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"A Party A Day Keeps The Blue Shells Away" - Dr. Mario Karty For Smash DLC

Should this character be in the DLC?

  • Yes

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  • Duh, of course

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  • Well I am kind of split but I say YES!

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  • No. If no means yes.

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Smash Rookie
Dec 2, 2014
Well I know we're all disappointed now that Sm4sh is out and no more characters have been announced. It would have been nice to see a character or two we all knew we wanted and had their time coming. Like King K. Rool, and Dr. Mario Karty. It was quite surprising, to say the least, when I found out the game didn't have him!

That's why we have to tell Mr. Sakurai how much we want him to make it into the DLC. Please show this thread support if you think the same way.

Possible moves:
A neutral - He blows his "party whistle" which you can repeat really fast like the fan item. This is accompanied with that classic whistle-sound releasing joy all over the battlefield
A down (full tilt) - When you charge this attack, the kart starts revving and when you let go the kart spins in circles, shooting pills from under the tires (like dirt)

First jump: springs up
Second jump: boosting with the kart in an angle
Up B (recovery): Lakitu comes and rescues him with his fishing pole (medium-length distance).

Nair, Bair, Dair, Fair: He generally kicks out his kart a bit, hitting anyone in that direction. For Uair, he uses his hands instead to hit.

B: He shakes his "champagne bottle" (non-alcoholic) and shoots away. The cork does most of the damage.
B-side: He charges his car, when let go he will wheelie over anyone on the battlefield (this can also be used as a recovery).
B-down: He picks up a false question-mark item, being able to throw it onto people. Unlike Link's bombs, these items have a very small blast-radius (only hitting one person).

I was thinking that this is something that could be a unique aspect of the character. Why not have him be able to honk while moving around? And this can be done repeatedly, for as long as you like. Show those other players the real spirit of racing! Another taunt can be a more custom honk, for example the victory theme after ending a level in the original Mario Bros.

Forward grab: Just like Donkey Kong, I would like the forward grab for Dr. Mario Karty to be for him to grab the character and be able to drive around with them. If they have enough damage, you can even run over a cliff with them! Of course, you should still be able to honk (taunt) when grabbing.
Down grab: He makes a small jump with the kart and elbow-slams them to the ground!

And finally, dottorototodoooo!!

Final Smash!!
He makes a backflip from his kart and lands on a blue shell flying in from above. He then surfs above the battlefield throwing dices at the other fighters, which depending on the number gives more and less damage. After a few dice throws he flips back into his kart, sending the blue shell to create an explosion on the battlefield!!

And when you play stock matches, he will have three balloons once he reaches 3 lifes left. Then after losing a life a balloon will pop.

More suggestions to moves? Or your own take on it? Discuss please! I can imagine quite a few players have brainstormed a lot about this character already!
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