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a new "not so OU" team

Jul 9, 2007
There's no need to tell you, I'm a fridge, goddam
ok, its not completely UU, but alot of these are not quite as OU, except for cresselia. so i think it's pretty good, so let's see what we got.

Ampharos(Leftovers/Lum Berry)
Nature: Relaxed (+Def, -Spd)
Ev's: 252 Def, 80 HP, 60 Atk, 118 SA
-Focus Punch

HI SKARMBLISS! BYE SKARMBLISS! way slow enough to get the sub up behind blissey and then FP it to the ground. even with 200 Atk, Focus Punch will put a sizable dent in things, especially darks and normals. STAB thunderbolt off a 115 base special attack is also nice. counter is a nice surprise, and its also the reason i have max defense and relaxed nature.

Nature: Adamant
Ev's: 52 Atk, 252 HP, 200 Def, 6 Spd
-Swords Dance
-Leaf Blade
-Baton Pass

hmm. 300 Atk. SD puts that at 600. nice, that'll make leaf blade hurt. but, not the purpose of this set. it can pass that SD to my CS arcanine, as well as wish. its got 346 Defense on this set also, with max defense for some nice staying power. 227 speed ain't too hot, but it's not really important for this set. another thing is, not only can it pass to arcanine, it makes perfect fire bait, so when i BP to arcanine, and they use a fire attack, i'm in good shape.

Arcanine(Choice Scarf)
Nature: Adamant
Ability:Flash Fire
Ev's: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
-Flare Blitz
-Thunder Fang

350 Atk. cool. 95 base Spd is considered somewhat mediocre, but choice scarf puts him at an impressive 433 speed, making him faster than pretty much anything that doesn't use choice scarf itself. because of this, i also chose return over extremespeed here, since against most things he'll attack first anyway, so more power is a good choice. crunch and thunder fang for extra type coverage. flash fire will let him the ability to actually switch in if there's some fire bait(oh wait, that's leafeon. cool)

Kingdra(Choice Specs)
Nature: Timid
Ev's: 252 SA, 252 Spd, 6 HP
-Draco Meteor
-Ice Beam

433 Special Attack STAB draco meteor. ouch. not as good as salamence, but it doesn't have that annoying ice weakness either. or rock for that matter. the other three attacks add extra type coverage. hits every pokemon for neutral or better. i get tired of specsmence so i thought specsdra would be pretty cool.

Nature: Impish
Ev's: 252 HP, 96 Def, 162 Atk
-Curse/Stone Edge
-Stealth Rock

IMO, this guy should be used more. he is an excellent physical wall. max HP is obvious for any tank, 300 Def is decent enough, especially if i get a curse in, which puts it at 450. not to mention synthesis which adds to survivability. he's also an excellent SR user. STAB earthquake is always nice, especially with 285 attack, 400+ attack with curse makes that earthquake hurt even more, although he's not meant to sweep, he tanks, but EQ is definitely the move of choice. stone edge is an option here over curse if it's really late in the game.

Nature: Calm
Ev's: 252 HP, 196 SA, 62 Def
-Calm Mind
-Ice Beam

ya f*** off specsmence. another wall, with excellent defenses. calm mind pushes the special stats further. 444 HP is freakin awesome, and makes it an even better tank. moonlight is obvious for recovery, and no one in my team messes it up. psychic is obvious, ice beam is for salamence, garchomp, and other dragons. the Special attack ev's are to guarantee an OHKO on said salamence/garchomp.

well, there it is. rate it plz. hope its good.

Wii4Mii 99

Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
ok, its not completely UU, but alot of these are not quite as OU, except for cresselia. so i think it's pretty good, so let's see what we got.

Ampharos(Leftovers/Lum Berry)
Nature: Relaxed (+Def, -Spd)
Ev's: 252 Def, 80 HP, 60 Atk, 118 SA
-Focus Punch

HI SKARMBLISS! BYE SKARMBLISS! way slow enough to get the sub up behind blissey and then FP it to the ground. even with 200 Atk, Focus Punch will put a sizable dent in things, especially darks and normals. STAB thunderbolt off a 115 base special attack is also nice. counter is a nice surprise, and its also the reason i have max defense and relaxed nature.


Nature: Adamant
Ev's: 52 Atk, 252 HP, 200 Def, 6 Spd
-Swords Dance
-Leaf Blade
-Baton Pass

hmm. 300 Atk. SD puts that at 600. nice, that'll make leaf blade hurt. but, not the purpose of this set. it can pass that SD to my CS arcanine, as well as wish. its got 346 Defense on this set also, with max defense for some nice staying power. 227 speed ain't too hot, but it's not really important for this set. another thing is, not only can it pass to arcanine, it makes perfect fire bait, so when i BP to arcanine, and they use a fire attack, i'm in good shape.


Arcanine(Choice Scarf)
Nature: Adamant
Ability:Flash Fire
Ev's: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
-Flare Blitz
-Return/Double Edge
-Thunder Fang

350 Atk. cool. 95 base Spd is considered somewhat mediocre, but choice scarf puts him at an impressive 433 speed, making him faster than pretty much anything that doesn't use choice scarf itself. because of this, i also chose return/double-edge over extremespeed here, since against most things he'll attack first anyway, so more power is a good choice. return might be the better choice, cuz i'm not sure two recoil moves will be wise. crunch and thunder fang for extra type coverage. flash fire will let him the ability to actually switch in if there's some fire bait(oh wait, that's leafeon. cool)


Kingdra(Choice Specs)
Nature: Timid
Ev's: 252 SA, 252 Spd, 6 HP
-Draco Meteor
-Ice Beam

433 Special Attack STAB draco meteor. ouch. not as good as salamence, but it doesn't have that annoying ice weakness either. or rock for that matter. the other three attacks add extra type coverage. hits every pokemon for neutral or better. i get tired of specsmence so i thought specsdra would be pretty cool.

But Specsmence works sooooooooo good...

Nature: Impish
Ev's: 252 HP, 96 Def, 162 Atk
-Stealth Rock

IMO, this guy should be used more. he is an excellent physical wall. max HP is obvious for any tank, 300 Def is decent enough, especially if i get a curse in, which puts it at 450. not to mention synthesis which adds to survivability. he's also an excellent SR user. STAB earthquake is always nice, especially with 285 attack, 400+ attack with curse makes that earthquake hurt even more, although he's not meant to sweep, he tanks, but EQ is definitely the move of choice.


Nature: Calm
Ev's: 252 HP, 129 Def, 129 SD
-Calm Mind
-Ice Beam

ya f*** off specsmence. another wall, with excellent defenses. calm mind pushes the special stats further. 444 HP is freakin awesome, and makes it an even better tank. moonlight is obvious for recovery, and no one in my team messes it up. psychic is obvious, ice beam is for salamence, garchomp, and other dragons.

Good. I might switch some EVs to Defense, though.

well, there it is. rate it plz. hope its good.
Your team has a smallish Bug weakness. Not too big, though.


Until wii meet again,
Wii4Mii 99


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2006
La Jolla, CA
Just wondering about your torterra... is having only earthquake a good idea? That would give your opponent a free switch into a levitating/flying pokemon, and you'll have no choice but to switch out. I would replace stealth rock with either rock slide or stone edge, because it (very conveniently) covers all 4 of your weaknesses. I mean, fire, bug, flying, ice... its perfect!
Jul 9, 2007
There's no need to tell you, I'm a fridge, goddam
Just wondering about your torterra... is having only earthquake a good idea? That would give your opponent a free switch into a levitating/flying pokemon, and you'll have no choice but to switch out. I would replace stealth rock with either rock slide or stone edge, because it (very conveniently) covers all 4 of your weaknesses. I mean, fire, bug, flying, ice... its perfect!
i considered this when making the moveset. the reason i had stealth rock is cause i felt the need for a spiker, and i'm not trying to sweep, i'm trying to wall the hell out of something, and flyers might hesitate when i've got stealth rock on. he's also meant to be a late-game tank, so i think it's good enough. but u raise a good point. if i find too many problems with flyers though, i'll switch it to stone edge, better than RS, the 10 less accuracy is worth the 25 extra base power. thx for the input there though.

@wii4mii: lol i'm glad all my sets are good. the ev's on cresselia were just a basic thing, so ur right, more defense will work. how much more should i put in defense?

one more thing: should i use return or double-edge on arcanine? i still can't decide.


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2006
La Jolla, CA
Actually, I thought about it some more, and I've changed my recommendation to remove curse and replace it with stone edge. As a late game tank, its probably going to be hard to find time to curse since he has so many weaknesses. Its possibly worth it to lose curse altogether.

Wii4Mii 99

Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
i considered this when making the moveset. the reason i had stealth rock is cause i felt the need for a spiker, and i'm not trying to sweep, i'm trying to wall the hell out of something, and flyers might hesitate when i've got stealth rock on. he's also meant to be a late-game tank, so i think it's good enough. but u raise a good point. if i find too many problems with flyers though, i'll switch it to stone edge, better than RS, the 10 less accuracy is worth the 25 extra base power. thx for the input there though.

@wii4mii: lol i'm glad all my sets are good. the ev's on cresselia were just a basic thing, so ur right, more defense will work. how much more should i put in defense?

one more thing: should i use return or double-edge on arcanine? i still can't decide.

252 Hp / 228 Def / 30 SpDef

I'd use Return on Arcanine.

Until wii meet again,
Wii4Mii 99


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
I too would get rid of stealth rock for stone edge. Or ditch curse for it instead. It's a cool move though so I like it.

Deleted member

cresellia needs 235 spe att to have a guaranteed OHKO with ice beam on standard salamence (4HP 0 def EVs) which is 196 EVs into special attack assuming you have a spe att IV of 31. Regardless of what nature you use, make sure you run 252 HP EVs and max that out, and then make sure you acvhieve 235 spe att to OHKO salamence/garchomp.
Jul 9, 2007
There's no need to tell you, I'm a fridge, goddam
cresellia needs 235 spe att to have a guaranteed OHKO with ice beam on standard salamence (4HP 0 def EVs) which is 196 EVs into special attack assuming you have a spe att IV of 31. Regardless of what nature you use, make sure you run 252 HP EVs and max that out, and then make sure you acvhieve 235 spe att to OHKO salamence/garchomp.
o really? i didn't know that. ok so it should be 196 SA, 252 HP, 62 Def? alright. i'll put that up on my first post. its important to me to be able to OHKO those guys cause they're usually a pain in the butt. thx umbreon.
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