not again... first with Shy Guy, now this? I am sad...
Oh well. Lucario's my fallback. And 64 was the earliest memory of her...
Adeline is a great char! Here's a moveset:
A: A simple whack from her brush.
AV: A low sweep with the brush.
A>: A poke.
SMASH! A>: An overhead slam with the brush,
SMASH! AV: A circular sweep.
SMASH! A^: A strong poke into the air.
Dash A: Twirls the brush on opponent.
Aerial A: Adeline leans out and pokes the enemy.
Aerial A>: A side swipe at the foe.
Aerial A<: A double back kick.
Aerial AV: Drill kick.
Aerial A^: Repeated stabs in the air.
Grab A: Headbutt.
Grab >: Draws a cannon in front of opponent and fires.
Grab <: Draws a spring under the opponent, pushes him on it, and he flies over Adeline.
Grab V: Draws an anvil over the foe's head.
Grab ^: Draws a wind tunnel beneath the opponent, launching him into the air.
Taunt: Adeline draws a smiley face sticking it's tongue out.
Now, a word about her B moves...
I have come up with an idea for Adeline. I think that her B moves should run on somethig called Paintlings. These are my own creational minions which are basically living balls of paint. You can summon up to four at a time, and do nothing but enable your B moves, all of which are deadly by design and impact.
B: Summon Paintling- Summons a single Paintling under your control.
B^: Paint Jetpack (Requires two Paintlings)- Paintlings form a jetpack capable of scorching.
BV: Paint Bomb (Requires one Paintling)- Paintling forms an explosive capable of serious hurt.
B>: Paint Razor (Requires one Paintling)- Paintling forms a deadly razor that homes in one the closest foe.
Final Smash: Canvas Chaos (Requires three Paintlings)- Paintlings form a magical canvas and Adeline starts drawing painted copies of your foes that use the exact moveset and attack the coordinating foe. They last for about thirty seconds.
Deadly indeed...