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Absolute smash newbie (but FG vet) question


Smash Rookie
Nov 18, 2013

I've never played any smash game properly ever before, but I am experienced in other fighting games.

First a little background on my question.

Normally when I play FGs, I have two ways I can play the game:
1) my main (vs competitive opponent)
I play characters whose normals/specials I know like the back of my hand, allowing me to have great advantage in spacing and footsies, also some mind-games, mixups, and traps/setups, to keep my opponents guessing, and to build up damage, etc. Mostly turtling and keepaway/runaway type of stuff, designed to annoy a good opponent and break his game down.
My question is NOT about this lol.

2) another is a strong attacking character/play. I use this to COMPLETELY obliterate anyone who is "skill gapped" and is below me in terms of skill. And to freeze newbies in their tracks and kill them in record time.

To make them completely aware of the "skill gap" and how they will never win a single match, not even by fluke.

[collapse=MvC2]non-stop trijump rushdown to those that can't block it, resetting opponents non-stop to those that can't escape it, and quickly killing with fierces combos, multiple AHVBs or OHKO DHCs.

Also killing careless assists, and always using snapback infs on careless assisters.[/collapse]
[collapse=Tekken Tag]lightdash mishima mixups, low parrying kick mashers into fatal juggles, many CH traps and baits that makes inexperienced opponents freeze, or die FAST trying to fight back (e.g. Bruce b+4,3 [hit] CH 1,2, 2,f+4, Ogre d+1 [hit] uninterruptible ws 3,3,d+3,3), etc.[/collapse][collapse=Tekken 5]Steve Fox rushdown. Basically spam 1,2,1,2 on anyone who doesn't understand 8-frame jab priority and doesn't know high crushes, or spam d+2,1 into DCK~cancel mixups/crushes into launch on anyone who never anticipates the low hit.[/collapse][collapse=MvC1]touch of death combos (WM glove, wolv ground inf to corner uncombo inf), and using RV grab spam to those who don't know how to prevent themselves being grabbed, just plain GWM [/collapse][collapse=MvC3]touch of death combos. Quickly obliterate any non-marvel player, or ex-Marvel players with little/no MvC3 experience (e.g. MvC2 vets), or casual MvC3 players that can't keep up[/collapse][collapse=Heck, even on competitive Tetris]I can open with a DT cannon. Or worse, a 4-wide. That sends 30-40+ lines to the opponent within the first few seconds, thus instant death (considering the well is only 20 lines high) to anyone who can't counterattack that early to cancel out the lines (and also to anyone who isn't anywhere near my TPM speed).[/collapse][collapse=Or even Puzzle Bobble LOL.]Attaching tons of orbs to a "weak junction point" before breaking it allows for "a half-screen full of orbs" types of attacks that usually instantly defeats anyone who can't adapt quickly enough.[/collapse]

Also, from what I've seen at EVO 2013 for SSBM, there's also Wobbling.


Anyway, my question is this.
Is there a similar play of "quickly obliterate newbies" and similarly lacking players (e.g. those who can't adapt, etc) in Brawl?

To make them completely aware of a "skill gap", how easily they are destroyed?

I've been studying meta knight for a bit...
(SHFF f-air "wall-like" spam for "spacing", B spam because insane range and priority, dtilt spam "combo" because it keeps hitting when there are obstacles/walls and racks up lots of damage, its also fast, n-air and d-smash kills, TRYING to keep opponents off ledges with d-air and up-b, also d-smash abuse only when desperate, because insane priority, and good damage speed and all, but not when not desperate to prevent decay etc)
This all seems nice for a technical game vs someone good (#1 above), but when playing against a weak player(s) (#2), it doesn't feel "dominant" enough to "demonstrate a total skill gap" through complete annihilation

(which of course doesn't actually happen, at least they don't feel like they got destroyed except by looking at the scores, or who has stock left... basically, you can't shout "OWNED!" lol, because even though I can always win against my weaker player friends, it doesn't feel to them like it was that far off... or rather, they know they can't beat my MK so they just walk off and beat each other, and I really can't do much about it than jump in B spam or dsmash them all or whatever, but they just ignore it, and don't feel "owned" or whatever).

I basically want to beat them so badly they scream "STOP!" lol. Not just plain winning everytime.

I'm looking for something like the SSBM Fox in the "Zero Mercy" series.


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2013
Rives Junction, MI
Just my two cents:

Go Ganon. With good timing and knowledge of how to best exploit his strengths into combos you can easily KO opponents at very low percents (or rack up damage quickly so you can kill them with his basic jab; very demoralizing). Many Ganon players talk about how they can see their opponents physically becoming fearful of his moves (even to the point of self-destruct). Also, after you have completed absolutely obliterating them you can show them how he's at the very bottom of the tier list. This will probably take quite a bit of work but I find it is very rewarding.

Oh, also, the whole idea of trying to obliterate opponents to show how bad they are sounds positively evil, which is pretty congruent with Ganon's personality.
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