Sonic Toadstool
Smash Rookie
- Joined
- Sep 1, 2010
- Messages
- 3
First of all I would like to apoligize for making a thread about these questions but I simply could find these answers any where around here. And yes, I did use the search tool, read all the stickies and looked in the Q and A topics but I still could not find any answers. I'm sorry if these questions have already been answered but I simply fell in love with the art of hacking Brawl after seeing how far the community has come since 2008. So I would love to give this a try but I also want to do this wisely. I've been looking into this for the past few days and in the end, I would like to be able to play and texture hack Brawl+, Brawl-, BBrawl etc. on my wii with out saying "Oh I should have downloaded this program" or "Man I wish I didn't buy this". Anyway I have an unmodded USA Nintendo Wii, a USA Brawl Game, a Labtop that can read SD Cards, and a 2GB SanDisk SD Cards. So I have all the materials I need to get Brawl+ etc. on my console, but before I do that I would like to know:
1. What is the best method to use in order to get Brawl+ etc. on my Wii? I know that the old method was to use HomeBrew in order to access Gecko OS, but I know last year the StackSmash hack was released for USA owners to access Gecko OS without the use of Homebrew but my question is, are their any downsides to using the StackSmash(no Homebrew) method? And what are the ups and downs for using Riivolution compared to Gecko OS? Are there any specific hacks or codes that are not compatible with any of these programs? Which program is the best program to use in terms of compatible codes and hacks?
2. If I use the StackSmash Hack(no Homebrew) will I not be able to use Wiishop, play Normal Brawl online with everyone, or use any other wifi modes on the wii?
3. If I use the StackSmash Hack(no Homebrew) will I have to avoid updating my wii to prevent it from be bricked?
4. Are there any other dangers from using the SmashStack Hack?(Dangers that you may run into by using Homebrew) Are there also any possible bricks that can occur from using the StackSmash? (I'm already aware of the Homebrew dangers but I don't know of any StackSmash dangers)
5. Is using the SD Card the only possible way to do the StackSmash, Homebrew, or Riivolution hack?(I haven't opened my newly bought SD Card yet so I want to be absolutely sure) I know every tutorial I read said you need a 2GB SD Card or lower, but I just wanted to make sure that there is no way of getting it through a sneaky USB drive or something.
6. After watching this video I wanted to know, is it safe to play online after installing SmashStack?
7. And does the SmashStack method and the Homebrew method load codes in the same way? Let's say if I do use SmashStack and decide later that I want to use Hoembrew would I have to change the codes in any way?
Once again, I'm sorry if these questions have already been answered but I just wanted to make sure that I am doing evrything safely before I begin to Brawl+ on my wii. And I have looked on many tutorials on this site but I found some of them out of date and sorta confused me so I made this thread to get up to date answers. Thank you for taking the time to look at my questions.
1. What is the best method to use in order to get Brawl+ etc. on my Wii? I know that the old method was to use HomeBrew in order to access Gecko OS, but I know last year the StackSmash hack was released for USA owners to access Gecko OS without the use of Homebrew but my question is, are their any downsides to using the StackSmash(no Homebrew) method? And what are the ups and downs for using Riivolution compared to Gecko OS? Are there any specific hacks or codes that are not compatible with any of these programs? Which program is the best program to use in terms of compatible codes and hacks?
2. If I use the StackSmash Hack(no Homebrew) will I not be able to use Wiishop, play Normal Brawl online with everyone, or use any other wifi modes on the wii?
3. If I use the StackSmash Hack(no Homebrew) will I have to avoid updating my wii to prevent it from be bricked?
4. Are there any other dangers from using the SmashStack Hack?(Dangers that you may run into by using Homebrew) Are there also any possible bricks that can occur from using the StackSmash? (I'm already aware of the Homebrew dangers but I don't know of any StackSmash dangers)
5. Is using the SD Card the only possible way to do the StackSmash, Homebrew, or Riivolution hack?(I haven't opened my newly bought SD Card yet so I want to be absolutely sure) I know every tutorial I read said you need a 2GB SD Card or lower, but I just wanted to make sure that there is no way of getting it through a sneaky USB drive or something.
6. After watching this video I wanted to know, is it safe to play online after installing SmashStack?
7. And does the SmashStack method and the Homebrew method load codes in the same way? Let's say if I do use SmashStack and decide later that I want to use Hoembrew would I have to change the codes in any way?
Once again, I'm sorry if these questions have already been answered but I just wanted to make sure that I am doing evrything safely before I begin to Brawl+ on my wii. And I have looked on many tutorials on this site but I found some of them out of date and sorta confused me so I made this thread to get up to date answers. Thank you for taking the time to look at my questions.