Smash Cadet
Hello There! i am SandvichHoovy, My name comes from a game called Team Fortress 2, Where in the game there are 9 classes and one of them are called the heavy, I dont know how but some fans started calling him hoovy, So thats where the second part of my name comes from now for the first, In Team Fortress 2 there are a ton of weapons that change your stats one of them heals the heavy and its name is the Sandvich, I always loved that weapons so there was my name AND I WAS READY TO BECOME A TF2 YOUTUBER, (2 Months Later), This game is kinda boring now.
Thats my story.......................or at least my name's story.
About a year later here i am trying to be a Professional Smasher, I am mostly a Game and Watch main
But that role is quickly being taken over by Roy
and Falcon
I'm still not that good (Which is a nice way to say i suck),
But i am getting better by the day and i cant wait to do some tournaments to learn about some match ups and just over all being a better player,
THANK YOU SO MUCH if you read all of this it means the world to me

Thats my story.......................or at least my name's story.
About a year later here i am trying to be a Professional Smasher, I am mostly a Game and Watch main
But that role is quickly being taken over by Roy
I'm still not that good (Which is a nice way to say i suck),
But i am getting better by the day and i cant wait to do some tournaments to learn about some match ups and just over all being a better player,
THANK YOU SO MUCH if you read all of this it means the world to me