ftilt to get them to try and roll backwards. Dtilt if he's running towards you on the ground so that if he jumps and tries aerial approach, you'll have time to recover. Dtilt is also a good kill move here. If he grabs you, he'll probably dthrow, whichever one is where he stomps on you, in that case, air dodge and di upward cuz he'll try to hit you w/ a fair, then use dair.

I'm not even sure if it's worth trying to fair/bair WoP him off the edge, cuz he's got faster aerials i think, i just threw some waddles to see how he would react off stage, and then if i saw an opportunity, i baired. Meta's like to use UpB for their kills alot, if you dodge the initial part, then use dair cuz he loops around in a circle and ends up where he started. Actually, dair might outprioritize his upB if you get the range right.

That's it for now until i play another one. I'm gonna add Pikachu to the list of people i have alot of trouble beating, he's harder than metaknight, who actually isn't as hard as i first thought.


Since when are birds and kirby's marked as people o.O

Anyways, you should Dthrow to ftilt then most of the time, and somtimes throw in a Dthrow to dash attack or Fsmash. It'll surprise them lol.

you should follow falco off stage and gimp him with a bair. When he has his double jump left i like doing a weak bair and then jump and strong bair as he double jumps.
And FFnair combos into Ftilt, but i never got it to work against MK =/
And you should be sure to always have a waddle between you. It'll force him to stop laser approaching or just SHL instead of SHDL, which i think is easier to avoid.

I hope this helped

If you think MK will dash at you, then dash at him and grab (into back throw).

if you think MK will space a shuffle fair in your face, shield it, then let go of shield and dash grab (into back throw).

if he's near the edge and you grab him, and he expects you to forward throw him, you can down throw him then dash grab to the edge, and get a free CG off (extra 8% from the full powered down throw) before F throwing.

after spacing aerials, especially near the edge, come down randomly with neutral B to suck him up if he runs into you.

to edge guard, jump over him and fall on him with Bair.

if he's jumping from directly under you and is about to up B, expect it, block it, then shield hop Bair him as his up B spins around, making sure not to get hit by his glide attack.

if he tornados either block it all, then try to dash grab into back throw (if you can), or down smash him out of it (up tilt works too, but down smash always works).

if you get caught in tornado, mash upwards + air dodge a lot and you'll get out (this also works vs Smart Bomb items, you can get out easily by smash DIing).

also occasionally I F smash or dash attack if i know when he's going to run at me, but I have to think like really far ahead to make sure I'm going to get that (this doesn't work as well vs ppl with good reflexes, but it worked as much as I could figure out). Best time to use F smash (vs anybody actually) is right after they grab the ledge, they often try to jump out and attack as soon as possible, try to time the F smash to hit them just as their ledge invincibility would end. This is a good way to get 30-40% gimp kills on people. ~CO18~

When MK nados, waddles stop it, or at least it did when i did it. So that's one of his approaches down, and he also likes to approach w/ fairs which are shieldable, but i couldn't grab him out of it, cuz he kept jumping higher and then doing dairs, so utilt if you time it right kills him really early like 90s. And dthrow to dash attack i got em once by mindgaming it, but dthrow to dash grab works, and dthrow stand still and charge a dsmash also works if you think he's gonna roll forward. They really like to go off the stage and try to nair you or upB, so just when you're recovering, use fair, it should hit them unless they time it well. Dthrow to ftilt to get them to try and roll backwards. Dtilt if he's running towards you on the ground so that if he jumps and tries aerial approach, you'll have time to recover. Dtilt is also a good kill move here. If he grabs you, he'll probably dthrow, whichever one is where he stomps on you, in that case, air dodge and di upward cuz he'll try to hit you w/ a fair, then use dair.

I'm not even sure if it's worth trying to fair/bair WoP him off the edge, cuz he's got faster aerials i think, i just threw some waddles to see how he would react off stage, and then if i saw an opportunity, i baired. Meta's like to use UpB for their kills alot, if you dodge the initial part, then use dair cuz he loops around in a circle and ends up where he started. Actually, dair might outprioritize his upB if you get the range right. ~brawlerbrad91~
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