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A regretable RMT


Smash Apprentice
Oct 8, 2006
Orlando, FL
After a recent loss, i pondered over and over about what had gone wrong.

If you don't know who i am, and i bet around 98% of you don't, I was a Gamestop tourney as my pokemon alter ego ObJ3Cti0n!!!

and my winning streak came to a screeching halt...


anyway, i need a few thoughts on some revisions to my team. Note that i frequently take in and replace pokemon in my six pokes party to suit my needs. Here's how it usually goes anyway

Infernape (Jolly) @Life Orb
252at 252 sp 4hp

-Flare blitz
-Close Combat
-(I can't decide on this third slot, right now i have shadow claw but i want t-punch for good coverage...)
-U-turn (don't say take this out cause it works wonderfully)

Gyarados (Adamant) @Sitrus Berry (any suggestions?)
252at 252 spd 4hp

-Dragon Dance
-Aqua Tail
-Ice Fang (this one's not being replaced by stone edge, sorry, i don't like SE too much)

Exeggutor (Modest) @Heat Rock
252hp 125de 125sd

-Sunny Day

Not your typical eggs in some way but it works well. Heat rock cause it's dependent on the sun, and psychic so that if something should happen to the sun it still has options and STAB

I usually stick with my Gengar/Ttar/Machamp combo for good coverage but i've found lately i need to start using my defensive pokemon more. Take a look...

Gengar (Timid) @Choice Specs (don't say hypnosis cause the specs work great)
252sa 252sp 4hp

-Shadow Ball
-Sludge Bomb
-Energy Ball

I'd put in focus bomb but it's nowhere near reliable.

Machamp (Adamant) @Choice Scarf (weird but it works sooooo well)
No Guard
252at 252sp 4hp

-Dynamic Punch
-Stone Edge
-Thunder Punch
-Ice Punch

If you have any suggestions go ahead with machamp, he's a little new and i'm open for advice.

Tyranitar (Joly) @Choice Band
Sand Stream
252at 252 sp 4hp

-Rock Slide
-Ice Fang

If you think ice fang should go down for something speak up, but right now it does work well

my more defensive pokemon don't usually get to see the light of day, most people can be beat easy with my offensive party, but when facing tough trainers those offensive guys get too predictable...what do you think?

Blissey (Bold) @Leftovers
Natural Cure
252de 200hp 56sd

-Aromatherapy (i find that i need this move more and more all the time)
-(i need some ideas for this slot here...)

Dusknoir (Impish) @(Need help with this one, no two of the same item)
252de 252sd (does that work or should it be changed? I know his hp can be a problem but seismic toss doesn't hit it anyway...)

-Shadow Sneak
-Thunder Punch
-Again, a little lost on this slot. Resto berry combo? WoW?

Rhyperior (Brave) @need item help
Solid Rock
252sd 200hp 56de

-Stone Edge

i dunno what it is but my rhyperior just keeps on getting trashed on, even what teaming it with ttar for the sandstorm boost. I duno if i should trash it or do something else with it

and that' s about it. Hopefully i can get that infernape stuff resolved and the defensive pokemon part as well. I'm almost all set with my team, it just needs some final revisions and some time i HOPE

(BTW i know that there are ways to hack for perfect IVs and shiny pokemon on a AR DS but i just don't have the codes for it. Apparently my friend thoroughly believe that i can't, partially because he has an AR DS as well and he doesn't know how to input codes that aren't default with the system. Although i'm not one for hacking, I'd still like to know if anybody has the code. I aint gonna lie, it sounds interesting. I wouldn't hack for anything that couldn't be done with patience anyway...)

Wii4Mii 99

Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
Infernape @ Life Orb

Flare Blitz
Close Combat

Gyarados @ Leftovers

Dragon Dance
Ice Fang

Exeggutor @ Heat Rock

Sunny Day

Gengar @ Choice Specs

Shadow Ball
Sludge Bomb
Energy Ball

Machamp @ Choice Scarf

Brick Break/Close Combat
Stone Edge
Ice Punch

Tyranitar @ Choice band

Rock Slide
Ice Fang

Blissey @ Leftovers

Protect/Thunder Wave/Sing
Seismic Toss/Thunderbolt/Ice Beam

Dusknoir @ Expert Belt

Shadow Sneak
Ice punch
Pain Split

Rhyperior @ don't know :(

Stone Edge
Curse/Swords Dance

Until wii meet again,
Wii4Mii 99


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2006
Fredericksburg, Virginia
Infernape (Jolly) @Life Orb
252at 252 sp 4hp

-Flare blitz
-Close Combat
-(I can't decide on this third slot, right now i have shadow claw but i want t-punch for good coverage...)
-U-turn (don't say take this out cause it works wonderfully)

Stone Edge would be nice for the 3rd slot if you don't want to rebreed for Thunder Punch.

Gyarados (Adamant) @Sitrus Berry (any suggestions?)
252at 252 spd 4hp

-Dragon Dance
-Aqua Tail
-Ice Fang (this one's not being replaced by stone edge, sorry, i don't like SE too much)

You really need a better EV Spread here. Your Gyara doesn't need that much speed or attack since you'll be DD'ing. With 100 Speed EVs he will outspeed max Jolly Garchomp (without a Scarf). Put some EVs into HP and possibly the defenses. Putting Taunt over Ice Fang is nice to prevent getting walled by Skarmory and other defensive Pokes.

Exeggutor (Modest) @Heat Rock
252hp 125de 125sd

-Sunny Day

Not your typical eggs in some way but it works well. Heat rock cause it's dependent on the sun, and psychic so that if something should happen to the sun it still has options and STAB

I know nothing about Exeggutor, so no comment from me. Just don't use it with TTar or Gyara, of course.

I usually stick with my Gengar/Ttar/Machamp combo for good coverage but i've found lately i need to start using my defensive pokemon more. Take a look...

Gengar (Timid) @Choice Specs (don't say hypnosis cause the specs work great)
252sa 252sp 4hp

-Shadow Ball
-Sludge Bomb
-Energy Ball

I'd put in focus bomb but it's nowhere near reliable.

It may not be reliable, but the only things you'll usually be hitting with it are Blisseys on the switch in. You could put it over Sludge Bomb, since poison moves have terrible type coverage, and the only things you'll be hitting SE are grass.

Machamp (Adamant) @Choice Scarf (weird but it works sooooo well)
No Guard
252at 252sp 4hp

-Dynamic Punch
-Stone Edge
-Thunder Punch
-Ice Punch

If you have any suggestions go ahead with machamp, he's a little new and i'm open for advice.

Never used Machamp, so no comment.

Tyranitar (Joly) @Choice Band
Sand Stream
252at 252 sp 4hp

-Rock Slide
-Ice Fang

If you think ice fang should go down for something speak up, but right now it does work well

Looks fine. Could put Pursuit over Ice Fang.

my more defensive pokemon don't usually get to see the light of day, most people can be beat easy with my offensive party, but when facing tough trainers those offensive guys get too predictable...what do you think?

Blissey (Bold) @Leftovers
Natural Cure
252de 200hp 56sd

-Aromatherapy (i find that i need this move more and more all the time)
-(i need some ideas for this slot here...)

Why Protect? Some combo of Twave, Ice Beam, and Seismic Toss for the last two moves.

Dusknoir (Impish) @(Need help with this one, no two of the same item)
252de 252sd (does that work or should it be changed? I know his hp can be a problem but seismic toss doesn't hit it anyway...)

-Shadow Sneak
-Thunder Punch
-Again, a little lost on this slot. Resto berry combo? WoW?

Dusknoir NEEDES 252 HP. Split the rest into def and sdef, more into whichever one is needed more for your team. Again, why protect? Will-o-wisp and Pain Split are two good move options. If you can't use lefties, go with Lum Berry I guess.

Rhyperior (Brave) @need item help
Solid Rock
252sd 200hp 56de

-Stone Edge

i dunno what it is but my rhyperior just keeps on getting trashed on, even what teaming it with ttar for the sandstorm boost. I duno if i should trash it or do something else with it

Even with a Sandstorm boost, Rhyperior's typing and base SDef just aren't suited to taking Special hits. I'd make him for physical defense oriented.

(BTW i know that there are ways to hack for perfect IVs and shiny pokemon on a AR DS but i just don't have the codes for it. Apparently my friend thoroughly believe that i can't, partially because he has an AR DS as well and he doesn't know how to input codes that aren't default with the system. Although i'm not one for hacking, I'd still like to know if anybody has the code. I aint gonna lie, it sounds interesting. I wouldn't hack for anything that couldn't be done with patience anyway...)

Google for a program called "Pokesav". It lets you create a Pokemon with whatever moves, IVs, EVs, etc. that you want. You can also make Pokes shiny if you want.
Hope that helps :)


Smash Apprentice
Oct 8, 2006
Orlando, FL
yeah it does. again, alot of those things i already knew but totally overlooked. I know putting in taunt is always helpful but its just too impractical, mostly because out of all my wifi days and tournament days i haven't seen more than four or five people with enough knowledge to put skarmory, bronzong, dusknoir, blissey, or something like that. i'd only be using it on the few occasions, and giving it up for ice fang just doesn't seem to cut it...

stone edge would be nice since i REALLY don't feel like breeding AGAIN for a decent IV tpunching infernape. That's why i was asking for that pokesav thing, but i still need more info on those **** flashcarts and how that works.

protect works well. Maybe blissey doesn't need it as much, and i see thunderwave coming into play. I would use seismic toss but without that **** pokesav there's no way to teach it to blissey in DP.

I figured most people would say 252 hp on dusknoir. I just would like to know what would be the difference between that and a 252 de 252 sd.

Wii4Mii 99

Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
I figured most people would say 252 hp on dusknoir. I just would like to know what would be the difference between that and a 252 de 252 sd.
Dusknoir already has 135 Defense and SD, which is high. But, it only has 45 HP. Putting 252 EVs in HP first allows for more survivability.

Until wii meet again,
Wii4Mii 99
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