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A little bit of pit arrow help NEEDED!


Smash Rookie
Jun 3, 2008
Ohio, Columbus
hey, this is my actuall first thread i made outside of the meet and greet section of the forum. ANYWAYS i need some pit arrow help. i was fighting against a pit user in wi-fi and he did something really cool with pits arrow. when he shot his arrow towards me he curved it around so that it hit me on the second lap around. i was completely shocked the whole rest of the match cause it was the first time ive seen it done in an actuall battle.
So i go to training mode and try it out for myself because i thought that i could make pit my secondary character if i could master the arrow looping technique. cause i like to master characters that have cool advanced techniques. but when i tried it out it was extreemy hard to pull off. most of the time the arrow seemed to have curved around but it never made the full lap. :dizzy:
and i know there are already threads out there on this technique but i havent really seen one explaining how to do it. and yes i am a noob with pit so thats why im even posting this thread. so can someone help me out and tell me if theres a catch to this technique, or if i just need more practice.


Smash Ace
May 18, 2008
Bay area, California
keep doing it on a Large practice stage. then in the middle of battles when you kock the person far away try to do it. Your reactions will either take you through it or youll get some practice. It wont be perfect but youlll get better and better. Its a slow process


Smash Rookie
Jun 3, 2008
Ohio, Columbus
keep doing it on a Large practice stage. then in the middle of battles when you kock the person far away try to do it. Your reactions will either take you through it or youll get some practice. It wont be perfect but youlll get better and better. Its a slow process
heh, thanks i will keep practicing. now that i know its just skill, cause i thought that there was some kind of catch to it. kinda like snakes "snake dash"


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2006
I have found that Pit's Arrow Loop takes a zenlike state of mind. You can't hurry the arrow at all, and you have to move the stick all the way around the edges of it's confines. Finding the right speed will take some time. To learn how I made an Uber huge final D style stage and set it on fixed camera mode.


Smash Rookie
Jun 3, 2008
Ohio, Columbus
I have found that Pit's Arrow Loop takes a zenlike state of mind. You can't hurry the arrow at all, and you have to move the stick all the way around the edges of it's confines. Finding the right speed will take some time. To learn how I made an Uber huge final D style stage and set it on fixed camera mode.
i see, well maybe ill do the same training. though i am slowely getting better.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
Phoenix, Arizona
One thing that I have picked up, is that once you get the basic movements down, there is a thread somewhere around here that tells the different ways to manipulate the arrow, i just get a cpu in training, and try to hit them wherever they are standing... like on a platform infront, behind, with me, and stuff like that, just to get an idea of the trajectory I would need...and repeat that. Hope this helps :)

oh yeah, you can practice on characters of different heights, too for more variation


Smash Cadet
Apr 15, 2008
When I was learning how to loop the arrow I practiced by moving it around at different speed. you can't rush the arrow to loop. That probably wasn't helpful at all....keep practicing...
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