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Adding character models as stage elements

Not Pigeons

Smash Rookie
Aug 9, 2011
I've been using brawlbox for the past year or so, and I'm pretty familiar with how it works. Though I've only been using it to mix works other people have created (aside from a few animations). I've been trying to get better at stage editing, reading a lot of the stickies about background swapping and watching wacky alpacas tutorials on youtube. But now I'm running into trouble on inserting models into my stage. I've been trying to learn how to make stages that either use a character as the stage (Falcon Destination) or incorporate a character model as a background to the stage (Meta Knight Final Destination) .

Right now I'm trying the second method because it seems easier. I've been able to add rain effects to a stage and make a stage using the 2d building block method. Using the same methods and going off examples I've seen I tried adding a captain falcon repeating an attack animation in the background of final destination only to crash the game. I would like my stage.pac but I've tried this several times. Usually I export then import the character model, I've tried this over ModelData[1], [2], and [101]. I've been putting captain falcons textures in TextureData[0], and I've tried both static and with an attack animation like AnmChr(NW4R) located in the same ModelData group. I feel like I'm missing on something basic because the freeze starts before the stage can even load, though if you would like me to be more specific I can include a copy of the stage.pac.

Thanks much for any help :)
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