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A Real Combo? Well, maybe just a start.

Crazy Cloud

Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2007
I was messing around on training mode and I discovered something and if this is old, I'm gonna be sad lol. I've had two things today I thought was "new" that turned out to be old. Just looked over all the topics and didn't see anything with "combo" or "trick" in the name that related to this when reading the original post. I really haven't seen this anywere, or atleast exploited on purpose in pro videos.

What it is

All it is so far, is the first move (lol, keep reading). BAir. It has a fixed knockback, even at 999%, it'll send the opponent a little bit off the ground so they can't airdodge (stunlocked) and can't shield (not on the ground). Again, the only character my friend managed to DI out and airdodge with is Mr.G&W (DI away from MK don't work, since when done properly, you can pull out a ftilt fast enought to catch them). While we haven't tested this out on everyone, if Mr.G&W barely escapes it in a frame at 1/4th speed with DI upward, I doubt anyone besides him has a shot at escaping.

How do I do it?

Pretty easily (Actually doing it in a match? Could be hard). Short hop and throw out a BAir so only one swing hits. The opponent will get popped up just a little bit above the ground. Thanks to Meta Knight having almost zero landing lag, as soon as he lands, he can follow it up. Test it out, it's easy to learn. Most important though, make sure it's only the first swing that hits. If it's two hits, the majority of the character can escape high enough with proper DI. The best part is that this is completely independent of percent. The same character will always go the same distance, at 0% and at 999%.


You can follow it up with a Shuffle Loop or a FTilt or a dash grab (only tested it for a hour and some change, so there may be more uses). It can't be done indefinite, it doesn't pop them up in the air long enough for you to pull off a full short hopped fast fall (and if it did, this wouldn't be a combo. Stunlocks don't last that long). More or less, this is a free grab, or a free shot at a KO.

Anyways, you guys test it out and see how it works. Hopefully I didn't waste my whole time typing this out for a new Ultimate DI tech to be discovered tomorrow lmao. Keep inmind we didn't test everyone, so there may be a few exceptions (we did test the Spacies though, it works on them. Seems like they get worse and worse as the weeks go on).

Goodluck and let me know how this works for you :).
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