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A Hop, a Skip, and a Jump! Frogger Support Thread!

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Smash Apprentice
Aug 6, 2011
A Distant Planet
The heroic adventurer from Firefly swamp!

Frogger debuted in the arcade game Frogger in 1981. It was developed by Konami, and licensed for worldwide distribution by Sega/Gremlin. Frogger is considered a classic from the golden age of arcade games and is known for it's unique gameplay: navigating a frog through a busy street and across a dangerous river. Even though his arcade game is the most popular game in the franchise, Frogger continued to star in 25+ titles. His design was changed to a bipedal frog wearing clothes. He goes on epic adventures, saves his animal friends, stops the bad guys and of course, dodges all kinds of obstacles. In some of his games, he gets special abilites. In Frogger's Journey: The Forgotten Relic, Frogger finds the Opart, a strange orb that gives him other abilites that add to the gameplay.

Nintendo History

Frogger Advance: The Great Quest (Gameboy Advance)
Frogger’s Adventures: The Temple of the Frog (Gameboy Advance)
Frogger’s Adventures 2: The Lost Wand (Gameboy Advance)
Frogger’s Journey: The Forgotten Relic (Gameboy Advance)
Frogger: Ancient Shadow (Gamecube)
Frogger’s Adventures: The Rescue (Gamecube)
Frogger: Helmet Chaos (DS)
Frogger Returns (Wii)
Frogger 3D (3DS)
Frogger Wii (Wii/Wii U) (Release Date: September 10, 2013)
Frogger’s Adventures: The Search of the Royal Moons (3DS) (Release Date: December 21, 2013)

Why should Frogger be considered?

Frogger is a huge video game icon due to his prominence during the early '80s, when he was as big a name as Pac-Man and Donkey Kong. Though his original game is still far more popular than any of his later works, he still has the potential to be a Smash all-star. His series is far from dead, though it's not very popular and its sales are comparably low, but sales and popularity are not the end-all factors. Frogger is very recognizable and is even a household name in terms of gaming (I mean, who hasn't at least played the original game?). He is a third party character, but I honestly think he's more reasonable than most third party requests due to his history.

Why does this guy want Frogger?

Growing up, Frogger: Swampy's Revenge was literally one of the first videogames I ever played. I was about 6 years old when I played it on my old PC. I loved the game to death. I still remember one day when I stayed home from school because I was sick and I sat at the computer and beat the last level. I was so excited because it was the first video game I had ever completed! About 3 years later, I got a Gameboy Advance and three more Frogger games: Frogger's Adventures: The Temple of the Frog, Frogger's Adventures 2: The Lost Wand, and Frogger's Journey: The Forgotten Relic. I loved all three of these games and played them nonstop when I was younger. I played them so often that I only got two other games for my GA (Which I kinda regret doing now...) Just writing all this makes me feel the nostalgia...


Many of Frogger's special moves come from the game Frogger's Journey: The Forgotten Relic, where Frogger gets more power due to his faithful relic-friend, Opart. (More of the moveset will be updated later)

Neutral B: Opart Flashlight - Opart begins to glow yellow as you hold B. The longer you charge it, the more powerful the attack grows. Once fully charged and released, an orb of light blasts enemies around Frogger. (Similar to Ike's Neutral B attack, but Frogger still run around with Opart fully charged.)
Side B: Tongue Grab - Frogger shoots out his long tongue. If his tongue sticks to a nearby enemy, Frogger will be pulled toward them until he collides hard, sending them flying backwards.
Up B: Grappling Hook - Frogger uses the grapple Opart. A long grappling hook extends upward and can be used to latch onto stage edges. It can also be used on the ground to attack aerial enemies. If there is an opponent above Frogger, the grappling hook can be used to pull them down, smashing them into the stage.
Down B: Shield Opart - A curved energy field appears in front of Frogger. Can only be used to reflect projectiles, just like in the game.

FINAL SMASH: Street Chaos - Frogger jumps into the sky as speeding cars and huge trucks drive horizontally across the screen, doing damage to any foe caught in the way of a vehicle. Lasts for about 20 seconds, then Frogger returns to the stage.

(File Select) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-TTJjbBfPY
(Pyramid) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nZCh9PYPXI
(Goblin Caverns) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Aa92_8gcS4
(Ancient Ruins) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlqWkt3HBFs

(Will be added soon)

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Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.
Oh yeah, I remember Frogger. I used to play the old games all the time. I think I still have the Gameboy Colour game somewhere.

Anyhow, though I seriously doubt he would get in, it would be cool to see Frogger in Smash Bros. A Frogger stage would be cool as well.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Weird I never thought of this at all, I thought I got all the iconic videogame characters wanted for Smash, it seems I forgot about Frogger. But I definitely can envision it quite well that he could be in Smash Bros.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 6, 2011
A Distant Planet
His chances are slim and his character is often overlooked. Frogger's actually quite a big name, though many have forgotten about him. (Heck, I did too until I noticed my three Frogger games buried alongside my GameBoy under stuff on my desk...that's how I got the idea for this thread)

A stage from his franchise would be pretty neat...a busy street anyone?


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
Sign me up. His games were classics. He's one of the awkward crew that just couldn't make a smooth transition into modern gaming, though.
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