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A kinda Falco Combo


Smash Apprentice
Apr 26, 2008
Modesto, Ca
So I'm not sure if this was discovered, but if it was then Mods please close this.

Alright so the combo is when your opponent is at about 80-90%, you D-throw then Short Hop and shoot 2 lasers so they hit the opponent then you do a Up-Smash. It can usually kill or take alot of danage out of a opponent. I't a pretty nice trick and I'm sure it's not a true combo, but I't can still be a handy trick. If this was discovered then please close this topic.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 5, 2008
New York City
Pretty basic and can be air doged.

But hey atleast you posted it :D.

But if you do catch somebody with it, it most likely won't kill them right off the bat unless they are light characters.

Deleted member

A better option than the Usmash after the laser would be Jab (either the Full AAA, or Jab to grab). This would recharge some of your aerials and KOing moves and of course raise their damage a bunch. Let's take a look at how much this would alleviate the decay on your other moves:

Hit 1: Dair
Hit 2: Laser
Hit 3: Laser
Hit 4: Jab
Hit 5: Grab Dthrow OR Jab 2
Hit 6: Nair out of Dthrow OR Jab 3

So there are six hits there to recharge your other KOing options which may have been decayed. such as Bair or Dsmash.

Not to mention this string would do roughly 20-25%.
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