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A few Questions about BlazBlue...


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
On a boat.
What is Seithr, and what is Azure? I've watched the story modes for all characters on Youtube, and they never CLEARLY explain it. Can anyone shed some light as to what the Azure and the Seithr are? Also, if anyone could explain to me how Arakune became...Arakune...that would be helpful.


Smash Master
May 13, 2008
Reidsville, NC (Not anywhere)
Seithr is magical energy that flooded the world after the Black Beast was vanquished by the 6 Heroes (Hakumen, Jubei, etc.) It is toxic in large amounts to humans, so they live way up high.

The Kaka (catgirls) are immune to the negative effects of Seithr so they can survive under the city as long as they want.

The Kaka are clones of one of the powerful weapons used during the Great War (the battle against the Black Beast), so that's why Tao is referred to as an Atreistic Replica. If the Kaka Clan reaches a population exceeding 100, a fail-safe mechanism in their DNA kills them all.

Also, they can asexually reproduce (hot?)

Azure is short for the Azure Grimoire, the most powerful Armagus (technology combined with seithr) in the world, which is wielded by Ragna the Bloodedge (which is referred to as a fake because V-13 and Noel have ones as well, but stronger. When all combined, the universe ends) in his left arm, which was cut off by Hazama when he was a child. Also Jin was with Hazama when they killed Ragna's stepsister and grandmother (his parents were already dead).

Ragna and Jin are step-brothers so gay hentai doujins are NOT incestuous.

Jin IS Hakumen

Noel is V-12

Grimalkin is a racial slur

Rachel is a British, Vampire, Loli who is also God tier and doesn't lose her memory when time loops. She also prevents the end of the world by summoning an encantation that forms a powerful barrier and loops time when Noel's Ars Armagus awakens (Magic Death Ability Thing).

Arakune was once a human archeologist in search of power and wisdom to absorb and control seithr. During his exploits he discovered "The Barrier", a Seithr-filled realm of 'in-between-death-and-life. He was flooded with wisdom and seithr, but was unable to control himself and became a slave to his own desire for power as he transformed into what he is now. He constantly seeks the Azure because it will grant him more power.


Smash Cadet
Dec 30, 2001
Azure is short for the Azure Grimoire, the most powerful Armagus (technology combined with seithr) in the world, which is wielded by Ragna the Bloodedge (which is referred to as a fake because V-13 and Noel have ones as well, but stronger.
This is incorrect.

Noel is V-12
No, Noel is M-12.

Rachel is a British, Vampire, Loli who is also God tier and doesn't lose her memory when time loops. She also prevents the end of the world by summoning an encantation that forms a powerful barrier and loops time when Noel's Ars Armagus awakens (Magic Death Ability Thing).
This is also wrong. The after the Black Beast is created at the end of every time loop, Jin and the Black Beast go back in time (100 years I think? Could be more.) Then Gigant Take-Mikazuchi (SUPPOSEDLY Hazama's Nox) destroys Kagutsuchi and Rachel wakes up at the beginning of a new time loop. The time loop ends when Rachel uses the Tsukuyomi unit (absolute defense) to stop Take-Mikazuchi from destroying Kagutsuchi. (Refer to True Ending)

Here's a good summary for Rachel...
Rachel does not need to travel back in time to experience each time loop;
rather, she simply appears in the next time loop with all of the knowledge
she has gathered. In addition, she is capable of existing outside and
between timelines; that is, while each timeline contains its own version of
Jin, there is only a single Rachel in all of the timelines.
If you REALLY want I can type of every little detail about the time loop...

Oh, and about Arakune...
He was once a Sector Seven scientist working under Kokonoe. At the time
he and Litchi were good friends, if not lovers. He longed for the wisdom
of the Boundary; he learned a great many things during his research, but
exposed himself too greatly to the Boundary (Litchi says he must have gone
near its gates), which has cost him his humanity.


Mar 16, 2007
I like this part.
it is ultimately useless to try to understand or control Tao. Everything is a part of Tao, and it encompasses everything. Tao is often compared to water, as it is clear, without color, and simple, though all beings depend on it for life and nothing can stand in its way.
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