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A motivational experience online.


Smash Rookie
Sep 20, 2014
Hi, my name is Sean and I started playing SSB in the 5th grade. When I played Wii, I liked a lot of games but SSBB was always my favorite. This year I decided to pick up a Wii U and SSB 4 for memory sake. I've been playing the last 4 months and I can say I've definitely improved but I'm still pretty terrible. Over this time I learned all about the difference between a tilt and a smash, how to short hop and doing grab combos as my favorite character Ness. Yesterday, after beating level 9 bots over and over I was confident in my skills. I started up some matched and they all had pretty varied results. Some matches I barely won, some matches I left because it was too laggy but most matches I lost due to me killing myself by failing my PK Thunder recovery. I realized needed some practice so I just kept going with it. Until he appeared.

A Rob player. At first, I remembered all the times I fought my friend Carlos in Brawl when he mained Rob. I beat him every time. Going into the match with confidence I began doing what I did usually. Before I knew it I had lost. "Again," I said, "I can beat him easy." Defeat. Defeat. Defeat. I began getting angry which had never happened to me while playing Smash. Before I knew it I was messing up all my combos due to me shaking. I wanted to be done. I told myself "This guy is officially better than me." I didn't want to give up, seeing how he mercilessly beat me over and over showing no sign of guilt. Had he realized that he was so much better than me? An hour passed of him continuing to dumpster me over and over. What did he have to gain? I thought, maybe he is just practicing. By beating someone less strong then him over and over? So I did an experiment.

I let them the timer tick until the match started, making it seem like I was afk. When the match began, I didn't touch my controller and watched as he grabbed me then threw me off the stage for both of my stocks. This guy was a true scumbag. This inspired me that I would be the Hero to end this Villains reign of improving his W/L ratio. I calmed myself and fought him strategically. First match, he two stocks me. Seventh match he two stocks me at 107%. Twenty-fourth match I get a stock off of him with a lethal back throw, but then I am destroyed by a up smash. Before I realized it I was improving! I saw him doing his moves before they happened being able to avoid them. This I realized, was the concept of reading that Jtails had talked about. I truly belived I could beat him.

Game after game, I was so close to winning but became nervous and kept getting myself punished. I realized not only had I been reading him but he had began reading me. After the downthrough he would dodge the fair! My hope of beating this criminal was surely lost. But, I kept going on and on. For one match, he randomly picked CF, followed by me killing myself. I started the next match seeing that he was Rob again. I realized that he understood now, my thirst for victory against his Rob. He wanted me to win but not once did he go easy. My confidence was restored. After three hours of complete and utter failure we reached the final match.

It was on my favorite stage, Gaur Plains.( Omega of course ) Before the match I had changed my color too the default one because this was my lucky skin. The match began and I was pumped. PK Fire into downthrough into fair then fair. My victory was assured. I was doing everything that I learned. But this Rob was smart. He began doing his combos over and over but I could dodge them! We both were two stocks, but he was off the stage. I was going to harass him with PK Thunder but he jumped over me. At that second, I hit myself with PK "Cannonball" and flung him into oblivion. My two stocks against his one. Before he down throwed me into death, I had gotten 56% on him. I could win. I can win. I will win. Combo into combo the victory I could taste. He was at 112% percent with me at 76%. I could see myself saving the replay and watching it in amazement. Look at what I had become!

In my ray of astonishment, I was like a deer in headlights. He punished my roll with the grab into the forward throw. I lived but I suddenly caught what shofu called the "bnf syndrome." As I PK Thundered myself into the stage I sat there with my jaw open wide thinking what had gone wrong? Hours and hours of loss for what? As the game ended, I immediately left in despair. He had broken my will to keep playing. Negative thoughts flooded my mind as I stared at the ceiling. I did everything in my power but he was just better.

At that moment I realized, how much had happened. In that very match I learned what's called spot-dodging to avoid his grabs and fast falling to avoid his combos. That match had taught me more then months of facing bots. This match happened 45 minutes ago. It inspired me to make this post to teach everyone what I learned. As cliche as it is, never give up no matter how bad it looks. Keep fighting till you win,unlike me. It's just a game and even if you lose you can learn from it. I mean you can learn A LOT from fighting people better than you .

Thanks for reading this post, tons of emotions went into making it. That being said, I apologize for spelling errors for I'm typing this out on my phone in front of my Wii U. Also, if this made you happy in any way let me know so it doesn't feel like I wrote this for nothing lol. If anyone would be willing to add and help a Noob like me, it would be much appreciated. My NNID is Misosakamoto and I'll be willing to add anyone. Once again thanks to all the streamers on twitch that have gotten me this far like 1fow1 and the ones that I mentioned. Looking forward to learning a lot so I can beat that God damn Rob. Thanks SSB community and peace!

Btw if tltr I understand :p

EDIT: Fixed spelling errors and got rid of the "Waterfall of Text" :p 3/28/15
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Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
That's a pretty long "Smash of the Union" address you got there. I'm basically the same way, as well as for many others too. I take my losses like a real man and learn from those experience in hopes to become a better player but I play Smash Bros. just for fun regardless of whether I win or lose.


Smash Rookie
Sep 20, 2014
Yeah I realized that after writing it. One of my reasons for typing this much was so I could share my story and hope people can learn from it. My other reason was to help myself learn from it in the future. Thanks for reading :D

That's a pretty long "Smash of the Union" address you got there. I'm basically the same way, as well as for many others too. I take my losses like a real man and learn from those experience in hopes to become a better player but I play Smash Bros. just for fun regardless of whether I win or lose.
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 23, 2015
It's great that you're learning from your losses. I would say to avoid frustration in the future set a limit of how many matches you'll play against someone even if they're way better than you. I'd say max 10 so then at least you tried but didn't have to get frustrated for hours losing in the process. It's good to pick up new opponents as well to learn different match ups for your character.

If you want to keep playing people better than you while avoiding frustration id say add some of us from the website and get us to play with you. At least then if you continually lose your opponent can tell you why and give you tips on approving.

Good luck improving and don't let anger/emotion put you on tilt it happens to all of us but try to stay calm.


SSJ Fraud
Dec 18, 2014
The Hoenn region
This was very nice to read. Thanks for sharing it! Hopefully, everyone can learn something from your personal experience. There's a lot you can learn from losing. Try not to be bummed out by it cuz a lot of good can come from a graceful defeat and some hindsight!
(Also, I recommend saving replays of your losses. It helps you analyze what you did wrong and learn from your mistakes. You can still save replays of your victories too cuz it's good to see what you did right as well. But there's more to learn from defeat than from victory.)


Smash Rookie
Sep 20, 2014
Thanks for the advice. Yeah, I'm quite the stubborn one so I don't give in easy. But, I'll do what you suggested :p I'd love to play with anyone one here. Thanks for reading :D

It's great that you're learning from your losses. I would say to avoid frustration in the future set a limit of how many matches you'll play against someone even if they're way better than you. I'd say max 10 so then at least you tried but didn't have to get frustrated for hours losing in the process. It's good to pick up new opponents as well to learn different match ups for your character.

If you want to keep playing people better than you while avoiding frustration id say add some of us from the website and get us to play with you. At least then if you continually lose your opponent can tell you why and give you tips on approving.

Good luck improving and don't let anger/emotion put you on tilt it happens to all of us but try to stay calm.
Yeah I wish I would have saved my replay. Good to know this had a purpose. Thanks for reading :D

This was very nice to read. Thanks for sharing it! Hopefully, everyone can learn something from your personal experience. There's a lot you can learn from losing. Try not to be bummed out by it cuz a lot of good can come from a graceful defeat and some hindsight!
(Also, I recommend saving replays of your losses. It helps you analyze what you did wrong and learn from your mistakes. You can still save replays of your victories too cuz it's good to see what you did right as well. But there's more to learn from defeat than from victory.)
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 5, 2015
Ontario, Canada
Good that you're trying your best to learn rather than get salty and angry about it. I already have a bad habit of getting angry after losing to people I believe do not deserve their wins due to cheap/lame/spammy/predictable strategies that I fail to adopt to.
If I dispel the salt and focus on how to adapt my playstyle, I usually win the next round afterwards.

Getting angry at yourself doesn't help at all and if anything will only make you play worse, as you try to "force" your tactics through only to see them fail repeatedly.
You can't hate yourself into becoming a better person. This applies in general, but also in Smash.


Smash Rookie
Sep 20, 2014
Yeah I totally feel ya. Good to know there are others like me that have had difficulty with this. I find it cool how little things like this are applicable in life as well. Thanks for reading :D

Good that you're trying your best to learn rather than get salty and angry about it. I already have a bad habit of getting angry after losing to people I believe do not deserve their wins due to cheap/lame/spammy/predictable strategies that I fail to adopt to.
If I dispel the salt and focus on how to adapt my playstyle, I usually win the next round afterwards.

Getting angry at yourself doesn't help at all and if anything will only make you play worse, as you try to "force" your tactics through only to see them fail repeatedly.
You can't hate yourself into becoming a better person. This applies in general, but also in Smash.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2010
I...just can't read this. I'm pretty sure my brain would explode before the end.
You should really try to find the enter key
on your keyboard,
and use



I'm pretty sure it's actually not funny but I'm reckless
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Smash Rookie
May 6, 2012
United States
Awwe, I really liked reading this haha. I do wish there were some spaces but it was worth the read nonetheless. I kinda had a similar experience yesterday in fg and was able to almost beat this guy that I thought was really good after like 3 matches but when I almost won he quit. It is helpful fighting people better than you though, instead of only caring about your win rate.


Smash Rookie
Sep 20, 2014
Haha, good to know. I'm glad my experience was something worth sharing. Just for you, when I get time, I'll try to edit it into paragraphs once I'm on my PC. :p
Thanks for reading :D

Awwe, I really liked reading this haha. I do wish there were some spaces but it was worth the read nonetheless. I kinda had a similar experience yesterday in fg and was able to almost beat this guy that I thought was really good after like 3 matches but when I almost won he quit. It is helpful fighting people better than you though, instead of only caring about your win rate.

Purin a.k.a. José

Smash Lord
Mar 27, 2015
Americana, São Paulo, Brazil
I used to be blindly mad when I lose in FG. I've read this thread a few days before creating a account, and now I always remember your history when I'm in a losing streak. It makes me feel better.


Smash Rookie
Sep 20, 2014
Wow... I honestly don't know what to say. This makes me speechless actually. I'm glad that my post sincerely benefited. Thanks so much for letting me know <3

I used to be blindly mad when I lose in FG. I've read this thread a few days before creating a account, and now I always remember your history when I'm in a losing streak. It makes me feel better.
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